Author's Note: WARNING. This fic has rape, abuse, violence, sex, and language. Also MPreg. There will be a male getting pregnant in this story. So if it isn't your thing, just move along, but I do recommend you give it a chance; I myself am quite excited about this story. :] There will also be major disregard for the rules of science (obviously) and Stephanie Meyer. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Chapter One


I'm breaking the rules by sending you this. She was afraid of hurting you, and she didn't want to make you feel obligated in any way. But I know that, if things had gone the other way, I would have wanted the choice.

I promise I will take care of her, Jacob. Thank you - for her - for everything.


The little white square of paper turned into a crumpled mesh in between my clenched fingers. I was shaking so hard, I literally didn't know if I could keep control of my phasing anymore.

This wasn't right! My Bella couldn't possibly marry that…that leech!

I had to get away from there. I just had to; I would not see her walk down the aisle, all dressed in white and set up like a perfect sacrifice to those creatures of the night, so that he could damn her to hell, and where I wouldn't be able to even hear her voice without wanting to rip out her vocal chords. This inbred hatred between shape shifters and vampires would not change just because the infamous Bella Swan had decided to choose the wrong side, no matter what her idiotic, naïve brain forced her to think. She was more than a little unstable, anyway. She thought the world fucking revolved around her. Well, mine did. Her and the leech she was about to call husband.

Without a word or another thought, I was naked and running, feeling my skin split into fur, my limbs elongate and build for three-beat loping, more than two-beat sprints. My face widened, became more triangular and sharp canines burst from my gums in a sharp point of pain, that quickly faded as I allowed my wolf mind to take over, to see everything in simpler clarity. As a wolf, nothing of human troubles could reach me.

None of the pack were phased, and for that I was glad. I didn't want any condolences or pep talks, both of which I was likely to get from the Usurper Alpha, and the rest of the wolves I considered my friends and comrades. Up until now. It seemed like they were a burden more often than not, a constant pressure on my thoughts to keep them clean and sound and focused, as a true Alpha's should be. Sam was a pretender, an usurper to the House of Black. Black was never meant to serve Uley, just as the House of Uley should never have been allowed to such positions of power. It was a gross malignancy on my mind, sometimes, growing and growing until I felt myself be pulled under with murderous, treacherous thoughts that Sam tried to avoid, but I know he heard.

Of course, I would never allow myself to take part on those actions; the time for me to take my rightful place had not come. Not yet.

The forest disappeared underneath my body, as it dared to defy me with such a thing as mere distance. Hah! I could outrun all but the fastest leeches if I wanted to, cross the entire United States in a matter of days…but that meant nothing to her, of course. The only thing she brought into account when picking the speed of her lovers - those she chose to string along and those she kept - was how fast they were able to reach her. The only advantage she had by choosing me was that I was free to go anywhere; Cullen would be violating a treaty if he tried to move onto the Res. But of course, no one wants to even think about loving something that can transform into a giant wolf - because fucking sparkling leeches are far cooler and prettier to look at. Shiny.

She's like a fucking magpie.

Or maybe a raven or crow…after all, she only wants to peck her nose at dead things.

Cynical thoughts, Jacob. Oh, how murderous my mind could become, and only for the thought that him and her were going to be together forever in every single sense of the word, and I was going to be left 'Waiting in the wings', as he had so eloquently put it, not so long ago. He had played the situation, manipulated all of the emotions involved even better than that empathic leech could ever accomplish…because he made me think my thoughts were my own. He made me assume that this was what I wanted…everything up until now, he had made seem like either Bella's choice, or mine.

And I hated that.

I hated him.

I hated that I had been so easy to manipulate, to mould to his purposes and whims. I wasn't some damned puppet flopping about on a string! I was a shape shifter! An Alpha one at that, and to be pulled over by a leech! It was the lowest kind of shame…and I know that if I had overthrown the Usurper before that incident, the shame of it all on my House would have permanently guaranteed me an Exile's life. But as a Beta…

Well, as a Beta I could get away with fucking murder. If it was the right one.

Seth didn't understand; he couldn't see. He couldn't bring to his forefront thoughts how evil these things were. Yes, when he and Cullen had both fought together against the invaders, they had been a remarkable team, a bond forged then stronger than perhaps any wolf-leech bond before, as comrades in battle and perhaps even friends. That thought enraged me. Cullen wasn't allowed to get near any member of my pack except me! And that was only so that I could rip his fucking throat out and burn it, then shove the ash into his system, tear off each individual limb and appendage until he was nothing more than a torso and head, having made him eat all of his body, and then burn the rest and listen to his dying screams of pain. Leeches couldn't pass out - it would be a very long, very satisfying kill.

And he knew I wanted to do this to him…He knew that I wanted to completely destroy him…To rob him of everything he knew and cherished and cared about until all that was left was agony, and Me. He knew this and yet he still tried to goad me on, to make me be a part of his life and that of Bella's.

What the fuck was he playing at?

I had been running for some amount of time - you know, the amount of time where you've kinda lost track of it, but all you know is you're dying for a drink, your feet hurt and you've got a killer headache from being in the sun too long - before I hit water. I only knew I was moving Southwards…cause my life was heading straight south. When did I become such a symbolist douche?

Probably around the time I started carving that little wolf effigy for Bella. That thing had taken freaking ages, and my nails would never be the same again…and yet, thinking back on it…I knew it hadn't ever been for her. No…I had wanted to see his reaction to it; a claim I had taken over her. His reaction had been…well, I had both anticipated it and been surprised by it. Not only had he not destroyed it, sent it back or even shown the slightest inclination of noticing it, but he had actually tried to make it a sort of…shared sentiment, by adding his own charm to it. Staking his own claim, but only half the claim on the woman he loved. The woman I loved. Of course…that was all he was entitled to, wasn't he? I had been there first, after all. I had known Bella from childhood, where he was still a nice paedophilic age to be lurking around high schools and checking out teenaged girls. Of course, I knew this wasn't true, but I think I'm entitled to my prejudices, just as he is allowed to have his.

But that's the infuriating part!

He doesn't hate me. I want him to hate me…because what he feels right now. Fuck it's like I can fucking know how his mind works, and it kills me to even think I'm that in tune with a leech! This emotion he feels towards me is nothing short of tolerance. How disgusting. Tolerance suggests patronization, because he knows he's won and therefore merely watches my actions and attempts with an amused eye, like someone would watch a child while it is in the middle of a sugar rush or temper tantrum. So if that's all he looks at me with, it only made me want to watch that look change…to fear, perhaps, or pain. Maybe even admiration when I finally best him, finally bring him to his knees in front of me.

The sweet scent of water washed over me, accompanied with faint saline content and the distinct smell of fishiness. I cast my eyes around, trying to find the source, and was angered when it eluded me. But, when I finally allowed my mind to clear of such rage-induced thoughts, or perhaps suspects of hallucination, I realized why. Fog surrounded me, thick and heavy and cold in the air. It felt like if leeches could evaporate…Don't you see? Such is my hatred for them that only other things that I hate can be compared to them…Like the isotope Carbon-12...that is where all the other atoms get their relative atomic mass or whatever. Yeah, I pay attention in school, and I go to good schools. It's not just the whole mumbo-jumbo-Old-Legends-about-creepy-Gods-and-creatures thing on the Res. And I was smart anyway…but nothing compared to a leech.

Anyway, I digress. My eyes were obviously going to fail me here, so the next logical choice would be my nose, yes? That is my second strongest sense as a wolf, and therefore the one I should most rely on.

So I strode forward, careful to keep my ears cocked and ready for a human who decided that giant shapes in the mist were bad news. Whoever did shoot at me should become the fucking spokesperson for every horror movie hero in the WORLD. Seriously, don't they watch that shit? I mean…as if the creepy music isn't a fucking dead giveaway - pun intended - but they always say the shit like 'That can't be real' or 'You're crazy', and then they get their heads blown off by fucking psycho ghosts or whatever. I'd rather be the idiotic sceptic that believed them and lived than the retard who didn't, and died.

I digress again…it seems the wolf part of me can't stay focused. I tend to lose my wolf-ness after a while of being phased. I get tired or bored or want something more on a level of cognitive thinking, but I also just want the solitude. No one talks to wolves, and I was too far away from my pack for them to hear me.

A plaque suddenly materialized out of nowhere, right in front of my nose, accompanied by a sudden drop into what I can only assume was water, since the scent got absolutely overwhelming as soon as my head breached the edge of the cliff side. I peered closer.

Cape Disappointment.

Wow. Really?

Could my life get any more fucking cliché?

Apparently so. Sigh.

I carefully side-stepped the plaque, being sure to keep at least a foot between me and the cliff edge - yeah, I watch movies too, and I know there's always a part of the rock ready to crumble and take whatever was standing on it to a nice gruesome death. There had to be a way down; yeah, it smelled like salt but I was so thirsty I would probably take horse piss right about now.

Or Budweiser.


Finally, there was a small hanging that sort of…well, basically it was still a steep drop…but a steep drop with footholds to get in and back out. The water smelled slightly clearer here too; less like the sea and more like a lake. Hopefully that would be slightly more thirst-quenching…Hopefully. Again; better than horse piss. Loads of animals probably came down here, from the sudden amount of scents I was acquiring with every inhalation. I loved the whole fact that I could just run and run and run and hardly ever get tired…except for the kind of mental exhaustion that came with no sleep or whatever. But leeches could just fucking go all the damn time.

Jeesh, I need to stop comparing myself to him…to them. I had lost and that's all there was to it.

Once my thirst was quenched I only took off again, this time more West; I didn't want to go any further South, because it was getting warmer and running in the heat didn't seem like a very attractive option to me. Now…Now I was struck with just how little I knew about the world outside my home and my state. I mean Geography had never been my strong point, because I had never needed to consider that I might one day leave Forks. I had everything I needed until them, even perhaps getting towards a woman, and then the Cullens had to move back here and ruin it all. Damn the Treaty, otherwise as soon as I had figured out what I was, I would have fucking gone over and ripped open the lot of them. Just because Bella only turned to me because he had left…Hell, I would take seconds over nothing.

I shouldn't be thinking like this.

But I can't help it.

I hate him so much.

'I promise I will take care of her, Jacob.' Bullshit. He can't even fucking be around her without wanting to take a bite out of her neck. I knew how it felt to be bitten and trust me, it's not a fucking picnic. Even a nasty bite from a fellow pack member during a play fight hurts like a bitch - I can't imagine what would happen if you added venom into the mix. I had heard it felt like living fire, flowing through your veins faster than blood, burning and changing for three whole days. Who would do that willingly? What possible cause could there be for enduring so much torture? Love wasn't nearly powerful enough…surely.

But I know I would be guilty of the same sort of devotion…if and when I ever found my Imprint. Maybe this little 'vacation' was exactly what I needed, to get away and settle down with a nice girl that would help me forget about Bella and Edward, and the thought of them together. As leeches.

Uggh, all this indecision was giving me a headache. Without a sound I changed back, already by the bank of the cold water. It felt good in the bright, rare sun, to wash my body of sweat and dirt that had accumulated from running. Say what you want; animal fur is a bitch to clean and I still find bits of dirt and moss and shit around my skin days later. Disgusting; I'm glad I have the immune system of a fucking paranormal.

Leeches couldn't ever get sick. It was, like, impossible or something since they didn't have blood or cells to destroy; anything bad in their system would get removed or neutralized by venom. Yeah, I had done my homework. When Carlisle was treating me after the newborn invasion, I had wanted to know anything and everything I could. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer…Right? I wanted to know how it all worked, how they managed to live forever without their bodies decaying, why they sparkled…All that jazz. Unfortunately, although the doctor had answered all of my questions, it was always in this vague, evasive way that left me feeling unsatisfied, knowing I only had a partial truth. I wonder who was responsible for that.

This hatred will consume me.

I pulled on my pair of cut-offs, throwing away the attached string tied to around my ankle; I wouldn't be going wolf for a while now. I just needed to sleep, for as long and as deeply as possible. Maybe then, when I woke up, I could think with a clearer head.

It was another couple of miles to the next town, and my feet hurt like no feeling on Earth could describe. Especially where the tendon was, because of the odd alignment that came with changing from wolf to human and back again. After a while our joints tended to ache, especially after spending so much time in one form, as I had just done.

I wonder if my pack are looking for me, and if so, are they having any success? I was pretty sure that I was out of range from our mental links. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to take any chances; I was going to be human for now. At least until I could figure out my next move; I had little money, no food, no clothes. Damn, this whole 'running away' thing was a lot more complicated than movies and shit made it seem. Jeez…if only paranormal shit was as easy to solve as everything else; stake through his heart and garlic up his nose. Or a silver bullet right into my brain. Simple as.

Snap out of it, Jacob. That's not how things work around here, in this world, this life. Nothing's going to be resolved if you keep feeling sorry for yourself, and don't act.

I was just about ready to agree with the voice in my head - yeah, agreeing with voices in my head. I know, I'm a psycho - when buildings suddenly started cropping up around me. With no idea where I was or where I was meant to go to find a decent hotel, I just kept walking along the main road running right into the centre of the small town. It looked pleasant enough, in that sickening-white-picket-fence-dog-out-front-Volvo-in-the-garage-and-two-kids-with-husband-cheating-on-wife-with-neighbour kind of way. When did I become such a cynic? Hell, I think I'm entitled to it right now. Hopefully, though, I will follow my own advice and snap out of it before long.

Finally a small motel came into view on the other side of the town, when the road came back out towards the highway again. I entered the reception quickly, going up to the main guy behind the counter. He fixed me with a suspicious glance - after all, I was a half-naked man coming basically out of nowhere, on the highway with no mode of transportation except my own two feet, and no bags or anything. Whatever; I was in no mood for excuses and shit. I could only hope that his sense of business was greater than his sense of safety. How must the leeches cope, with a human's natural response being to flee in the other direction as fast as possible. Still, with their kinda-awesome-but-also-really-annoying ability to charm the hell out of people, they must get their way pretty easily, after all.

"Room for one?" he asked, before I could even have the opportunity to speak. I merely nodded, not bothering to even try and put forward a friendly façade; like I mentioned before, I couldn't be assed for any of it. "Forty bucks a night."

"That's fine," I replied, not caring if it was a major rip-off or a good deal. All I wanted was a relatively comfortable bed (or piece of floor) and some hot water wouldn't hurt one bit. He handed me a key as I gave him the cash, and went to my room. It was the third one along from the reception, and from the absence of every other key on the wall, the only unoccupied room. Inside there was a single twin bed, en suite revealing a toilet and shower cubicle in one corner. Yeah, I could definitely work with this; I'd had worse.

Well, that's not quite true, but I was nothing if not the rugged, go-without type. I had to be.

She would probably be living the cookie-cutter, perfect life once she was married, except for the whole wanting-to-destroy-the-entire-town kind of thing as a newborn vampire. Uggh, even the thought of it repulsed me. If only the Cullens hadn't come along and ruined everything. Or better yet - if they had been human, and died rightfully in whatever century they were born into. Even if they did end up being in Forks as regular humans, perhaps I would have stood more of a chance with Bella. Maybe even accepted her rejection in choosing Edward to marry - after all, choosing humanity over a shape shifter made a hell of a lot more sense than choosing a vampire over a shape shifter. But then I might have gotten over that, maybe even grown to tolerate and like the Cullens. Now, with the perversion of their existence I was forever cursed to hate and revile them as the leeches they were.

I just couldn't get over why. Why would she want to choose such an immoral, debased life over one with a semblance of normality? I could easily give up my ability, grow old and die with her. We could have children and grandchildren, and she would have a completely normal life.

Normal's not her style, Jacob. Besides, she wants to be perfect, she wants to live forever. She said so herself. Who wants to grow old and die, when they could be beautiful and immortal until Kingdom Come?

That voice was really starting to piss me off with its stark clarity. I mean, couldn't a man/wolf have a little solitude from even the voices in his head.

Edward would understand about that.

Stop thinking about him.

With a sigh, I flopped down backwards over the bed. Okay…stop thinking about Edward…then think about what? What could sufficiently occupy my mind that I wouldn't be wondering about any leech troubles or shape shifter problems?

I can think of one thing…

Yeah, well I can think of several. First, shower. Yes, a shower would be nice.

I hauled myself up from the bed again with another sigh, pushing the fallen hair out of my eyes. Hopefully there were scissors in the bathroom; I could use another haircut. I traipsed inside the little en suite and, after a few dumb moments when I tried to figure out which handle controlled what, started the shower and waited for it to warm. To occupy the time between then - because I was fairly certain that a place like this would have a slow-reacting boiler system - I took a pair of scissors (which had been in one of the drawers under the sink. There had been some yellow and black stuff on it, but I wasn't going to dwell. Whatever crap in my hair that transferred would be cleaned by the shower anyway) and started chopping away. The black strands that fell in front of my face went first, then the rest as it fell around my shoulders. It was definitely a crude cut, but it worked well enough for me and I ended up with a little scruffy mop of hair on top of my head. The mirror had almost fully steamed up, and so, figuring the water was about nice temperature, I stripped myself of the cut-offs and slid under the warm jets. The water pressure was amazing, hitting my neck and shoulders with the same pressure of a massage. Fucking heaven, as I felt the dirt and grime slowly come off my body, and into the drain. It was so relaxing, and I could even feel the smile coming to my face as I allowed the water to soothe me, until I realized that one part of my anatomy wasn't in the mood to chill.

Well, crap. What the hell was wrong with my body? It didn't seem to be connected much with my brain anymore. But who was I to deny myself a free orgasm? Hell….I admit it; I fantasized about being with Bella many times when Edward had left her. I had felt like a bit of a freak for doing it really, because she was my best friend and she was in pain. I was meant to be trying to help her, to heal her. But like I said before; body and mind? - Not always in sync.

My hand quickly found my straining erection, and I closed my eyes, ready to get to work. After a moment, though, I thought better of my standing position and sat down underneath the shower head, so the water was still pelting my shoulders and down my back in a steady beat. I had an embarrassing tendency to feel a little weak after my orgasms, so standing on a slippery surface wasn't going to be the wisest decision that I had ever made.

I returned my grip quickly after; my mental acceptance of what I was about to do had merely made my situation more painful, harder in readiness. I closed my eyes again, letting my mind take me to wherever it decided I should go. Usually I touched myself a little more first; teasing, because when I had fantasized about Bella, she had been unsure, hesitant. The actual experience would probably as long and drawn out as possible. Right now, though, I was in no mood for games.

I imagined lips closing around my cock, expertly taking me into the warm haven of a mouth. The contact was chill, since shape shifters were naturally so warm, and everyone else felt like a cold wind in comparison. That didn't bother me now, though. My body was more than warm enough to compensate for my imagination's temperature.

A tongue dipped into the slit, licking at the small amount of precum that was already gathering there. I mimicked this movement with my thumb, and it made me draw in a deep breath. Soon I was working my hand up and down, imagining the mouth and lips doing the same thing.

A pale hand come up, closing around the base of my erection. It was soon unnecessary, though, because the mouth kept coming lower, taking more and more of me in until I could feel my head hit the back of the throat. The sensation was un-fucking-believable as I was enveloped in the cool, silky cavern before the mouth drew itself back up, giving just a teasing graze of teeth and tongue. Then, all the focus was on the head, and I moved my hands - which in my imagination had merely been at my sides - to knot in the thick locks of hair. Right now there was no colour, no identity to help me put a name to this person…but I wasn't really caring. Whoever it was, they had a wickedly talented mouth, especially the things that tongue was doing…

The mystery person soon returned their mouth to taking in my entire cock with ease, seemingly having no gag reflex. Not that I was complaining; she was bringing me incredibly close to orgasm already. Maybe this was my Imprint…what a nice thought to imagine.

Her mouth withdrew quickly for a moment, after licking all the way up my cock. I could hear her low laugh of pleasure, it was almost a purr. Delicious.

"You like that, Jacob?" she asked. Her voice was startling; smooth and musical and just as low as her laugh had been. It was also vaguely familiar…but I was in no correct mindset to place it. I merely nodded to the phantom and, though I couldn't see it, I knew she smiled in triumph.

"Jacob?" I nodded again, both in reality and in my fantasy. "Look at me."

Then, suddenly, I found her. She had almost black eyes, ringed with a small circle of gold around the iris. At first, all I could stare at were her eyes, until the image seemed to suddenly unfocus. The hair my fingers were knotted in was a weird brownish, tinted with red where my imagination imagined sun hitting it. The pale skin was beautiful; almost glowing.

As the mirage smiled…a sexy, crooked smirk…I realized it; I wasn't looking at a woman at all.

I was seeing Edward.

My horror at this realization only grew when my cock jerked in my hand, sending cum dribbling down around my fingers, mixing with the…

Shower water. My eyes flew open as I gasped, sitting straight up in the shower cubicle. The water had cooled a lot, down to what humans would consider neutral temperature, but what seemed unnaturally cold to me. I was shaky as I released my softening cock, turning the water off quickly. My mind seemed numb for a really long time while I tried to process what the hell had just happened. I didn't want to dwell on it, but my mind seemed unable to let it fucking die; the fantasy played over and over in my head, not only dizzying me but making me hard again.

What the fuck?

I sat down on the twin bed in my room, head in my hands as I tried to think. Okay….I had just had a sex fantasy about Edward Cullen. Ruiner of lives. Stealer of hearts and loves. Mind-reading leech. And I had just orgasmed harder than ever before, imagining him giving me a blowjob. Fuck.

Sure, he was good looking - all leeches were - but I am most definitely not gay, nor am I attracted to him, nor do I feel anything but complete loathing for the creature. I loved Bella more than anything…Surely…?

Relax, Jacob. You were just thinking about him so much today…he happened to delve a little bit too far.

I was just about ready to agree - yes, I know. Agreeing with voices. Psycho. - when the sentence repeated itself in my head again. You were just thinking about him so much. And I was. I always fucking was. Mostly in ways to kill and maim and hurt him horribly. But still, that was still thinking about him.

Love and Hate are both obsessions.

But I hated Edward Cullen. Definitely. No two ways about it.

Besides, I didn't even want to think about the alternatives.

If - straining the IF part, because I am definitely am not - I was gay, and in love with Edward Cullen, a sworn enemy, I would be exiled from the pack immediately. Sam was just waiting for an opportunity to get rid of me without causing much of a scene. This would be the perfect place to do so. This meant I could never be near my pack again anyway, couldn't phase around them, and definitely not phase near Edward. That would cause a huge disaster. And if I was around Edward, he would be able to read my thoughts; he would know everything as soon I thought about it. Which I definitely would; this sort of thing doesn't just go away.

But I could prove all of this wrong, that it was just a stupid mind trick…

I sighed; I knew what I had to do.

I had to go back to Forks, to prove to myself that the only thing I felt for Edward Cullen was hatred.

Jeez, could my life piss me off any more?

Author's Note: For Jacob's hair cut, think about Launter's current hair style. I don't really have a good description for it other than what I wrote.

What did you think? I really shouldn't have posted this chapter yet, but I honestly couldn't wait. Luckily, my beta doesn't have internet so she can't find out and yell at me x3

Reviews are love and faster chapters.

HigherMagic x