~*Saving You*~

So this is a story based on the movie The Covenant. This is just about the characters. I hope to get the first chapter out soon! In this story there is no Kate and Caleb has already ascended but there was no Chase complications, that is going to happen now that Pouge is going to ascend.

This is Sawyer Carlisle. She has "powers" like the boys, but they don't know that she is one of them. She is flirtatious and usually gets everything she wants. She will be ascending in about a month.

This is Sarah, who is dating Caleb and is Sawyer's new roommate. She knows about the "powers" that the boys have but would never dream of telling anybody about it.

Caleb Danvers. Is dating Sarah and the first son of Ipswich to ascend.

Pogue Parry is the second son of Ipswich to ascend and is the love interest of Sawyer.

Tyler Simms is the youngest of the sons of Ipswich. Kind of shy and follows Reid around.

Reid Garwin is a player and a flirt. He wants Sawyer, but she does not want anything to do with him.

Chase Collins! We all know that he is the bad guy, but does everybody else?

a link to a picture of sawyer will be in my profile :)