A/N:This is a story I had been taking into consideration of making and I didn't know if I should. So I left alone, let the idea run through my head as it grew and grew into something very impressive and hopefully exciting for any curious eyes to look at. This is one of those "road to redemption" for Sasuke Uchiha, and considering that this is on the X-over with BLEACH, you get the idea. I hope you guys will like this story and you all don't get pissed off for making things very awkward, this is gonna follow the BLEACH storyline with small bits of NARUTO. Read and review!

Disclaimer:I do not own BLEACH and NARUTO or it's characters, just the plot.

It was beautiful

The white forest covered in a blanket of snow looked so radiant with the full moon in the dark night sky showered with millions and millions of stars. The cold calm and soothing as some of the twigs of the forest trees would gently sway from the gentle wind that would blow by a few times in an hour. Nothing stood out from white winter wonderland, nothing could ever stain the immaculate forest as it was stilled in peace.

Hisana walked calmly, her feet bare but she was strangely immune to the cold, only feeling the wind caress her bare cheeks. Her calm violet eyes searched, taking upon every new scenery and once in a while gaze at the starry sky and bright moon before continuing her trek. She smiled, never had she been in such a breath-taking place besides the gardens that the Kuchiki Manor held when she shared her walks with her husband.

The thought about Byakuya made her halt in her steps. Lately, her husband was being hassled by the elders of wanting to have the next heir of the Kuchiki Household, but Byakuya dismissed them. He would never force her into making love to bear a child, he would wait for her for as long as she wanted him to wait but she couldn't helped but feel a burden from the aggression pointed at her dear husband. She was still too busy trying to find Rukia, trying to find her lost family that she could not properly return the love that Byakuya had been showering her for the last few years since their marriage. If only there was some way to keep the elders off bay, to leave her and Byakuya to themselves instead of being constantly pressured of family duties or continuous searching of a lost family member.

When she looked up to gaze at the moon, she was shocked that she found herself staring at the small trail of blood. Suddenly frightened, her feet felt cold and the chill around her finally catching up, making her hug herself and shuffle painfully in her feet that was beginning to numb from the icy chill. She had a hard time breathing, hurrying through the snow in panic, trying to find a way through the forest that no longer held beauty but horror. Everything slowly turned red, catching a glimpse towards the white moon now dyed blood red.

'Someone...! Anyone! BYAKUYA!' she screamed with tears of panic and fear cutting into her heart.

A soft noise interrupted her, making her open her glazed eyes.

The small trail of blood led to a giant white tree where there sat a black-cloaked enigmatic man, a black hood pulled over his head, shielding his face from the rest of the red world now turned back to white. The cold that was wrapped around her disappeared and a new warmth shielded her bare skin and feet. The moon radiant like earlier instead of a terrifying scarlet. She watched the cloaked man breath heavily, blood flowing through his ripped clothes, hanging on the bare inches of what was left of his life as the crimson liquid stained the snow he sat on.

"Are you alright?" she called out weakly, afraid.

The breathing stopped abruptly and the head lifted lightly to stare at her.


She froze, deeply afraid of the stranger with a hidden face. But she reacted when a violent cough made the man hunch over and spit out more blood, making her cringe. She cautiously made her way over, her feet avoiding the blood until she had no choice but to step in when the blood was too wide. She shuddered as her bare pale feet were dyed, she kneeled in front of the injured man.

"Are you alright?" she asked again, this time more firm.

He remained silent, breathless as blood drooled from his lips, pooling in the snow. Hisana looked down at herself, her kimono absorbing and becoming just as stained as the pure white snow. She tore a piece of cloth from her silky dress, brushing it gently across the heavily injured man as he kept hunched over from pain. All caution and fear was thrown out the window replaced by concern and helplessness, if only she could find some help to save this poor man from dying of the blood loss that was painting the snow red. She froze from her frantic thinking when the hooded head of the stranger leaned against her shoulder, his dry breathing felt through her small layered dress and she did not mind of the closeness.

She was aware when automatically her arms hugged the man, not caring that the blood was getting all over her. This man needed comfort, he had not much time to live, the least she could offer was to hold the man before he would die but with the conscious that he did not die alone but someone there to keep his body company. She leaned her head against the cloaked man, eyes closed.

"Do you have a name, sir?"


"I see..." she whispered. "Then may peace be with you,..."














Hisana woke with a startle, she instantly threw the covers off and the sudden movements made the sleeping man in her bed awaken groggily before becoming full alert when she dashes off quickly. She ignored the calling of her name as she made haste to her destination that she so desperately needed to be as her breath choked and her stomach felt a tight knot;

The bathroom

She kneeled over before coughing up the stomach's contents from yesterday's meal with her husband before heading off to bed. She heard Byakuya, embarrassed to be watched in her condition like this, she turned away and continued to spew the food that had been in her stomach for mere hours. A gentle calloused hand rubbed at her back, soothing her as she coughed before calming down and was left kneeling on the tiled floor in the arms of her lover.

"Are you well, Hisana?" Byakuya asked softly.

"Y-yes... Thank you, Byakuya-sama. I-I didn't know what was wrong with me." Hisana stuttered weakly, being shaken from what she had done few seconds ago. "I apologize, my Lord."

"Don't." he whispered in her raven locks as he held her closer. "You are fine, that's all that matters."

Hisana looked up at her husband, Byakuya kissed her forehead gently with much affection. Hisana buried her face into his chest, eyes slightly watery but soon calming down from having forced her vomit out her mouth. She needed to probably be careful what she ate from now on in their meals and it Byakuya would ask his chefs to be careful what they had added in their last meal (or else...).

Unfortunately, the following mornings repeated over the few courses of days the moment after Hisana had awoken from that mysterious dream in a world of white snow, red blood, and enigmatic soul...