(Alice's POV)

We didn't waste time after receiving Carrie's call. A child was at risk and this child is closer to us than he ever knows. Edward was going to become a part of our family and we weren't going to give him up that easily.

We headed to the treaty border. The other vampire was at wolves' territory. When we arrived, one of the wolves was already for us. We followed him to place where we found Carlisle, Esme and Carrie talking to Ephraim who was still in his human form. The other wolves were around them.

"We chased him off to the border of Canada. There, we lost his scent," Ephraim reported to us but Carrie's fears were still not allayed.

"He won't be gone soon. He's after Edward," Carrie explained with fear evident in her voice. "Laurent has a grudge against me and he won't stop until he finally kills Edward."

We fell silent at her words. The vampire had been after Edward all along. That explains why he attacked the wolves first because of the connection Elizabeth had with them in the past.

"We have to move now," Carlisle said as thunder clapped overhead. "Rains will be making finding Edward and Laurent difficult. We have to separate."

It was agreed that most of the wolves, Carrie, Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie and Carlisle will be looking for Laurent. It had been decided that he would be killed to avoid this from happening. Meanwhile, what was left of the wolves, Esme and me will be searching for Edward. This will be an easier task since Edward might not have gotten that far.

Jasper's team broke up to make searching easier but we didn't have to go far to find Edward with Laurent.

We had followed different paths and different scents but found that the both led to the same directions.

It led to a clearing and in the middle of it was Laurent clutching Edward's arm.

We were about to attack when Laurent faced us.

"You wouldn't want to do that," He mocked as we went closer. It was a painful sight. His fingers were wrapped around Edward's arm, preventing him from moving. Edward looked scared and confused.

"Carrie, Alice," Edward called out upon seeing us. He was struggling to get free from Laurent's grasp but the vampire held him still.

"You know Carrie after Irina's death; I thought of ways to avenge her. I was thinking of doing what she did to me. You know, killing her mate just like what she did to me but then I realized that her mate had long died which makes the plan useless," He explicated matter-of-factly. He was gripping Edward's arm tighter now and Edward was in tears over the pain. Carrie was at a loss of what to do. If she made any wrong move, Edward would end up paying up with his life but from what is happening it seems that Edward will die with or without us doing anything.

"Laurent, keep Edward out of this. He doesn't know anything," Carlisle tried to reason but Laurent just laughed.

"Is that so? Well, this makes it more exciting. So then I thought what if I killed the next most important person in Elizabeth's life. If her mate was very precious to her, I wonder what will happen if killed her son?" He continued on with his story. "So here I am, avenging Irina by killing Edward."

"Carrie, what is he talking about? Who is Elizabeth and how come I keep hearing thoughts saying that you are vampires?" He called in a trembling voice. The situation was too much for him. He didn't know the truth about us. "Is it true?"

"What is this? It seems that this young one have no idea about you at all. Let me clarify this to you Edward as you deserve to know the truth before you die. Carrie and the Cullens, who I see you have trusted very much, are vampires," He said in a fake concerned voice. Edward looked at us, puzzled at what Laurent had said.

"Is it true? Is it true that you are vampires?" He asked in a small voice.

None of us could do anything about what was happening. Laurent had known about our weaknesses and used them for his own gain. He was taking out all what had happened to Irina on Edward and there was no one stopping him.

Then there was a growl heard from behind them and a wolf suddenly attacked. It was a werewolf, one of who was separated. He had been hiding from the distance observing when to attack. The sudden attack caused Laurent to let Edward go.

We sprang into action. Laurent didn't even have time to fight. In due time, he was shattered on the forest floor and was soon set on fire.

When all was done, Rosalie suddenly asked in a worried tone, "Where's Edward?"

(Edward's POV)

I ran away. I don't know where I am going but I just ran. When I tripped over a branch, I stood up and ran even more. The Cullens and Carrie lied to me. They didn't tell me the truth. The vampire, Laurent did. It made me confused. How can they lie to me? I thought I could trust them. I couldn't trust anyone anymore.

I stopped and I cried. There was no one who would understand me. As I was sitting there and crying, I didn't notice that Ephraim come until he spoke.

"Edward," He said gently. I didn't look up.

"I don't understand," I cried. "Why did they lie to me? Were they going to kill me?"

"No, Edward. They wouldn't," Ephraim said as he sat down beside me. "You weren't a meal to them. From what I could see, that thought never even entered their mind. They wouldn't risk their lives if you were just a meal to them, would they?"

I thought about what Epharaim said. The Cullens had been anything but kind to me since I had met them. They treated me like a part of their family. They never made fun of me when I told them I could read and Jasper surprised me when he told me about his.

"I guess," I answered then I asked something that had been bugging me. "Were the wolves I saw awhile ago the ones in your story?"


"So you mean the Cullens and Carrie were the golden-eyed creatures in your stories?"


"Who is Elizabeth? I heard the other vampire mention her couple of times and what she did got him angry," I asked, thinking of the thoughts that I saw in the vampire's mind.

Ephraim didn't answer but instead looked down on the forest floor. He was thinking of something but I didn't know what because I couldn't read his mind.

Finally he stood up.

"Come on," He said, offering his hand to me. "Let's go to Carrie. I think its time that you know everything."

I know I haven't updated in awhile and I am so so terribly sorry for that. School has been occupying most of my time.

Please, please, please review. They always help.