Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters, places et al. are owned by J.K. Rowling. Also Twilight and all characters places et al. are owned by Stephenie Meyer

A/N: I hope some readers are still with me ;) I think I get a lot better at getting time for writing. And I guess we're still on the right story track. Should get more action in a few, so hope to see you around.

Chapter 24: The End of Angsting

„Honestly, I never think this would work," Jasper whispered as he studied Edward and Bella together in the cafeteria.

"Less worrying and more believing in the boyfriend," Draco answered smugly. "Sometimes I do know what I'm doing."

Jasper sniggered. "God help us all should you ever decide to get megalomaniac." He regretted it immediately as he saw the pang of pain in Draco's eyes and tasted his emotions.

"Sorry," Jasper apologised. "Still a touchy subject to you, I forgot."

Draco forced a smile on his face and patted Jasper's hand. "It's ok; I can't keep on living in the past. Especially when the future actually starts to look promising."

Jasper still didn't know the full extent of Draco's past – there still was a lot he hasn't told him – not because he wanted to keep Jasper in the dark, but to protect himself. Or Draco still felt that he would somehow hate him for it or something equally stupid. Still, he could see those emotions constantly rummaging through the beautiful head of his, even though he wasn't always aware of it. It had got better in the last weeks, but they had a long way ahead of them.

Shrugging, he looked back at Edward and Bella and nudged Draco. They were sitting at the far end of the cafeteria, alone at a table, and talked – which was more than they did the last few weeks. He tasted Edward's emotions and he smiled when he felt his happiness. The self-doubt, the endless, depressing brooding was gone, which made Edward far more tolerable in Jasper's opinion.

"And isn't that a good sight," Draco said. "Maybe now we all can focus on more important things than his angsting. I certainly hope so…"

"At least they seem to be happy, which is good. You have no idea how annoying Ed's emotions can get when he thought about that girl."

"For once, I am happy that I can't read emotions." He saw Draco looking sideways at a table a few meters away. "But I think our Jessica is finally close to snapping. Just look at her." Jasper followed his gaze and almost winced when her emotions came flooding into his mind. Bitter was the understatement of the century. Her face tried to uphold some sort of normalcy but one could see the muscles of her jaw working almost imperceptibly, grinding her teeth ever so slowly.

"And wouldn't it be a tragic loss if she did," Jasper answered. "She never was OK emotionally, but now…"

Draco looked away, his pained look again on his face. "She reminds me of Pansy, at least a bit. She's way less vindictive, of course, but still…"

"We had no choice," his voice suddenly only a whisper in Draco's ear and as cold and unyielding as a glacier. "Never second-guess. We did what we had to do. She brought it down on herself."

Draco winced, then shook his head. "I know. I know…" he looked at him. "But still, it was because of me, of what I was. She could have led a happy life if not for me, my family, that whole cluster fuck."

He took his face in his hands and gently kissed his hot lips. "Shoo," Jasper whispered. "It will all be ok. Just relax."

Draco sighed and then Jasper felt him relax, both inside and outside.

"Can't you keep your disgusting gay shit to yourself?" a new voice cut through the blissful moment like a bombshell at a dinner party. His head whipped around and his eyes burnt a hole into the speaker – Peter Mills and his entourage, which had waned in numbers but still existed.

His muscles tensed and he felt his beast roar but the soft, warm hand on his leg made him regain control again. Looking again at Mills and his gang, he realised that they had no clue how close they just came to their deaths.

"Bugger off," Draco snapped and levelled a gaze at Mills that could have frozen the fires of Hell itself. "Haven't you gotten beaten and laughed at enough recently? Do you want another go?"

Mills tensed up and glared back – or at least he tried to. He still wasn't used to being on the receiving end of things, and it showed. After his initial rage subsided, Jasper actually had to suppress an unmanly giggle, looking at the impotent rage of the mortal.

"You…You…Freaks!" he finally spat, "you're disgusting! Guys don't do that with each other!"

Draco looked at Jasper again, a wicked smile on his angelic face. "You know what they say about guys behaving like him?" Draco said loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.

Jasper feigned ignorance and shook his head.

"That he's just a closet case, dying for sweaty, hot man sex," Draco said dead-pan.

"Well," Jasper played along and his eyes slid slowly up and down Mills' body, "he's a bit too beefy for my tastes, but I guess he has enough stamina for me…"
"You could be right, love," Draco fluted.

It was hard for Jasper to keep him from bursting out laughing now, seeing as Mills' face turned a very unhealthy shade of purple, clearly shaving off years of his life expectancy in the process.

He staggered forward, rage having cut off his limited ability to speak but his buddies stopped him just in time as a teacher got into the cafeteria. They dragged him away.

"That was quite funny," Edward said to them, who seemingly had walked over to them during the whole mess. "Though he only has a limited swear word vocabulary, I am afraid. He repeats himself a lot in his tiny little mind. Still, I think you should be careful. He was incoherent, but I guess he now plans something to hurt you. And maybe you're right about the closet case. That spiked a huge torrent of funny thoughts."

Draco shrugged. "He can plan all he wants, but I have zero fear he will manage anything remotely effective. And even half-asleep I could hex him into the afterworld. So we should just enjoy him while he lasts."

Jasper chuckled. "You are a devious mind," he kissed Draco quickly. "One reason I love you."

"Speaking of love," Edward harrumphed, "I would like to invite Bella for dinner in the next days at home. To meet the family."

Jasper looked curiously at him. "Is that wise? I mean, you're still somewhat fresh together. And Carlisle…"

"She already guessed something is wrong. And I know it's right. Just like you knew. Carlisle will have to accept. And, by the way, I already told her, anyway. So it's a moot point."

Jasper looked shocked.

"Don't look so shocked," Edward smiled thinly. "You two set me up and now you're in this with me together."
Jasper felt a spike of thrilled panic from Draco. "You know…what?" he asked.

"That you used your magic on me," Edward answered matter-of-factly. "Ah, don't be afraid, I won't kill you." His mood got a bit darker. "I wanted to, initially, but I thought, what's it going to help anyone, really? In the end, you did something for me I couldn't have done myself. And it feels good, so I will forgive this one. But don't do it again," he glared at Draco, "at least not without my consent."

Draco swallowed hard, but regained himself quickly. "And how…?"

Edward pointed at Draco's head. "You're good, I give you that. But whatever you taught Jasper…" he smiled, "still is not perfect." He sauntered off and let them stand around stunned.