The Life Story of Kimahri

~INSPIRATION! This is the story of Final Fantasy 10, told by the tiny 'lil Ronso: Kimahri! Yay! This one is all done by me, the Silver Neko. NOT by that Pink little brother of mine! So there!~Silver Neko

"Where do Kimahri start? Oh, it all begin when Kimahri was little Ronso. Wait...better move up to important part, like when stupid brothers break Kimahri's horn off. Kimahri no want to talk about that. Kimahri remember time when man in red young. He bleeding and crawling up side of Mt. Gagazet when Kimahri was making snow angels. He say to Kimahri...uh...he say lots of stuff. In nutshell, he tell Kimahri to go to Ba...bav...really big city, and find daughter of Summoner. He say to take her to Island of Besaid. Like idiot Kimahri is, Kimahri say, "Kimahri will do this." Man in red promptly die right there. This secretly amuse Kimahri. So Kimahri walk and walk for long time. Then Kimahri find little girl on bridge. Kimahri say, "You Yuna?" She say yes. Kimahri tell her all that man in red told Kimahri. Little girl actually believe what Kimahri say. So Kimahri put little Yuna on Kimahri's shoulder and off we go. At first, Kimahri plan on eating little Yuna, she very plump. We get to place with large green thing that you ride across big river. Little Yuna fall into water. Kimahri make no attempt to save. She fall again. Kimahri pretend not to see. Stupid green thing keep saving little Yuna from watery grave. Kimahri scratch nasty word on green thing's back leg. So Kimahri and little Yuna travel across Spira. Little Yuna pick Kimahri pretty flowers from side of road. Kimahri is touched. Kimahri smell pretty flowers. Kimahri then spend 4 days in ditch on side of road screaming in agony as poison take over Kimahri's guts. Kimahri get over it. Yuna very sorry about it too. Soon Kimahri and little Yuna get on boat and get to Besaid Island. Kimahri take little Yuna to temple. They very happy to have her. Kimahri's work done. Kimahri start to leave but little Yuna grab tail and scream for long time. She imprinted on Kimahri as parental figure. Kimahri filled with guilt so Kimahri decide to stay on nice Island and spend remainder of sad, sad life in peace. Kimahri did not realize how wrong Kimahri was.

At first, all good. Little Yuna make friends with little boy with odd hair and little boy with odd hair's brother. Then Yuna make friends with small lady with big boobs BEFORE she had boobs. They make Kimahri's life non-happy. "Play hide and seek with us, Kimahri!" Kimahri get lost for 2 weeks. "Play ball with us, Kimahri!" Kimahri throw ball so hard that it hit hut and shatter it. Kimahri have to clean mess. "Swim with us, Kimahri!" Large angry fish nearly eat Kimahri. Kimahri not tell you about time Kimahri play leap frog. So little Yuna soon become big Yuna. Little lady with big boobs become BIG lady with big boobs. Man with odd hair and brother get big. Man with odd hair brother go away to fight Sin. He die. Kimahri say, "Thank god." Kimahri very happy. Yuna decided to become Summoner like father. Kimahri secretly glad because that mean she die soon. So Kimahri decide to be Yuna's guardian on journey she soon make. Summoner that lady with big boobs was guarding die, so lady with big boobs come back to island and decide to guard Yuna too. This awakens unspeakable terror in Kimahri's soul. Then man with odd hair decide to become guardian! Why must all those who plague Kimahri always follow?!

So Yuna go deep in to temple with Kimahri and boobie lady. She pray and pray and pray.....then she pray some more. Kimahri stuck in room with large breasts. Kimahri slowly going insane. When last time Kimahri see sunlight? When last time boobs not take up all of Kimahri's line of eyesight? Then it happen. The one moment in Kimahri's horrible life that things go from screwed to damned.

Blond boy step into room.

Kimahri snarl and reach for Lance so that Kimahri can stab blond boy in chest. Then man with odd hair come in and say no hurt blond boy, he just stupid and want to help. Then blond boy start talking and making sounds that sound like words, but really whiney. Kimahri's brain confused. Kimahri want to scream in agony and fling self from high cliff onto jagged rocks. Suddenly Yuna pop out of pray room and fall down stairs. Kimahri catch because there too many witnesses. And Kimahri no want to mop up mess. Yuna and blond boy yammer on and on and some where around then, Yuna call big UGLY summon bird to come and look pretty for all the people. Later that night, Lady with big boobs and man with odd hair start screaming at each other about blond boy from 1000 years ago. Kimahri trying to sleep godammit! Kimahri say, they should of just let Kimahri stab blond boy there and then and all would be happy again.

Next morning, Kimahri wake up early and sneak down road to hide. Later, blond boy from 1000 years ago come prancing down road like little pick he is. Kimahri jump down and look all scary and then start to try kill blond boy. But blond boy fight back! Kimahri almost get blond boy, but then Yuna and others come and make Kimahri stop. They say killing is bad. Kimahri know that not true. So we go to boat and get on. Kimahri stand in corner and not move. Blond boy try to talk to Kimahri. Kimahri just glare at him until he go away. Then Sin come. Oh no, the horror. Kimahri fight, everyone fight. Yuna summon ugly bird again, bla bla bla. Then blond boy get washed overboard! Yay! Then man with odd hair jump in and save him. Damn. So by time we get to Kili...kil...K something, Sin had smashed everything. Then Yuna do dance where dead people go away. It very pretty. Pretty until fire turn BLUE and give Kimahri heart failure! "It ghost of Christmas past! Noooo! Kimahri will be good Ronso! Kimahri promise!" No one tell Kimahri fire turn blue at dead dance. No one tell Kimahri anything."

.......To be continued.....

~Yay! This is going to take FOREVER to write, godammit! Why do I do this to myself? Why?! Oh yeah...the fact that since I'm typing, my Grandma assumes I'm doing homework so she leaves me alone. Ahh....bliss.~Silver Neko