A/N: This is called testing the waters of the Castle fandom. I discovered a drabble challenge over at LiveJournal called 'The Castle 100'. The prompt I decided to take a swing at is below.

Married Castle and Beckett

But, I would really enjoy it.

Fluffy holiday goodness-(not sure I addressed this).


"I'm not gonna do it," said Rick Castle, raising a frying pan high above his head.

"But, I would really enjoy it," the former Kate Beckett replied.

"But it's Monday," Castle rebutted. "We eat out on Monday nights."

"That was your old life, Castle," Kate said smirking.

"Please, call me Rick," Castle deadpanned. "We are married after all."

"Newly married," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "There's still time for an annulment. Give me the pan."

Handing her the pan, he said: "I don't like eggs."

"You're a bad liar. Now, go get Alexis. Breakfast will be ready in a flash."


When Rick entered the kitchen, he was greeted by a most pleasant sight. His wife was bent over placing a sheet of cookies into the oven. She did not appear to have noticed his entrance which was just fine because he was loving the view of her rear end in the dark blue jeans.

He leaned against the island and rested his chin on an elbow.

"Hi Honey."

In shock, she shot up straight, slamming the oven door. "Dammit, Castle!" she exclaimed, pink faced.

"Do you mind bending over again?" He asked, innocently.


"But, I would really enjoy it."

Please leave a review. Let me know if I'm on the right track. I'm even open to what I might do better.