Serendipity [Edited]

Disclaimer: Samurai X is not mine.

Chapter 1 – Beginning(Kenshin's POV)

A fairytale always starts with a cruel beginning and ended in a happily ever after.

I remember, Moe, after our bedtime story had once asked was our life a happily ever after?

I answered her yes, after all she was my child and I hate to disillusion her. But I wonder as I stood here in front of Fairy Tots Preschool, ready to fetch my darling child, if I had already reached the end of my story. Was this the happily ever after that was often told in every Disney related stories?

My life had the perfect formula, a making of a fairytale. A cruel beginning with my oppressive, workaholic father as the starring villain and his mistress as his henchman. He manipulated my life as he pleased. For half my life I was a puppet, a follower to my father's every command. I had no voice, no mind and no heart. And he put me in a cage, threw away the key and made me suffer.

But I met someone. She gave me a heart, taught me how to think and help me find my voice. She was the light at the end of my tunnel. And she was everything that I need. Tomoe Yukishiro was the princess of my story. She was the one who rescued me from the dark abyss I was living.

I married her despite the rumours that were spreading. I was told I was being a disrespectful fool by marrying someone when I recently lost a wife. But can't they understand? She was no someone. She was my life. Tomoe was everything that I wanted and more. In my eyes she was the only one that existed.

And what I thought would be my happily ever after ending was dashed by her sudden death. For so little time I had her and now she was gone. Is this all the end that the story that was my life had to offer?

And as I ponder this, I notice the head of my kid peeking out from the door of her classroom and a smile formed on my lips. She saw me and gaily waved at me with her chubby arms. I waved back, happy that at least she was not crying like what she did for the last three days she's been here in America. I was about to enter the preschool to fetch her when I noticed the little boy she was holding hands with. My eyes zeroed on that little spot where their hands clutched together and I felt fear.

My little girl holding a boy's hand.

And it scared me to think that my little girl, my lovely daughter was starting the beginning of her story. A story that'll left me all alone and trapped to the four walls of my office. Was this really my kind of ending?

Instead of charging in and throw away the kid away from my child, I forced myself to stop and observe them from a distance. Her eyes shone brightly as she spoke to him, her hands excitedly gestures, and she spoke loudly and jovially. It's a contrast to the sullen, silent, sulking girl I was with this morning.

"Good afternoon! Are you going to take Mo home?" Ms. Peninsula asked pulling me out of my trance. I looked at her questioning gaze and nodded.

"Yes." I said. She nodded as her gaze went to where I was looking at awhile ago. She went ahead to get my daughter but I clutched her arm and stopped her. I wanted to get her on my own. I want to feel her hugs as soon as possible. Is this what every parents feel? Did my father ever felt this way?

"What is it sir?"

"I'll get her. Is that ok?" I asked and she nodded as she let me inside. She was instantly by my side and as she chatted about the qualities of my daughter that I already knew and bragged off, I helped myself on watching my daughter talking to her new friend. I felt uneasy but happy at the same time. It was a confusing feeling and it was one of those times that I wish Tomoe was alive. She knew what to do on these kinds of things. She was smart. And I wasn't.

My daughter noticed us first and excitedly she pointed us over to her new friend. I prepared my smile while thinking if this guy going to get my Moe. But when he looked to see us, I stilled. There was something familiar about him. Maybe it was the red hair. Or was it the eyes? But maybe what made me unable to move was the way he acts. He reminded me of someone…

Or maybe it's just the hair.

"Excuse me." I said and left off with a smile. I approached them, a soft smile playing on my lips as my daughter hugged me fiercely. I hugged her back and ask, "How's America so far?"

"Amazing!" Mo replied chirpily as she then pulled her friend by her side and said, "Daddy this is Kenji. Kenji this is daddy."

"Hello." I said as I crouched down to their level.

"Hello." There was confidence in his voice and maturity in his stance that impressed me. My little girl really knew how to choose her friends.

"Daddy I was telling Kenji about…"

"Kenji!" A woman shouted, interrupting my kid's monologue. I stood up and looked at the terrified mother with bemusement. She was blond and scared although I couldn't see her eyes due to the sun glasses she had donned. I relaxed my stance so that I wouldn't scare her away and I guess it help a little bit.

"Mom." Kenji greeted as he hugged her tightly, "You came! What happen to Auntie? Are you okay now mom?"

"Your aunt Misao is working." She answered and I was curious at the fear in her voice.

So this is the mom's brat huh? I stood up and grabbed Mo to my side as we watched the spectacle of mother and child. They were an amusing pair to watch. Kenji only cared about his mom's well-being that he sounded patronizing. Opposed to that was the mom who only cared about fetching his son.

"Hi Auntie." Mo greeted, interrupting the mother and son moment. They both looked at her and the mother blushed. Mo smiled and extended her hand as she introduces herself, "I'm Mo. Kenji's friend."

It took a moment for her to reply as she stared intently at my daughter. Mo looked uncomfortable in her gaze that I almost step-in. But before I could do anything she already smiled and responded, "I'm Christine. Nice to meet you."

"Hello! And this is my father."

She looked at me; her smile even if it looked forced and strained was still plastered in her face as she said, "It's nice meeting you Mr.?"

"Himura. Kenshin Himura."

"It's nice meeting you Mr. Himura."

"It's nice meeting you too." I said courteously, decorum in place. I looked down at my watch and notice it was thirty minutes before an important meeting. I crouched down to looked at my daughter and said, "I'm sorry honey but we have to go now. Daddy has some important things to do."

"But...but!" She protested, nearly in tears. It tore my heart apart but business was business. We need to go.

Seemingly understanding our situation Kenji's mom sat down and said, "You'll meet Kenji tomorrow Mo. Don't worry. Right now your father has some important things to do. So don't worry okay? There is still tomorrow."

Mo was entranced and so was I. She was convincing and I have no doubts in my mind that she already persuaded Mo to go with me. My daughter's stubborn and I considered it a feat to dissuade her from her wants.

"Ok." Mo answered and I felt like applauding Kenji's mom.

I smiled at her thankfully and said, "It's nice meeting you Kenji. And thank you."

"It's okay. Drive safely." She said and we separately went our own ways. I was already talking on my phone when my daughter looked back and waved.

"Bye Kenji!"

"Bye Mo!"

And as I looked at my daughter's happiness, I was satisfied. Maybe this wasn't the ending I had imagined. Maybe this wasn't the happily ever after I wanted with Tomoe. But this was more than enough. I have my child here by side. And I was happy.

And maybe, this wasn't the only ending that I have. Maybe this was only another chapter of my life. And who knows, maybe today a new beginning of my story had begun.