(Card Captor Sakura does not belong to me. It belongs to the wonderful people of Clamp.)

The Cherry Blossom and the Light
Character Guide

Ohayo minna! Thank you so much for wanting to read my story! Just so you'll know who's who, I'm putting up a little character guide of the new character that I'm putting in my story.

The timeline is set when Sakura, Sayoran, and Tomoyo are seventeen and Touya and Yukito are twenty four. Because I was told that Sakura was ten during the series, and that the series was first put out in 1998, the year will be 2005.

Takayama Hikari- A seventeen year old Card Captor who is from the year 2025 and the holder of the Sakura Cards. In order to become the Master of the Sakura Cards, her task is to go 20 years back in the past and save Sakura and Sayoran from a new enemy.

Kanno Akira- The new enemy that Hikari and Sakura must face. Akira is the Master of the Dark Force Cards, a set of cards that will put Hikari and her future Sakura Cards to the ultament test.

Iwasato Miyako- She is Akira's right hand and also happens to be his lover. She is always willing to put Akira's life before her own, which also leads to her dimise.