* * * * *

The next morning, Tony woke to the smell of coffee and the sound of eggs being scrambled. He stretched, still lying on his side – the only way he'd manage on the love seat he'd spent the night on. He stayed on the small sofa for a few more minutes before he pushed himself up to sitting. A definite soreness in his backside reminded him of exactly why he had woken up in Gibbs' living room. He sat for a moment, allowing himself to feel the slight pain. It was the first time Gibbs had ever bruised him, and it made Tony realize just how badly he had screwed up. But then he remembered what had happened when the spanking was finished. And it was this memory that got him off the couch and carried him to the kitchen.

"Morning Boss," he said sleepily.

"You should have moved to the couch," Gibbs said and then took a sip of coffee.

Tony retrieved a mug from the cabinet and poured himself a cup.

"Why don't you go see if Abby's up yet?" Gibbs said as he poured the eggs into the pan.

Tony grinned, put his mug down and went upstairs. Abby was still asleep, so he crept into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He gently rubbed her arm and whispered her name until her eyelids fluttered and opened and she rolled over onto her back.

He saw her wince slightly. "Doesn't it hurt to sit?" she asked.

"A little," he admitted.

"Tony…" she said sadly.

"I know. But it's over now. We're forgiven," he said as he ran a hand gently across her forehead. He smiled at her. "Gibbs is making breakfast."

She smiled back, and then sobered. "Why do you think this one bothered him so much?" Tony briefly explained what Gibbs had told him about Nicholson the night before. Abby nodded. "I guess we picked a really bad case to defy him on, huh?"

Tony shrugged and looked at her for a moment. He stood up. "Come on, it's time to get up."

A little later, Gibbs, Tony and Abby had gathered in the kitchen. All three were leaning against the counter, holding plates of eggs and toast. The mood in the room was light as they joked and teased and Tony regaled them with tales of his boarding school adventures as if nothing had happened the day before. "Just the way it should be," Gibbs thought. "Just the way it should be."