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~Back Cover~

In harmony they sang out: "I love you!"

The echo resided emptily in their minds while the rain gossiped in the background and the wind continued its savage beating. Miku took a step back, cheeks red. Len froze in place, eyes wide. They stared at one another in silence for what seemed like an era.

The rustling of a jacket, and the squishing of wet clothes.

"I love you!" Len shouted again, louder. Miku could say nothing in return. He was squeezing her so tightly that she couldn't feel the cold anymore. It was warm. Too warm. Her eyes glazed over.

Trembling lips gave way to wanton tongues. She unfolded herself in his embrace, twisting to wrap herself around him. He pressed her against a wall firmly and hoisted her into his arms. She grunted and pulled away. "Love... y-you..." she moaned, shivering, from the cold or her nervousness, she didn't know or care. He only kissed her more fiercely and held her closer to his body.

"Nnn...!" She whimpered. "Ah... I'm... a bit embarrassed. Mmhm!"

She writhed as he bit her neck, squeezing her shoulders and caressing her back, ravaging her uncontrollably. The rain fell harder, all the more to mask their cries from the world...

The setting sun warmed her face.

"Kagamine-kun... I have a confession to make."

She sniffled underneath his jacket, freeing one hand to wipe her nose while she teetered dangerously on the other. He wobbled as he carried her along the embankment, turning his head just a little bit to look at her.

"Hmm?" was his disgruntled reply as he turned away again.

"Well, the reason I always walked home down this path was because," she hesitated. "You always ran here..."


"I've always wanted to ask you. Umm... Why do you try so hard when you run?"

He remained silent for a time. Len studied her face again, frowning a little. "Every once in a while," he started. "Whenever I trained for the relay here, I would see you, Hatsune-san... That's why. Ah! H-Hatsune-san!" He wobbled again, forced to step backwards and recover his balance when she seized him without any warning.

"Thank you God," she whispered into his shirt.


"We had the same reasons all along," she explained, her brilliant and infallible grin spreading across her face.

At the same moment, their chests heaved.