Thank you for purchasing a NATSUME HYUUGA UNIT

Enclosed is a full set of instructions. Please read carefully to get the most out of this wonderful product!

(In case you do not wish to read this manual please to do call our company and see our latest insurance policies)

Getting To Know Your Unit

Name: Natsume Hyuuga

Height: Depends on shipping age

Eye color: Devastating crimson

Hair color: Black (sigh!)

Birthday: Undisclosed (this is for your safety as the unit dislikes 'sissy' activities such as birthday parties and any attempt made by you to give him one could result in heavy fines for arson committed by your unit)

Alice: Fire


Amazingly hot body, 1

Mesmerizing eyes, 2

Black Cat outfit (with mask), 1

GA Uniform, 1

Socks (Though these are merely to complete the set. An attempt to make him actually wear these could result in injury)

Shoes, pair of, 1

Control Earring, 1

Getting Started:

Buy a sword (available in our extensive Natsume Hyuuga protection catalogue)

Slice the box open from a space distance

If the unit stands perfectly still and looks bored, LUCKY YOU!

However, if the unit's eyes flash do not stand around admiring them! Instead call firefighters (rented subjected to availability from the catalogue mentioned above) at 1-800-GA

(Note: Please do not worry about the unit's apparent state of inactivity. 'Boredom mode'/ 'Indifference mode' are its default settings)


Being one of the most complex units in our catalogue, the Natsume Hyuuga unit can be difficult to program. It is recommended that you buy a Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit first. In addition to being easy to handle, this unit will also provide protection in case of mishandling of the Natsume Hyuuga unit and resultant fire as it is quite resistant to the unit's Alice (see Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl information booklet for more details or call 1-800-GA)

However once you learn how to handle him his functions are innumerable! Some of the basic ones include:

Black Cat: Tired of your irritating neighbor? Wish the horrible saleswomen who refuse to help just went to hell? Well, your Natsume Hyuuga unit will take care of it all! Not only will it assassinate the person in question but also cleverly destroy all evidence AND manage to return in one piece!

GA Hottie: The unit will read a manga or sleep under a sakura tree, giving you hours of amazing eye-candy!

Protector: If you are lucky enough to develop a bond with your unit it will protect you to the best of its ability.

(Note: In case there is a Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit nearby you will automatically be shifted down to second priority level)

Confidant: You can sit and talk to him for hours

(Note: This function is safe to use only when the unit is asleep and after you have ordered earplugs, available in our really VERY extensive Natsume Hyuuga protection catalogue and inserted them in the unit's ears. Failure to meet these conditions could result in you meeting a cosmetic surgeon)


Indifferent/Bored (default setting)

Jealous (When exposed to Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl and Ruka Nogi Bunny Boy units)

Enigmatic (if you have the guts to question him)

Big-brotherly (when exposed to Youichi Scary Spirit unit)

Note: This unit is a younger version of the Natsume Hyuuga unit itself

Caring (only when a Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit in the area has not been serviced properly)

Furious (another unfortunate side-effect of the above event)

Irritated (It is the secondary default setting and the unit can switch to this in times of extreme provocation such as introduction to a Sumire Shouda Fan Girl unit)

Thoughtful (THIS MODE CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS FOR YOUR UNIT as it may form some stupid, self-sacrificing plan leading to its destruction)

Boyfriend (The lover mode in your Natsume Hyuuga unit will not be activated until it meets a Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit so please stop trying to make it fall in love with you. You will only increase your own hospital bill)

Perverted (The most obvious indication that your unit has switched to this mode is the smirk on its face and the Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit's screams)

Deadly (Evade it at all costs. Otherwise you just might end up making your excuses in front of Lucifer)

Level of Interaction with other units:

While our company's GA catalogue offers too many units to cover here we shall provide a brief summary of your unit's level of interaction with the major ones:

Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit

The Natsume Hyuuga unit's relationship with this unit is beyond even our company's comprehension. While your unit will dislike the Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit at first and frequently activate his Alice against her, he will soon progress to the 'Pervert mode' with her and develop a level of understanding that allows him to (occasionally) switch over to 'Caring mode' and much, much later to 'Boyfriend mode'

Ruka Nogi Bunny Boy unit

As the Natsume Hyuuga unit and Ruka Nogi Bunny Boy unit are manufactured by our company in the same factory in Japan they are comfortable around each other. Purchase of a Ruka Nogi Bunny Boy unit could prevent your unit's switch to the extremely dangerous 'Thoughtful mode' as well as provide you with additional eye candy!

Hotaru Imai Cold Genius unit

While it may seem that the Natsume Hyuuga unit has no interaction with the Hotaru Imai Cold Genius unit apart from the 'Blackmail mode' of the latter, they too have an unspoken understanding. The Hotaru Imai Cold Genius unit is one of the most expensive products in our catalogue but it will take excellent care of your entire family of units thanks to its life-saving inventions (Warning: We are not responsible for bankruptcy due to purchase of an Hotaru Imai Cold Genius Unit)

Aoi Hyuuga Kid Sister Unit

This unit will bring out feelings of extreme protectiveness and concern in your unit. It will also bring out many other hidden features such as gentleness, compassion, love etc.

Tsubasa Senpai Shadow Master Unit

This unit will result in your unit's automatic switch to 'Jealousy mode'. Interaction between these two units should be avoided.

Persona Death Dude unit

This is a defective unit and we are making every attempt to recall all such units. Unfortunately we have not succeeded in capturing them all. This unit has a terrible relationship level with your unit and could result in your unit's switch to 'Thoughtful'/ 'Destructive'/ 'Deadly' modes


Q: My Natsume Hyuuga unit has disappeared! What should I do?

A: Relax! Your unit has probably come into contact with a Persona Death Dude unit and gone on a mission. Don't worry, it is guaranteed to return in one piece or you'll get your money back!

Q: My Natsume Hyuuga unit has switched to 'Extreme Irritation mode' and there is no Sumire Shouda Fan-Girl unit for miles! What could be the problem?

A: The 'Extreme Irritation mode' is merely a transitional mode during which your unit realizes its feeling for the Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl Unit. It will soon switch to the 'Boyfriend mode'

PS: After the Boyfriend mode the next switch your unit makes will necessitate the rent/purchase of a NarumiTeacher/Matchmaker unit to play Wedding Planner)

Q: My Natsume Hyuuga unit just refuses to fall in love with me and keeps burning my hair! What should I do?

A: *Sigh* As we have already told a few million fan girls, no matter what you do a Natsume Hyuuga unit WON'T fall in love with you. That particular mode can be activated only by a Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl unit


Customer Care Services: In case you didn't read this manual properly and just flipped through it, we have provided a blank sheet with the product for you to write your Will on.

Thank you once again for getting our most hazardous and temperamental unit off our hands! *Whew*

So what do you think? Should I write about a Tsubasa Senpai Shadow Master/ Mikan Sakura Cheerful Girl/ Ruka Nogi Bunny Boy/ Hotaru Imai Cold Genius/ any other unit?