A/N: This story is a work of fiction. Any reference to historical events, real people, or real locations are used purely fictitiously. Any names, places, or actual events are incidents of the author's imagination. I do not own twilight or the characters

I do own Allie and any character that was not in twilight.

"With eyes closed tightly, I march so blindly. Pretending everything's fine, 'Cause you're there to keep me in line. I don't want your guidance, I'll break my silence. So sick of asking and being denied and now I realize."

~ Hoobastank

Chapter One: Born to Lead

One-hundred and Fifty-seven years after Breaking Dawn

Allie is three years old


Light rain drizzled slowly on the city of Volterra, Italy. This wasn't usual for the season. It had been raining on and off for the last three weeks. But the rain doesn't bother me as I lurked behind the shadows, hunting.

The city slept silently at 2:30 in the morning. The humans were all tucked up in their beds, warm and cozy as the vampires hunted the city grounds. Not a soul roamed the wet slick streets, no cars sped down the once busy roads. The birds would not be singing their morning songs for hours. The sound of each rain drop was all that echoed in the still dark night.

The light fog had rolled in an hour before the rain began to fell lazily across the disserted streets. As the rain fell the fog grew thicker, setting off a sinister feel to the city.

That wasn't the only feeling the city let off these days. An unknown, unwelcome, creature was running wild mutilating and killing humans. The body count in the city was eighteen today, I thought as I made my way around the city on my nightly patrol. My eyes shifted unconsciously, my ears alert incase I missed a sound. The large luminous moon that hung low in the black sky was the only thing giving off any light to the unseen street corners, but I didn't need light to see.

The temperature had dropped at least ten degrees in the past hour. The breeze from the surrounding trees created a nice relief but I didn't need relief from the heat. In fact, I enjoyed the heat on my cold skin. Warming my deadened body, inside and out.

I took a long deep breath, despite the unknown danger lurking in Volterra, I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom to be away from the dull cream walls of the Volturi caverns where I've spent my entire existence. I'd grown board of the constant stuffy feeling surrounding me. I couldn't breathe in my own home with the constant tension in the heavy air. Something big was coming, I could feel it with my whole body. I just didn't know what.

A small part of me had always longed for the freedom other vampires have but the bigger, more dominant part, knew I'd never have that. I'd asked my Masters to let me go free once before and, although they'd unhappily granted my wish, I'd never left. Something kept me in the caverns under the city. I knew I could never refuse my Masters. The same line had been drilled into my head since Aro changed me more than three-thousand-years ago. He is the reason I'm still alive today. I should have died many, many deaths by now. Yet I still long for the life I've never lived and, until recently, never wanted to live. Now, she held me there, gave me purpose and meaning. I knew I could never leave her.

The Volturi has been my home my entire existence but in the four years my angel has been alive, I've seen it as a prison and not a home. I long for my freedom but my angel isn't old enough to follow me of her own free will yet. I know when she's older and can choose for herself I'll take her away from the dark dungeons her father has kept her in.

Everything was silent as I walked the empty slick black streets of Volterra. The buildings I passed and the store fronts were all locked down for the night. The only thing I could hear was the milk man making his early morning deliveries. The sound of leaves falling from the large maples dotted down the side walk was easily picked up by my over sensitive ears.

Since my angel came into my life strange things have been happening. My gift is the most powerful of its kind. I am the most powerful tracker in the vampire world but nevertheless I can now hear voices in my head suddenly, voices that are not mine. Even in the vampire world hearing voices in your head is a sure sign that something is wrong.

When the voices first began gushing like the sound of a babbling brook in the back of my mind I hadn't known how to control it or what it was. It didn't take me long to realize my sweet angel was doing something to me, I just wasn't sure what or why or how.

I knew she was special and talented just as her mother and father were, more so in fact. Even at such a young age she'd shown signs that she'd be powerful, she was destined to be the most powerful half vampire in existence. But I never realized she'd have a multitude of gifts at her disposal. I had no idea Allie would be able to bestow a gift upon another immortal either. It was one thing I prayed Aro would never find out about. The idea that he'd use his daughter for his own personal agenda worried me more than I thought it could.

With the voices in my head I had come to enjoy my nightly patrols more so than before her arrival. Walking the deserted streets there are no voices spilling into my mind. Of course I could always hear my angel no matter how far apart we were. She had a way of calming me even without realizing she was doing it. It's something I've loved about her since we first met. I felt so safe and taken care of when I'm with her.

Now, besides Allie's mental chatter, all I see were the fibers connecting to everyone in my life, everyone I had come across, humans and vampires alike. Aro says my mind is like a spider constantly spinning his web. Each thread connects to a person, each person connects to a color, so I can easily track them. My mind is in constant motion. I knew Aro was pacing his study, Marcus was reading in the library and Caius was spending the night with his wife. But I also knew the Brazilian vampires I had recently tracked were running through the forests hunting their evening meal and they were clear across the country. But for now I wouldn't worry about the new voices I could hear in my head, or the lives I can easily track, now the streets were silent, peaceful.

I walked slowly along the never changing shadows, stopping to look in store windows as I passed by. I saw a beautiful gold heart shaped locket I would purchase for my sweet Allie in the coming days. When she is old enough to wear it I will present it to her. I could only hope she accepts the gift of my heart as well as the pretty locket.

As I walk the streets I felt well hidden in the darkness, cloaked. Although my kind can easily go into the sun I prefer the night and the mysteries it holds within its embrace. In my mind there's nothing quite like it.

The air around me shifted slightly as I turned the street corner. I could taste the light breeze on my tongue. The day's traveler's scents still lingered in the air. I was tantalized by the different aroma's; mint, apple pie, coffee, cotton candy, bubble gum, lavender, cherry, strawberry, coconut, grass, rose, leather, freshly baked bread, sour dough, chocolate, peach, lily, lilac, gasoline, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, perfumes and cologne mixed with blood of every kind brought the gnawing hunger blazing through my body and scorching my throat.

The warm midnight air caressed my cold skin as I fought back the urge to open a vein of the next person to pass me. The assorted scents were dazzling my nostrils and the sounds of the down town streets amused my sensitive ears as I made my way further into the city.

I stalked the streets, a predator in search of his pray, a hunter on the prowl of his next meal. My mind opened and cleared of all thoughts besides the hunt, my senses sought out the one that would satisfy our needs tonight.

I couldn't have what I truly wanted, what my body begged me to take, so I take it from another until she is old enough to become my lover, my life, my body and soul, my mate.

As I passed humans on the street they didn't notice the hungry vampire with bright crimson eyes or if they did they pretended not to. I didn't care. A human life meant less and less with each passing decade. Although some vampires faintly remember, I do not remember what it was like to be human. I have very little human memories left, though, I knew I was once a mortal man, pray to what I would become. Now I am the predator.

Hunting is a natural to a vampire as milking a cow is to a farmer, nursing a newborn is to a mother, or simply sleeping and breathing is to a human. I used to live, breath, ache for the hunt, the thrill of the chase. Now I find some tasteless morsel and satisfy's myself before moving on with my life. After so many millennia it's all become fast food to me. But lately, in the past three or four months, everything seems too unnatural, wrong, and routine. My body no longer ached for the hunt just the feed, the dark crimson flowing smoothly down my throat and filling my belly.

There were times, in the beginning, when I hated what I had become, detested what I must do to survive. That hadn't lasted long. The first time I'd tasted the rich red liquid, it laced my tongue and slid gently down my throat as I eagerly bit into another and another. I gorged myself on countless humans that night. By the time I was satisfied in both hunger and sex I'd banished any disgust I had from that night on. I'd never tasted anything so sweet. Nothing had ever satisfied my hunger like the rich sweet substance, until she came into my life. My La tua cantante. But I could never hurt such an innocent little girl. I could never bite into her sweet soft flesh, not now when she is so young. So I do what any other vampire would do, I satisfy's myself with countless women that smell faintly like her.

After incalculable millennia of practice I now moved through the night with ease. My senses opened to everything around me, the warm breeze, the scents and sounds filling the air as I moved through the shadows in search of the one I will take tonight. I hadn't truly been satisfied since smelling her sweet delicious raspberry and vanilla scent. My La tua cantante.

I remember the first day Aro brought Allie into my life. I was a vampire and she had the sweetest blood I'd smelt in three thousand years. I was suddenly the predator and she was my prey. The thirst burned through my throat like fire. My mouth was baked and desiccated. The fresh flow of venom did nothing to dispel that sensation. My stomach twisted with the hunger that was an echo of the thirst. My muscles coiled to spring.

And then I heard it. She giggled. It was just a small tinkling of bells that wrapped around my entire body, surrounding me in warmth and happiness as if this tiny newborn baby knew the dangerous vampire wanted to drink her dry. My tense coiled body turned to face her in Aro's arms and again I was stunned. Her sapphire bright eyes burned into me and for the first time I felt my heart beat again.

Her decadent scent was scorching a hole into my brain. The sweetness that is Allie swarmed the castle within minutes of her arrival. Everywhere I went I could smell her, taster her on my tongue, feel the heat of her burning skin on mine. But I couldn't look away from her innocent wide eyes. She was an Angel surrounded by Demons.

I'd known the moment I saw her I would one day have to break my vow to my Masters and take her away from this world. She was too precious, too sweet and innocent to be brought up in the world of power hungry, blood thirsty vampires.

The sudden cold breeze on my face broke me out of my reviver. Even from clear across Volterra I could feel her calling to me, telling me to hurry up. She's an impatient little thing. The rain picked up, washing over my face like a bucket of cold water. I could hear her little heart beating in the back of my mind. Her blood sang to me as I wandered the streets, calling me home to her.

The urge to go to her was so strong, much stronger than I've ever felt before. It worried me but I could clearly see she was tucked in her bed with Angel and Demon, her dogs, beside her. Allie had never liked the dark, even as a newborn she hadn't like it. It was easier to let me or the dogs sleep with her, to keep her safe, than it was to try and calm her when she was upset.

She's impatient tonight, I worried. My little angel always seemed to know what was going on around her, even at such a young age she understood more than I realized.

I picked up my pace, quickly passing an older lady sat on a park bench throwing bread into the empty pond. I moved away from the young couple so in love they didn't notice as the hungry vampire watched their every movement. I bypassed a harmless homeless man smelling of death, a group of teens that smelt of drugs and alcohol, a lonely police officer walking his beat, a man riding his bike home, and then I saw her.

A young woman with pale white skin in her mid twenties coming out of a café unescorted. Her long black hair flowed down her back and her big blue eyes lit up the moment she saw me approaching her.

I've always loved how I can dazzle someone more easily than others of my kind. I'm not as pale and chalky as other vampires. I still have a soft olive competition to my skin. To this woman I seemed harmless but she has yet to see my eyes. I smiled at the women, hiding my teeth, and led her into a dark dank dirty ally.

I took her into my arms and without a word spoken between us she wrapped herself around my body. We both knew what we wanted and I'd give her, her pleasure first, allowing her to enjoy my body before I took her blood. Her warm skin felt lovely against mine as she lightly nibbled on my neck but she wasn't nearly as warm as Allie. I felt her hands run up and down my chest and her pulse quickened slightly.

"Oh god," she moaned softly. I felt her body pressing against me harder as her lips searched for mine. Giving in to what I wanted I tilted my head to kiss her long and hard. Her mouth was hot and her tongue tasted of vanilla and coffee. She moaned harder when I yanked her short skirt up her body, feeling her warm legs.

I felt her hands move into my robes as she released my erection from the confines of my pants. I picked her up, wrapped her legs around my waist, and slid into her in one quick hard thrust. She moaned louder as I walked further into the ally. I pressed her back against the cold wall and thrust into her hard and fast while she kissed my neck. The heat of her wet smooth pussy enclosed around my dick sent a shock of warmth throughout my body

Her breathing was hot and heavy against the cold skin of my neck. She felt lovely against me. The feel of her tight core would stay with me for the next few days, as would the blood I will take from her when I've had my way with her.

My teeth ripped into the small black shirt she wore, releasing her high rounded breasts. Her nipples puckered as my cold breath caressed and teased them before my teeth bit her gently. I wasn't quite ready to taste her blood.

"Oh god," she moaned louder. "Fuck yeah." Her hips bucked into mine and I could feel her walls tighten around me, her body quivered against mine as I brought her to her first climax. My fingers moved down to her clit, pinching and rubbing her frantically.

"Oh god . . . Harder baby," she hissed moving against me. Without thinking about the fragile woman I let go and moved faster, pounding my throbbing cock into her harder. For the second time I felt her warm wet walls tightening and this time I came inside of her as I bit into the soft creamy flesh of her neck, prolonging the pleasure for me as I continued my thrusts. Her scream was muffled by my shoulder as I took what I truly needed from her. Her body tensed suddenly and then went limp in my arms as I drained the woman of her life, her essence.

When I licked the last few drops off her neck I pulled out of her and readjusted my pants before disposing of her body and left the dirty ally way as if nothing happened. Nobody would know any different.

The taste of her sweet blood still laced my tongue. She tasted like vanilla and raspberries but it was a tiny rain drop compared to the entire ocean waiting for me at home, nothing compared to the delightful blood Allie has flowing freely through her veins.

I could feel the woman's blood flowing easily through my body, warming me from the inside out. My stomach sloshed with the liquid that would keep me satisfied for at least a few days. I felt rejuvenated and more relaxed after a good feeding. My body didn't ache and the burning in my throat had eased.

I smiled smugly as I quickened my pace towards the Volturi caverns, now eager to see my gentle Allie. My mind instantly tracked her to her bedroom. She would be sleeping soundly at this time of night. Hopefully, she'd never know what I just did.

Walking back the way I came I tried thinking of a new story I could write. My Masters don't know I've been writing since the early 1900's. I've written everything from romance novels to horror stories, dramas to plays, erotica to mysteries but I prefer to write a romance. There's something satisfying about watching a couple fall in love before your eyes, knowing you've created the couple and can do anything you wish with them.

Before Allie came into my life I'd never been in love. And I suppose I'm still not, at least not yet. I know I will love her when she grows older and can appreciate the world for what it is. Of course I still have needs and desires like any other man and I've satisfied myself with countless women in my lifetime, like tonight I took what I needed without remorse. But I've never known the love of a woman. I've never known the feel of her willing lips on mine. I've never felt her soft touch on my skin or listened to her light tinkling laugh. I've never run my fingers through her long hair and caressed her warm body. I've never held a woman in my arms, not a woman that wanted to be in my cold dead arms.

When I crave the attention and companionship I do what any other man would do. I go into a singles bar and watch the courting couples. I take in a show or a movie. I find a pretty vampire or human and have my way with her. There are countless humans for my taking at the Palace but I bore of them so easily. I want love not a good roll around in the sack, although I wouldn't say no to the occasional one night stand.

In the beginning, when I was much younger, I would find a woman that knew the score and spend the night with her. More recently I've lived vicariously through my writing. Creating plots and scenes I would like see played out. Creating characters I would like to meet and converse with.

In the past few years I've written countless erotica short stories to fulfill my own needs, my own desires. I've created characters with more passion and zest for each other than any I have ever created before. But I have hundreds more romance stories. I have novels that will never be published, short stories that will never see the light of day outside the prison I have called home all my life.

I guess the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing one day Allie will love me the way I love her. I feel it, as she does, already. I will take her away from this dreaded life and we will start fresh, just the two of us. My love for her will grow to limits I can't even imagine. And one day I know I will make her my wife, with or without Aro's blessing. She is my mate. My one and only. My true love.

As I kept a steady pace walking, for the last time, around the small city I passed bars and cafés, assorted stores and buildings I had no desire to look in. The rain began to fall lightly and I pulled the hood of my cloak up to keep from getting wet. I continued on passing the quiet sleeping streets. Everyone had gone home hours ago and I was wet and alone with my thoughts.

I could feel Allie calling to me, telling me it's time to come home. I smiled as I turned the street corner to make my way back to the Palace, back to my sweet sleeping beauty.

I was lost in memories of her beautiful scent when I heard light steps, Jane, fall in line with me. From her expression I could see that something was wrong. My mind instantly went to Allie but I could see she was still asleep.

"Demetri," Jane smiled and nodded her head. She seemed rather worried and scared tonight. I had never seen Jane scared. I kept silent, unsure why she was following me. What could she possibly need? I was on my way home after all and I hadn't done anything wrong. Aro gave me his permission to hunt tonight as he did with Felix and Alec and Heidi. "Something's going on," Jane hissed as we continued to walk. "The Masters are in uproar about some vampire hunting in Volterra. A new threat I think. Aro is very upset; they wish to speak with you," she said urgently. Her eyes shifted nervously.

"Alright, let's go," I nodded to her. She was silent as we ran through the streets. Nobody would see us; we were only black blurs to any human that may be out this late.

I blocked out her incessant blabber. It's difficult to listen to her ramblings. She's more devoted to the Masters than me or Heidi.

I haven't told anyone about my newest gift or how I received it. I don't plan on telling any of my coven members. They would use it for their own advantage. It was a gift from my beloved Allie and I would cherish it, I would not abuse it.

"Aro sent out Felix and Heidi tonight, along with Alec and me. I had just returned when I caught wind of the commotion. Something is wrong Demetri. I haven't ever seen Aro like this. He's talking about last wishes and wills and Allie as if he's never going to see her again. He spent the entire day with her today, he hasn't left her side in three months. Something isn't right," she worried.

Before I could answer the small vampire we'd stopped, in shock, just across from the Palace. I wasn't expecting the scene before me when we arrived. The screams were loud enough to be heard three countries over. Purple and gray flames blazed up from within the deepest depths of the palace. The purple and gray, sickly sweet, smoke rose in the air, swirling into the dark sky and burned my nose. The scent of unfamiliar vampires lingered in the air, as well as wet dog and something I couldn't name.

"There were werewolves here?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh god," Jane whispered.

"Get anybody out that you can find, I'm going for the Masters."

And that's when I heard it. The loud high pitched scream, coming from my angel, pierced the air and my body froze. I could feel her heavy heartbeat from where I stood. Her frantic breathing ripped through my ears and her cries, so loud and scared, tore my heart into shreds. The bright blue orb of her shield was shining out of her broken bedroom window. I watched in horror as a vampire I'd never seen before flew out of her window and landed on the ground below.

I heard dogs barking for help and Allie's scared, fright filled, cries rang loud in my ears. Her call to me was ten thousand times stronger than it had been while I was hunting. She was begging me to save her, protect her as I'd always promised to do.

My entire body suddenly ached to be next to my sweet angel. I watched as a large true werewolf sauntered over to her white crib. Angel and Demon stood protectively in front of her, they're eyes narrowed into small slits. For such tiny animals they're frightening when it comes to Allie's safety.

Saliva dripped from the lips of the werewolf, its hair was raised on his back and his teeth bared, eyes narrowed. This wasn't the kind of werewolf we'd seen in Forks, this was a true, rise of the full moon, werewolf. The kind of werewolf that was more deadly than their shape shifters.

I saw Angel grab Allie's wrist, gently in her mouth, and the wolf flew out of the window just as the vampire had. I felt my anger rise within me until I let it out in one loud ferocious growl. Jane jumped, startled by my abrupt mood change and looked up to see Allie cowering in her crib. Jane's growl was ferocious but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. Did she go to her new sister or her Masters?

"Allie." The word tumbled from my mouth as a blonde haired vampire reached through her shield, threw little Angel and Demon across the room, and picked the small child up out of her crib. I growled furiously. Jane's eyes narrowed into slits, a snarl more animal than man echoed my own. We watched as more figures moved into my angel's bedroom. The blonde rocked the small girl in her arms, her glowing red eyes lit up as Allie threw more vampires out of her room.

"C'mon," I snarled and grabbed Jane's hand, making the decision for her, and pulling her into the castle. I didn't wait for her to object. I could care less what she thought right now.

Another loud pitched scream echoed through the castle walls and abruptly we were stood outside my angel's room. With no time to think about how we'd arrived so suddenly we burst through the doors. I leapt across the room and quickly lunged onto the vampire besides my angel. I tore the vampires head off his body, throwing it out the door and into the blazing fire like a bowling ball. Jane took down two of the vampires guarding the blonde who held Allie in her arms. Her skilled deadly hands ripped into the vampires flesh with ease.

When only the blonde remained Jane and I circled her. My lips curled over my teeth, my eyes narrowed into thin slits, my teeth bared, and my snarls and growls grew louder as Allie grew more distressed. Her cry's filled the large room and it only angered me more.

"She – is – mine," I hissed.

The blonde woman smirked, her eyes glowed a bright crimson. Jane was truly snarling now, the sound ripping and tearing from her, glaring at the blonde with baleful eyes. The room had gone still, every vampire watching us with amazed disbelief.

"Now she's mine," the blonde said calmly. I could barely hear her over Jane's furious growls. She couldn't incapacitate the blonde while Allie was in her arms. Allie had a way of blocking an attack without realizing she was doing it, the blonde must have known.

The blonde turned towards us with a saintly smile. Allie let out a horrendous wail and Jane lunched himself at the woman.

Before I could react, Jane was on the ground withering in obvious agony, while I stared in horror.

The blonde was smiling only at her now. "I'm doing you a favor today, by keeping you and the witch twin alive. But if you come after us I will kill you all," her voice was calm and gentle with just an edge of power.

No sound escaped Jane's lips as she cringed against the stone floor. It felt like my head would explode from the pain of watching this.

"Stop it," I growled, my eyes darting between Jane and my sweet Allie wiggling in the blonde woman's arms.

"For now," she smiled. "Remember what I said."

And then the space where the blonde woman stood was empty.

She was gone.