In case you are wondering, the first two chapters will be Jounouchi's Mind, and then Seto's Mind. It's to give you a "feel" of where they are in their lives, and their thoughts on it.

I'm no good at summaries, but I will say this, Once you read the first 3 chapters you'll love it or hate it. Yes, the first 3 are complete on my note book, and I'll post them up onto here as I get them typed

So please enjoy the story!

Chapter 1: Jounouchi's Mind

I am Jounouchi Katsuya. Known as Joey, and somtimes Jou, by my friends. Sadly, i'm considered 'The Mutt' once by one person, but now by many.

It's been about 3 years now since I have seen any of my friends for the last time. We graduated from high school about 5 years or so ago.

I am not 23, having been 18 when I graduated High School. I still recall that day, even now as I am being pushed forward.

That was the first day Seto Kaiba was nice to any one of us. He actualy civially talked to ME even.

I gasp as I was pulled back by the leash, the collar I was forced to wear was tight and attached were two areas a leash could be clipped to. It was currently attached to the back of my neck, so when the man pulled my air supply was cut off momentarily.

Right, where was I? Right, talking about my graduation. Like I said, I was 18, and Seto Kaiba was kind to us for once. It was the only time I remember seeing him smile. I mean Really Smile. Not one of those fake things.

Well okay, I had seen him smile prior, but the smiles were always toward Mokuba, Kaiba's little brother.

But no, today... today the smile was at ME. Or at least, it felt that way as he smiled looking at me. I couldn't help but smile back though.

I gasped again when the man pulled himself from me and forced me to flip over. I winced as my back was sharved hard against the wooden desk.

But I didn't make a sound. I never let them hear me. It was always easier that way.

But anyhow, again, after the ceremony, we had an after party thing designed by the teachers at the park. I had seen Kaiba on the bench under one of the trees. And being the curious 'dog' that I am, I went to investigate.

He just looked up at me, no dog comments, no fight, and looked back to the book he was reading. Taking the lack of a fight as a good sign, I quietly sat beside him. Instead of reading a book, since I didn't have one, I watched everyone else, that was enjoying the activities.

I looked at Kaiba, and wondered, why wasn't he at least having some fun? But I never ask, I just looked away, he'd probably get pissed if I bothered him from his book again.

I must of sighed heavily out loud, although I could of sworn it was just in my head.

"What's wrong with you mutt?" He asked, the normal cold tone that was with the word wasn't there, so for some reason it didn't piss me off like normal.

"I guess, nothing is really wrong," I started softly, "I just... After today, nothing is ever going to be the same for me.", I reply, finishing the statement gently.

"Nothing is ever the same after something like this.".

That was all he gave, before he quietly stood up. I looked down at my lap, but then jumped as a throat cleared. He stared up and saw the smile, the hand being held out. Without thinking I took Kaiba's hand and let him pull me from the bench.

I don't know why, but after all the years of trying to be nice to him, of trying to just talk to the guy, now when I wasn't trying, he was being nice to ME. Me the Mutt. The lowest filth to ever touch his planet...

Maybe he didn't really hate me?

I wish the day wouldn't of ended. Seto Kaiba actually acted like a teenager...

I gasp as my face was smacked, and I slowly looked up at the man above me...

"I Told you to stop fucking zoning out!", he stated angry.

Yes he did, but I couldn't help it. It was all I could do to get away from...This...

He suddenly pressed in and I gasped, my stomach churning as he moaned. My back side was hurting, but not as bad as it use to. I was slowly getting accoustomed to all of this. It was slowly getting to be no problem for me.

It was sad.

He suddenly moved out of my body, but I knew, I knew he was not done.

I nearly choke as he pulled the leash again, pulling my stoamch off the hard wood desk, and he roughly turned me around and pushed by back against it. The edge of it really hurt my lower back and hips, but I daresn't say anything. It was always worse when I said anything. I learned that quickly 3 years ago.

It lasted for hours, like it normally did. When he'd get tired of the position, he'd pull off and force me into a knew one. I hated it. Getting flipped over like some god damned egg.

But he finally leaves me alone. I'm glad. He usually leaves me a lone when he's done with me.

When I think about it once i'm finally alone, leaning against the desk. It was my fault I got into this mess. It was I who got into the wrong Crowd. It was I who made the wrong decisions.

No matter. I couldn't leave it now. Where would I go? What would I do? A person with no records for about 3 years, can't just 'come back to the world' and not be questioned.

I move slowly, my arms are shaking but I went to the bathroom, there was no door there. Not that I wasn't use to it. I got into the bath. The chain around my ankle doesn't really phase me anymore. It's there all the time. The only time is the heavy chain attached to it is removed, is when I have to switch masters.

That's right, even if I wanted to leave, I couldn't. I'm trapped here.

In the bath, I carefully washed over the cuts and scrapes. The large purply black bruises hurt more to clean than the cuts and all.

Once I was done with the bath, I shook off the best I could, 'just like a damn dog'. Then went back to the main room. The chain attached to my ankle by the metal band, that was actually welded around my leg, was connected to the comment floor in the middle. The room was much like a small apartment really.

I slowly went to the bed, the only place I could ever have myself covered. I wasn't given clothes, for 'if my master wanted to take me suddenly, it would only bring him displeasure', what he was told by the man.

But, after 3 years of this with different masters, he was use to it.

Although, this was one of the 'better' master's I have had.

I still find it hard to believe how I got to be here... To be a Sex Slave.

It is all a blur as I think back on it. To think he trsuted him. To think I thought that guy actually cared.

No matter, it wasn't important anymore, it was much to late to stop it from happening after all.

I sighed curling up with the pillow, letting my eyes close. I missed the better times.

I missed the old days...

Once again, I am Jounouchi Katsuya, and I miss High School.