Illusive Perception

(Chapter Twenty Four: A Family Affair)

Elliot sat on a pew during the Sunday morning church service, but he wasn't really listening to the message being delivered. Today something else was on his mind. One, two, three….he counted in his head as he stared down at Olivia and his children counting his blessings in his head. Eight, he thought to himself. Seven children and his beautiful wife, who somehow managed to make juggling the seven kids seem easy.

This woman was amazing, he thought with a smile as he watched her holding their three and a half month old daughter on her lap. And until Olivia had entered his life, Elliot had never really believed in soul mates. But every day he spent married to the worlds most perfect woman and best mother, only convinced him more that Olivia had been put on this Earth to be his.

"El," she whispered leaning over and tugging at his sleeve.

"Yeah?" he replied with a smile.

"Can you get Preston?" she asked pointing at a small pair of black dress shoes as they disappeared under the pew in front of them. "I thought you were holding him?"

"I'll get him," Elliot assured his wife. "Elizabeth," he said leaning forward to the bench in front of him where the girls sat with their mother, "get your brother for me."

Elizabeth looked down between her feet, but didn't see the toddler.

"He isn't up here, dad."

"I just saw him go under there. He has to be here somewhere, help me look."

She nodded her head and leaned over to Kathleen whispering in her ear. Kathleen nodded and knelt in the floor to look under the pew. There between she and Kathy sat her one year old baby brother pulling random items from Kathy's purse to play with before tossing them aside.

"There you are," she said softly opening her arms to Preston as he smiled and reached for her.

"Bite," he said handing her a shiny candy wrapper he had found in the purse.

"That's not food, buddy. It is just paper," she said pulling him into her lap as Kathy smiled and began to put her things back into her purse. "Oh no," Kathleen said realizing Preston had chocolate smudges on his face.

"Mom, I think he found candy in your purse."

"It appears so," Kathy said.

"A fun sized candy bar to be exact," Kathleen said holding up the shiny silver wrapper.

There was only a small disruption during the service as the girls passed their baby brother back over the pew to their father.

"What does he have all over him?" Elliot exclaimed as he stared at the gooey mess and prayed it wasn't as bad as it appeared.

"Chocolate," Elizabeth whispered.

"I'm afraid to even ask where you found chocolate," Elliot said looking at the mischievous toddler as he grinned.

He exhaled and stood up, "Liv," he whispered, "pass me the diaper bag. I have to take him and get him cleaned up."

"What does he have all over him?" she asked looking over at her son as she handed Elliot the bag.

"Word on the street is it's chocolate. I'm not quite sure where it came from, but I will do some further investigating and get to the bottom of it."

"Do you want me to take him and you can sit with her?" she asked.

Elliot looked down at the little boy squirming to free himself from his fathers grip. Tempting, he thought, observing the mess he was about to have to clean up. He looked back at Maci now sleeping peacefully in Olivia's arms and didn't have the heart to wake the baby for the hand off.

"I've got him. It shouldn't take long."

"Please try not to get that on his suit. I just had it cleaned."

"We'll be right back," Elliot whispered as he carried his son to the back of the room and into the bathroom to clean him up.

He sat Preston on the counter to survey the damage.

"You are a mess, son."

Preston smiled a chocolate smile as Elliot wiped off his hands with baby wipes. He carefully slipped the child out of his suit jacket and set it aside, then reached for more wipes.

"You have it in your ear! How did you manage to get it in your ear?"

Preston giggled as Elliot wiped him clean and slipped his jacket back on him.

"There," he said turning to throw away the pile of dirty wipes.

He straightened Preston's little clip on tie and smoothed back stray strands of his brown hair with water.

"There we go buddy. All better. Daddy loves you so much," he said kissing his son on the forehead. "We'd better get back out there before mommy comes looking for us."

"Mom," Preston repeated pointing toward the door.

"And you'd better hope for both our sakes that you didn't ruin your appetite. Mommy is really looking forward to this lunch."

"Mommm," he insisted pointing to the door again.

"Alright, lets go find mom," Elliot said putting his son on the ground and holding his hand as they walked back out to where Olivia sat.

"Mom," Preston squealed with a smile and clapped his hands as he did his best to run to Olivia.

"Shhh," Elliot said looking around them as the rest of the room seemed to find the interruption more adorable than annoying.

"Come on buddy," Olivia said helping Preston to climb onto the pew and sit beside her.

After church Elliot and Olivia had arranged a cook out in the back yard at Kathy's house with balloons and a Blue's Clues cake to celebrate Preston's first birthday. Elliot stood at the back of the car changing his son from his church clothes into play clothes for the party.

"This is great," Elliot said to his wife as they approached the party area.

"You don't think I went a little overboard? Is the jump house too much?"

"Not at all. But where is the clown?"

"What clown?"

"It's a birthday party, isn't there supposed to be a clown?"

"Not at my kids parties. I hate clowns! They freak me out."

"You are afraid of clowns?"

"Afraid is an understatement," she said sitting Maci's carrier on the picnic table. "I was dating this guy once who talked me into walking through a haunted house thing for Halloween one year."

"Bad idea?"

"A man dressed as a clown grabbed me in a dark room…. I punched him in the face and broke his nose."

"That is what he gets for sneaking up on you in the dark."

"Like I said, I don't like clowns. I never have and I never will."

"I think this is going to be a great party. Look how excited he is," Elliot said as Preston clapped his hands and pointed.

"See, see," the toddler said in excitement.

"I see buddy," Elliot said walking him over to play with some other kids.

"Looks like a good turn out," Kathy said helping Olivia organize the gift table. "There must be two dozen kids here."

"They are all the kids from his nursery school. And some of the older kids' friends. I've got hot dogs and hamburgers and Elliot is about to fire up the grill."

"I'll have to admit I really miss having Preston at the house all the time. Now it is just me and little Maci three days a week."

"I thought he was too young for nursery school. But Elliot put up a pretty good argument when he pointed out that it is good for him to get socialized and play with other children his age. I like the idea of the kids being there with you, but there are advantages to him going to school."

"Definitely," Kathy agreed.

"Three days a week was my agreement with Elliot. This way Preston gets to go to school and be with the other kids and still gets the one on one attention from being at your house with Maci. I really appreciate you keeping her, by the way. I was really worried I would have to put her in daycare when I went back to work and I just think she is too small."

"Well, luckily this home health care job I am doing now offers a flexible schedule. I work a few hours in the evenings and some on the weekend, it still allows me time with the kids."

"Sounds like you really like it."

"As much as you can enjoy work, I guess. I had considered starting a home daycare."

Olivia smiled.

"Well, you are great with my kids. And you have plenty of experience."

"There's the birthday boy," Kathy said as Elliot carried his now crying son toward them.

"Aww, what's wrong with my boy?" Olivia asked as Preston cried and reached out for her.

"He was trying to run to keep up with the other kids. His little legs just can't keep up with him and he fell down. He's alright."

"Maa," Preston cried with little tears in his eyes.

"Come here little man," Olivia said cradling her son and patting his back to comfort him.

"I'd better get cleaned up and get the food started," Elliot said kissing his wife. "Are you okay here?"

"I've got him. He is probably just tired. He didn't get a nap."

She poured Preston a sippy cup of juice and sat down on the bench to just cuddle with him for a few minutes. Preston held his cup in one hand and sucked his thumb as he quietly watched the other kids play.

Olivia kissed him on the forehead and combed her fingers through his hair.

"Are you better now?" she whispered softly kissing her son again. "Do you want to go play in the jump house with Eli?"

Preston raised his head to look at Olivia.

"Jump," he repeated and she smiled.

"Jump?" she asked pointing across the grass the large inflatable room.

"Jump," he said pointing. "Maa, jump."

"I don't know about that buddy, maa is wearing a dress. But I can go over there with you."

Preston pointed again and smiled.


"Alright, let's see if daddy will keep an eye on sissy."

Olivia carried Preston around the table to check on her still sleeping daughter.

"El, can you keep an eye on her for a few minutes? I'm going to walk him over by the other kids and see if I can get him to play."

"Sure babe," he said kissing her forehead. "Are you okay now, buddy? You have to be careful, okay?"

Elliot leaned in and kissed his son's little cheek.

"Daddy loves you, birthday boy."

"Dadda," Preston said with a smile as he pointed to Elliot.

Olivia carried Preston over to where Eli played in the jump house with a couple other five and six year olds.

"Do you want to get in there and play with Eli?"

"Bubba," Preston said with a smile.

"Yeah, you get in there with bubba and mommy will be right here. Okay?"

"Bubba," Preston said smiling and clapping his hands.

Olivia called Eli to the door of the jump house and helped Preston inside.

"Hold on to his hands and be careful with him," she told Eli.

"Okay," he said as he began to bounce slowly and carefully with his little brother.

Olivia watched with a smile as Preston giggled and smiled waving at her. When he fell he crawled around inside for a while trying to stand back up. She watched for about ten minutes until Preston had decided he'd had enough of the jump house and crawled his way to the door to meet his mother.

"Was that fun?"

Preston smiled and kissed his mother. Olivia knelt down and slipped his shoes back on then stood him on his feet. She held him by the hand and walked him over to some of the other inflatable toys they had rented for the party. She held his hand as Preston climbed the steps of the child sized inflatable slide and held his hand as he slid back down.

"Yay," he squealed with a smile as he jumped back on his feet and made his way back around to go again.

Olivia laughed as she watched her happy little boy make his way up the steps all on his own the second time. After the slide they went to explore the large inflatable castle. Before had crawled his way through the colorful tunnels of the obstacle course and was contently playing in the sand box with other kids his age. She watched while Elizabeth sat down beside him and Olivia took this moment to slip away and check on Maci.

"How's the food coming along?" she asked Elliot as she returned to the table.

"Burgers are almost done and I am about to put on the hot dogs. Kathy and the girls went inside to bring start bringing out the rest of the food."

"How's my baby girl?" she asked picking up Maci from her carrier as the baby cooed.

"She has been awake for a little while. But she was content. She's been helping daddy cook lunch."

"You have?" Olivia asked kissing her daughter and raising her up to blow raspberries on her belly.

Maci smiled and laughed as she kicked her little feet.

"I'm gonna take her inside and change her. I need to make a bottle, before she gets fussy."

"Alright, but the food will be ready in a few minutes."

"We won't be long, can you check on Preston? He is in the sand box with Elizabeth and the little kids. He should be okay, I just don't want him wandering off and getting run over by the bigger kids."

"I'll check on him. Elizabeth can keep an eye on him for a few minutes."

Elliot watched as his beautiful wife placed their beautiful daughter against her shoulder and headed toward the house.

"Hey," he called to her.

"Yeah?" Olivia asked turning to look at him.

"I love you."

She smiled as he winked at her.

"Well, I love you, too."

That evening Olivia nursed Maci while Elliot gave the birthday boy a bath and put him in his pajamas. She smiled as the door to Maci's nursery opened and her toddler crawled over to her pulling himself up to stand beside the rocking chair.

"Hey handsome," Olivia said with a smile.

"Sissy," Preston said looking down at Maci.

"Sissy is about to fall asleep," she said shifting the baby girl to burp her.

"Sissy," he whispered leaning over to kiss his baby sister the way he had seen his parents do so many times.

She stood up slowly and carried Maci to her crib, tucking her into bed and turning on the monitor. She turned around to see Preston now sitting in the rocking chair with his pacifier in his mouth.

"There you are son," Elliot said as he appeared in the doorway.

"He came to kiss sissy goodnight. And now it is your turn," Olivia said picking up her son and carrying him into his room. "You smell so good after your bath," she said kissing him until he giggled. "Did daddy brush your teeth?"

"No, I didn't. Is it really a big deal?"

"Yes, it is a big deal," she said shaking her head. "You brush your teeth every night before you go to bed."

"He only has about six teeth."

"But we want them to be healthy daddy," she replied picking Preston up again and moving toward the bathroom with him. "He ate chips and hot dog and cake, those things are harsh on baby teeth."

"I would imagine. I about never got the blue icing stains off his face from the paw print cupcakes."

Olivia laughed.

"He loves Blue's Clues. And cupcakes are easier than cutting cake for that many kids."

Elliot watched as Olivia sat their son on the bathroom counter and pulled out his little Thomas The Train tooth brush. She put the toddler tooth paste on it and handed it to Preston.

"Brush your teeth," she encouraged him with a smile.

"Liv, I don't think he knows….well, I'll be damned," Elliot said in amazement as Preston put the tooth brush in his mouth and moved it over his front teeth. "How'd you do that?"

"I showed him how to do it and he watches me when I brush my teeth. I still have to make sure they all get brushed, but he has the general idea."

"Our son is so smart."

"Our daughter rolled over all by herself today," she informed him.

"She did?"

"Yeah. I laid her down in the living room floor to change her at Kathy's. I laid her on her back and turned around to grab a diaper out of the bag and she rolled over onto her belly. All by herself!"

"What a big girl! She is so smart! All of our kids are smart."

"Yes, they are," Olivia agreed putting away Preston's tooth brush.

She lowered him to the floor and held his hand walking him toward his room. She reached inside the room and turned on the light. After Preston made his way inside, Olivia turned and headed back across the hall to check on Maci.

"Goodnight baby doll," she whispered softly.

Upon returning to Preston's room she found him sitting in his rocking chair holding a story book. In the floor around him laid every one of the thirty or so books he owned and the book shelves were bare.

Olivia laughed.

"Would you like a bedtime story, little man?"

Preston sat with his pacifier in his mouth and nodded his head.

"Alright, what have you got here?" she asked sitting beside him as he climbed into her lap. "Handy Manny and the Big Race," Olivia said as she opened the book and began to read to her son.

Ten minutes later she closed the book and carried her sleeping son to his crib.

"Sweet dreams birthday boy," she whispered as she kissed him and lowered him into the bed.

"He's asleep already?" Elliot asked leaning down to put the books back on the shelf.

"He was wore out. I didn't even make it all the way through the book."

"Must have been all the partying he did today."

"Do you think he had fun?"

"I know he had fun. He had a blast."

"And it was a good party? For a one year old, I mean."

"It was perfect. He really seemed to like the slide and he got a ton of toys and books and some clothes. The kid got sixty five bucks for his first birthday. I'd say he made out like a bandit."

Olivia smiled.

"I have never planned a birthday party before, especially for a one year old. I wasn't really sure what to do."

"Well, you did well. And now that you one under your belt, Maci's party should be a breeze."

"Don't rush it. I am already having to deal with the fact that one of my babies isn't really a baby anymore, I am not ready for Maci to grow up yet. I almost cried when she rolled over."

"That is what they do, sweetheart. They are only babies for a little while."

"I know, but out of seven kids, would it hurt for one of them to stay a baby forever? Just one."

Elliot laughed and rubbed her shoulders as she climbed into bed.

"It just doesn't work that way. Take advantage of it while it lasts. Before long these two will be in high school, Eli will be in college and the older kids will all be married with kids of their own."

"You're going to make me cry, El. I feel so old."

"You're not old, baby."

"I'm getting there."

"That was part of the deal. Raising our babies and growing old together."

"I guess if I have to get old, at least I get to do it with you," she said turning off the bedside lamp.

"Oh baby," Elliot growled as he slipped his arms around his wife and kissed the side of her neck, "you are what keeps young."