_Please explain to me again why I agreed to do this?

_Probably because you want to impress Samantha with your metrosexual way._Sam said, looking at Dean by the closet door, dressed in a pair of workout lycra pants, teal with yellow and white stripes on the side, and a matching top, leaving bared all the area below the solar plexus. It was one of Jessica's workout outfits, and was part of the conditions to be invisible to the Weaver. They had discussed this a lot. At first, they needed only to summon the weaver, expect it to come and cut the silver cord, that she uses to drag behind her and that would prevent her from flying away at the first touch, with a pair of silver scissors. After that, it would be enough to stick her with an old needle, the same one used to invoke it. This would destroy the Weaver.

The problem is that as she wouldn't come if she realized that she would be observed. Mrs. Havasy explained that the only way to be invisible to the Weaver senses was dressing in Jessica's clothes. The weaver would believe it was only a ghostly presence, and would ignore the presence of those who were there.

Samantha volunteered for doing this, but the brothers gently told her it would be too risky. If something went wrong Samantha could get hurt seriously, and even if the worst doesn't happen, they could lose the opportunity to destroy the weaver.

So, decided that Samantha was out, there was a problem. Actually, two. The first came when they got Jessica's clothes. Sam started by putting obstacles even to Dean to touch Jessica's personal objects that escaped the fire, and were now right there at the Samantha's home.

_Hey, I don't want you messing in my girlfriend's underwear! _He even said it, realizing that Dean was completely insensitive to his feelings.

_Wow, Sammy, okay. I did not think of using them, even! Only one of us will wear her clothes, is it fair enough? And since you were more ... Close to her, you wear them. This time, I get the easy task of destroying the fucking Weaver with a tiny needle. _Dean act the victim and moved away, after all he was getting tired of this absurd obsession of Sam with Jess. What after all, was much crazier than them both. And Sam was afraid she knew the truth about the Winchesters, ha!

Sam blushed when he realized he might be extrapolating. And he was really trying, with looser clothes he found. But Jesse was not a girl of wearing loose clothing, and was much smaller than Sam. All he tried just didn't even fit. Before running out of Jessica's clothes, Sam had to look for his brother and admit that Jess's clothes were not as important as saving Samantha.

Now, seeing his brother in that awkward situation, he could not help laughing and thinking that his brother once again was right, there were some sacrifices to be made and should be ready to make them. Dean was sacrificing, Sam knew him well.

-Thank you._he said.

_Thanks? Why? _Dean's mood was as susceptible as a woman with PMS.

_For doing it.

_For my Timberlake-Beyonce personal roleplay? It was the only one who fitted!

_Well, I bet that Samantha might even cry if she were watching your well defined abs in this outfit. _Sam commented, not resisting to nag his brother. It was a rare opportunity to reverse the roles of each.

_I think I wish I never have to subject myself to anything as embarrassing again.

Near the window, the embroidered fabric with Sam's name and a bloodstain waited until the Weaver came. As feared that Samantha was alone, she and Sam were on the outside of the house and alert, just waiting for the right time for Sam to go. They needed distance. The oldest was waiting in the room, with a pair of silver scissors, feeling bad and hoping that Samantha did not need to come upstairs and see him that way.

Sam was the one who saw in the distance, the front door opening by itself. Samantha has just opened her mouth in an expression of awe, though she was absolutely convinced of what happened. Sam held his "Holy .12", just in case, when he passed his hand in his pocket lapel, where he picked the 30 years old needle, given by Mrs. Havasy. But it was not there.

_Samantha. The needle! I lost it!

_Oh my God! _They looked to the lawn where they were. Knelt desperate, starting the search. They were in terrible condition of those looking for a needle in a haystack.

Dean saw the door open and a hunchbacked creature, short and with the face of an old and sad ugly hag, just appeared. It was yellow and depressing, but it wasn't the scariest thing that Dean had seen. He could say that already had seen uglier people before in his life. Aside from the fact of leaving behind a thin line of supernatural sheen, and that she had a huge mouth and pending lips cut in several places, Dean thought she would give a good fairy godmother.

She stared at Dean, who contained the nervousness of the situation and launched a bitter smile back. But she'd not even seen him, turning its attention to the embroidery. But her movements were infuriatingly slow, Dean knew it was because of the silver wire, it was as if she were producing it as she walked. But they had been advised that once cut the wire, although it impossible for her to escape, she would not be so harmless. Dean had to wait for it to look into the embroidery to jump behind it and pass the scissors in silk. She let out a horrible shriek and Dean thought ready, now is the time when I am spanked like hell till Sam gets here. Good thing I'm in wrestling outfits.

Dean was too experienced to be wrong, the jerk who took it was not fully absorbed, and some supernatural creatures have a nasty habit of being extremely strong, fast, and do not feel pain. Dean hit the back against the wall and was slightly stunned, but not enough to give up the fight. He returned to grab the weaver. All he had to do was keep her busy until Sam pick the needle, but ... Where was Sam?

Samantha was who found the needle, they've heard the thud inside the house, and as she turned it to Sam, he ran, passing over the silver lining that came up the stairs. It was as if he had taken less than a second to go up, and met with Jessica to the door where Dean and the Weaver were. Or rather, met with her ghostly apparition, that faced him with an expression of surprise and pain ...

She wanted to say something, Sam felt his heart failing a beat. It would be a trick of the Weaver, or really the Jessica's spirit?

Inside, another thud against the wall, the hiss of the creature was appaling.

_Sam?! _ Dean's voice asked for his presence, that sense of urgency that only his brother could do.

It was a difficult decision, but Sam had already chosen as he kicked the door down, and in two strides, he reached the Weaver's back, who was choking Dean while trapping him against the wall. Sam thrust the needle in its spine, until he felt that his hand had been hurt by the blunt end of the needle.

The weaver shook all over, turning on itself with a shriek. While Dean rubbed his throat, relieving the injury, they watched the creature shrink and shrink while vibrating and shrieking as an object on fire, until it became a little spider. Sam stepped with his boot on it, putting an end to it.


The brothers were already in the Impala, out of Carmel, both thoughtful about the adventure which they lived. Sam is eager to make some questions, but imagine that Dean is angry because, after all, Samantha had seen him dressed in that lycra clothes.

_ Do You Think Jessica is now well? I mean ... Now she will be able to rest in peace? _it was Dean who surprised him with the most unexpected question that Sam could expect today. He'd never imagined that his brother was thinking about it.

_It worked out well, right? I like to think so._ Sam didn't think it was very wise to inform Dean that he had seen Jessica's ghost outside the door. Dean would be concerned, or at least worried about it.

- Me too.

A short silence fell between them, until Sam broke it.

_Samantha liked you. I saw you both talking before we told her goodbye._Sam had noticed very well Samantha's interest in his older brother after all the support they gave. And even after Dean's lycra outfit.

Dean sighed, then ran his hand over his unshaven face, his lips twisting in the old expression of discomfort that Sam knew very well.

_Yep ... would have been interesting.

_ Would be ... Interesting?! _Sam shouted, disbelieving his brother's words. _Dean, are you feverish? I know very well that she is your muse! She ... Well, she knows you're a hunter!

_And may she continue to be my muse, right?

Sam laughed, shaking his head. Sometimes Dean was even too much.

He still had a question, but would not do it today. What Dean had wished, anyway?