Kagome POV

"DON'T TOUCH MY BROTHER!" I screamed. All of a sudden light surrounded me and all I could feel was pain. 'I'm gonna die.' I thought 'I'm gonna die, I love you Shippo.' I said before blacking out.

I sat up suddenly, breathing heavily, cover in sweat. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. I saw the familiar features of my bedroom, the cupboard doors, the dresser, my shelf of books. I started to calm down, wiping the sweat off my forehead I thought about the dream I just had. I've been having similar dreams like this, the one I had a few weeks back was the worst.



Remembering what Mum and Dad told me in case of a fire, I ran to Shippo's room, grabbed some clothes, his favourite blanket I stuffed them into a bag. I picked up Shippo and ran outside, leaving him in the street where I knew he would be safe. I ran inside and grabbed my clothes, 2 capes, and my drawing book with pencils. I stuffed them into a bag while grabbing my money sack and ran into Mum and Dad's room.

"MUM, DAD, GET UP!" they wouldn't budge. That's when I noticed they weren't breathing. I took a closer look and saw blood, lots of blood. I realized they were dead.

Tears streaming down my face I grabbed the money stash and ran outside to where Shippo was still asleep and watched the house burn down to ashes.

"Farewell Mum, Dad. You'll always be in my heart."


I had woken up screaming. Mum, Dad and Shippo ran into my room, thinking I was being murdered. They sighed in relief when they saw I wasn't being murdered but started to worry again when they saw I was crying. Mum, Dad and Shippo comforted me until it was time to go back to sleep. Shippo, being the sweet little brother he is stayed with me. I lied down under the covers and snuggled up close to Shippo, falling into a dreamless sleep.

I got out of bed and went to grab a drink trying to be as quiet as I could so I don't wake up anyone. I filled the glass, sculled it and grabbed another to put next to my bed.

While walking to my room I started to smell smoke. I looked around and saw a fire in the living room.


Remembering what Mum and Dad told me in case of a fire, I ran to Shippo's room, grabbed some clothes, his favourite blanket I stuffed them into a bag. I picked up Shippo and ran outside, leaving him in the street where I knew he would be safe. I ran inside and grabbed my clothes, 2 capes, and my drawing book with pencils. I stuffed them into a bag while grabbing my money sack and ran into Mum and Dad's room.

"MUM, DAD, GET UP!" they wouldn't budge. That's when I noticed they weren't breathing. I took a closer look and saw blood, lots of blood. I realized they were dead. Then it hit me. My dream, it is coming true.

Tears streaming down my face I grabbed the money stash and ran outside to where Shippo was still asleep and watched the house burn down to ashes.

"Farewell Mum, Dad. You'll always be in my heart."

I picked up Shippo and wrapped him in his blanket. I put on a cape and prepared for a long hike into town.

For those who don't know, my name is Kagome Higurashi, I am your average 15 year old. I have browns eyes, a slim body and black hair just under my shoulder blades. A creamy complexion and light pink coloured lips. I have a Mum and a Dad, but they are dead now and I am still contemplating on how to break it to Shippo.

Shippo, my brother, is a little fox- demon; he has an orange tail, like a fox, bright orange hair, green eyes and fangs. Shippo isn't my real brother; we adopted him at the age of 2. His real parents were killed by demons and I'm worried about how he will take having his other parents kill too.

The sun started to rise and Shippo started to stir awake.

"Kagome," He asked yawning.

"Yes Shippo?" I asked sweetly, trying not to cry.

"Where are we going? Where are Mum and Dad? Why are you crying?" He asked. When he mentioned Mum and Dad I couldn't help but cry.

"We are going to the village, Mum and Dad-"I took a deep breath and tried again. "Mum and Dad are with your real parents." I said.

His eyes watered and he started to cry. Wrapping his small arms around me he sobbed into my neck.

"Shh it's okay." I soothed.

"Why (sob) are (sob) we (sob) going (sob) to the (sob) village (sob)?"

"Our house was burnt down, so we are going there for shelter." I said trying to be the big sister.

The village was coming up ahead. That was when I smelt something strange.

"Shippo, can you smell that?" I asked as his senses are better than mine.

"It smells (sniff) like ashes," He said.

That's when I saw the smoke. I started to run towards to village to find everything up in flames.

"No." I said.

That's when I felt the presence of someone- or something I should say.

"Who's there?" I yelled. No answer. "Show yourself!" I heard laughing. I was scared. Very scared but I wouldn't let it show. Shippo realising what was happening held onto me tighter.

"Well, well, well, well. Who do we have here?" A man walked out of the shadow. "Well boys, we have 2 survivors, a girl and her baby brother. Aw, where is your family baby?" He fakes cried.

"Get away from us." I growled. He smiled.

"We didn't want survivors, so you have to d-"All of a sudden his head came off. I screamed, covered Shippo's face and turned away.

His group stared at the boss in shock and then someone yelled out.

"Retreat, Retreat," The group started running away.

When all of them disappeared I could still feel the presence of someone. That was when some else walked out of the shadows, a girl. She had long brown hair tied into a pony tail, she was wearing warrior clothing and was holding a large boomerang dripping with blood. Next to her was a cat looking thing. It was a creamy colour with black features.

"Hey! You okay?" She asked.

"Yes we are fine. Thank you for saving us." I said.

"No probs. My name is Sango and this here is Kirara" She said pointing to the cat.

"My name is Kagome and this is my little brother Shippo." I said.

Shippo jump down from my arms and ran over to Kirara.

"She is very cute." He said to Sango.

"Thank you, you can ride her if you like." Sango said.

"What do you mean? How?" He asked. While he questioned Sango Kirara grew really big.

"That is how." Sango said as Shippo looked at Kirara in amazement.

"WOW!" he exclaimed.

"Hop on." I said.

He jumped up and hopped onto her back. Kirara then shot off into the air and started to circle around us.

"THIS IS SO FUN!" he called down to us.

'It's good to have something to take his mind off Mum and Dad' I thought 'I feel so sorry for him'

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I was coming here for refuge when I saw the smoke. I ran to the village to find it up in flames. That was when I heard you. I listened to what the man was saying and realised he was a bandit. Seeing as you needed help I killed him for you." She explained.

"Thanks again about that." She nodded.

"Why are you here?" She asks me.

"I woke up last night to find our house on fire. I saved Shippo but couldn't save my parents as they were already dead. I hiked here to find refuge, but the place was alight and then those bandits came out and were about to kill us, you know the rest."

"Where will you go now?" She asked.

"Well I don't have a family now so I don't know." I said sadly.

"Would you like to come with me to the closest village? I know some people there, they might take you in." She explained.

"I would love to, thank you."

"It will take over a week and it will be dangerous, but Kirara and I will protect you."

"Thank you, how can I repay you?" I asked.

"You don't need to repay me; I am honoured to help you."

Somehow I knew Sango and I would become great friends.