Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I wish I owned iCarly but I don't so I shall just rely on fanfiction to bring couples together and start some freaking drama in one of the greatest Nickelodeon shows there is.

Well I am finally able to write again! Maybe my experience this past week will help set the mood.


Lovezz, Hugzz and Tacozz,

Mizz Maddnezz


Lost and Found

"Freddie?" Carly called out walking into the apartment, a plate of spaghetti tacos in her hand, "Spencer sent over some food."

"Just set it on the table," Freddie said from where he was curled up on the couch, "I'm not really hungry."

"How are you doing?" Carly asked after she set the plate on the table and sat on the couch with him.

"Better I guess," Freddy said, not making eye contact.

"Spencer told me why you got so upset," Carly said looking down, "I feel really bad about this whole thing."

"It's okay," Freddie said, "I finally realized that it wasn't really the note that was eating away at my heart, it just made me start thinking about who really loved me and who didn't."

"You know I love you, Freddie," Carly said, "As friends, you know?"

"Yeah I know that," Freddie said, "I thought I needed your love for a little while, but then I saw that I was just looking for something to replace my mother love."

"Freddie," Carly said, "You don't need to replace her love. You will always have her love no matter what."

"Thanks Carly," Freddie said with a little smile.

"My cousin is over," Carly said, "You know Michelle, the six year old?"

"Yeah I remember her," Freddy said.

"She remembers you," Carly said, "She keeps asking where Fred-Fred is."

"Oh," Freddy said calmly.

"Why don't you come over?" Carly asked, "You haven't left this apartment in almost two weeks."

"Yeah," Freddy said a little smile on his face, "Maybe I will."

"Come on," Carly said standing and taking his hand, "Come have dinner with us."

"Oh alright," Freddie said, knowing he wouldn't win this fight.

Carly led him out of the room, grabbing the spaghetti tacos off of the table on the way and pulled him into the Shay apartment. When they walked in, they were greeted by a small blonde, smiling girl with open arms.

"Fred-Fred," Michelle squealed reaching out to him.

"Hey Michelle," Freddie said picking her up and kissing her on the cheek, "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, Fred-Fred," Michelle said giggling, "I'm sorry about you losing your mommy."

"Oh," Freddie said his smile slightly fading.

"If Carly will let me after dinner, maybe I can help you find her," The girl said optimistically.

"Oh Michelle," Freddie whispered as he stared down at the girl in his arms. He could feel his heart fall into his stomach as his eyes started to tear up. Suddenly, without even himself knowing he was going to do it, he grinned and laughed softly.

"It's alright Michelle," Freddie said putting her down and patting her head, "I'll see her again someday. No need to find her."

"Hey Freddie," Spencer said coming up behind him suddenly and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Hey Spencer," Freddie said turning around and smiling.

"Wait what?" Carly said her jaw dropping.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you," Spencer said, "Were dating."

"You're dating?!" Carly started.

"I think they're a cute couple," Sam said, her first words of the night since she found the plate of ham Spencer had in the fridge. She had been stuffing her face, "Bunch of dweebs."

"Thanks Sam," Freddie said smiling. He might have just become a little bit happier, knowing he had already found his mother. It had taken the arms of a man, the love of his best friends and the sweet words of an innocent child to make him see, she had never really left him. It wasn't pain that had been weighing down in his heart this whole time. It had been his mother. Her spirit still lived in him, no matter how far apart they were.

The End


Well another fanfic conquered. I really hope you enjoyed this! Oh and to the people who commented about me being in Poplar Springs, thanks for your concern! I am doing great. I'm getting better and the loves of my friends and family are helping even more than the meds. I'm pretty sure I will be around, to bring you corny fanfic's forever!

Lovezz, Hugzz and Tacozz,

Mizz Maddnezz