A/N:So I feel like SUCH a noob right now! I reeeealllly am sorry for everyone that got to see that horrible mistake I did earlier, and anyone who didn't, sorry you are out of the loop, but it made me feel like a failure SO bad man. WELL with that said and done. I hope nothing was ruin for you to badly, and enjoy the prologue to my new story There Is No Not To Be!



The short calling of an old nickname caught a certain red-head's attention, and he smiled as he looked over his shoulder to greet an old friend,"Hiei. I was wondering when you would come around, its good to see you on casual terms."

"Hn. There is nothing casual about this meeting, Kurama."

Kurama sighed audibly shaking his head slightly at Hiei. Hiei looked up at him, eyes narrowed questioningly, brow relaxed in a manner that indicated that he was prepared to be annoyed. Kurama caught his questioning look, and looking up at the sky moving at their walking pace he annoyed his friend,

"Yukina and Kuwabara have been close for a reasonable and impressive amount of time considering their very vast separation. With the bond that has been so apparent, it was impending that there be some sort of official betrothal declared."

Hiei's prepared brow still couldn't help but furrow in contempt. It was bad enough that his sister was preparing to commit herself to a human, but to the buffoon that couldn't win a battle against a human delinquent it was to frustrating to keep from showing through his expression. Kurama knew what was most likely going through his comrade's mind and he just offered a smile and a slight nod, allowing Hiei to stay within his mind working around the idea of Yukina being even slightly interested in someone like Kuwabara.

"When is the mating?" he suddenly grumbled a question at the red-head.

"Its called a wedding here Hiei."

"Whatever fox, when is the betrothal?"

Kurama smiled at him, "I'm not sure, they haven't announced a date yet. Why don't you ask Yukina while you help her set up dinner."Hiei stopped walking, and looked at the door Kurama was holding open for him. They were in front of an apartment complex, supposedly where the 'buffoon' lived, where they were going to attend a congratulations dinner.

"I never agreed to assist in this so called celebration fox, I am only here because it is for Yukina."

Kurama just smiled at his intense glare, "So you can help in the preparation as I promised you would.. Because it is for Yukina."

"Hiei it is so lovely to see you again!" was the softest exclaim that the two man were greeted with upon the door being gracefully swung open.

On the other end of the door frame was a very small and very striking young woman, smile whole-heartedly at the two young man who had just knocked on her door.

"Yukina, so lovely to see you doing so well."

"Oh Kurama, it is good to see you again too," the blue haired, bashful, Yukina sheepishly smiled at him, "I just didn't expect you would come to set up for tonight. Since you have been over so many times before to have dinner with Kuwabara and I, I really hope you aren't going through to much trouble, if you insist to prepare for such a large dinner."

The two men entered the small apartment and followed the small woman into her small kitchen. Kurama, having visited his friends at their home before, helped Yukina set up the tea she was in the middle of preparing before they arrive.

Kurama cleared his throat, "Actually I hadn't planned on staying. Unless, you really needed me that is, I had wished to take up a lady friend on her offer to see each-other today. But I am glad to stay if.."

"No, no, no," Yukina interrupted him, shaking her head and grinning, "You never mentioned you had a lady friend! You should certainly see her, Hiei, I'm sure, will be very helpful. Please go."

Hiei glared as Kurama bowed with a 'thank you' to his secret sister, "What woman fox."

"She is a lady friend of mine Hiei, maybe one day you could meet her."

With a 'Hn' Hiei dismissed the thought, grumbling in his mind as his friend stood and left, mentioning he would be back well in time for the dinner that night. Yukina offered Hiei some tea, which he didn't refuse, so she poured him a cupful.

"Thank you so much for offering your time to prepare for the dinner tonight Mr. Hiei, I know how busy you must be. I am very honored you would lend your hand for such a special occasion for Kazuma and I."

Hiei couldn't bring himself to correct her. To say that he had no intention of helping her with this, in his mind, ridiculous and aggravating arrangement she made up with the buffoon. To tell her that he only showed up at this time because he had been, unsurprisingly yet still as aggravatingly, mislead by the fox. Instead he could only say,

"Hn, don't mention it."

He wished he could return the smile that she so beautifully sent him, and he almost guilty for being so upset by something that seemed to bring her so much joy. As she spoke softly while they set up; showing him where to place the cutlery on their respectful sides, which he didn't seem to make much of an effort to grasp the concept of, growing ever more aggravated by having to switch the spoons and knives and forks repeatedly. His anger also was on thin listening to his beloved sister talk of how much she was in love with such a buffoon. He couldn't take it anymore,

"What do you see in that buffoon Yukina?"

She was taken a back by his question. She could tell he was trying not to raise his voice, that he tried desperately to not reveal just how disturbed he was with her interest in the man she did love so dearly. She smiled is reassurance at him and explained to him simply,

"I see the world in him Mr. Hiei. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. I also see that he loves me, in every word, gaze, and smile that he expresses to me. That is why I love him, and that is why I am going to marry him."

Hiei could only stare, slightly wide eyed at her. He Didn't really understand anything she said, anything that he felt from her, but somehow it resonated with him. He didn't understand, but he almost felt like that was acceptable, because she did seem to understand it. Quite clearly.

The dinner went over swimmingly. The whole gang was there; Yusuke, Keiko, Botan, Koenma, Kurama (without his lady-friend), Genkai, Shizuru, Hiei, and of course Kuwabara and Yukina. The dinner was loud, cheerful, nostalgic, and tense. The tension only residing in the form of the fire apparition focused on the tallest, loudest, luckiest bastard there; the one that stole his sisters heart. Kuwabara wasn't the largest fool all his friends made him out to be, he didn't need psychic powers to sense the daggers that Hiei was sending him. However uncomfortable he would get, squirming under Hiei's heated gaze every now and again and again, he always brushed it off quickly by starting a fight with his best friend Yusuke or declaring his love over and over for his Yukina. None of these actions loosened Hiei's spiteful lock on the heartfelt man, in fact it only worsened the intensity.

"Hey uh Hiei.. Could I talk to you for a moment, man.." After dinner Kuwabara walked up to Hiei and kept him from joining the others in the foyer.

Hiei eyed his former forced-comrade, soon to be brother-in-law. At the thought he glared and clenched his teeth. The action wasn't promising, but he didn't say no so Kuwabara took it as a sign to continue.

"Look shrimp- I uh, I mean Hiei! I just want you to know, that I know Yukina is your sister," that comment, the one about Yukina, made Hiei's glare intensify, "Hey, I know it's a secret and everything I just ment that I know you really care about her and I just want you to know that I really care about her too, and that's why I want her to be my wife."

Hiei scoffed, shaking his head to the side, not looking at Kuwbara, "What do you possibly think you could do for her?"

Kuwabara stood in silence for a moment, long enough for Hiei to glance over at him for a moment, but Hieis gaze caught on the expression on Kuwabara's face.

"I don't know.. No, I do know. I know I want to show her a life full of love, full of beauty and I want to show her the whole world. Because.. Because.. That is what I see when I just look at her! And, I think I could really make her happy, and she really deserves that. So Hiei, I am standing before you to ask you one thing. That is for your permission.. Can I marry your sister please."

Kuwabara looked up and caught Hiei's gaze and his eyes widened. Hiei wasn't glaring, now he only had is eyes slanted in a questioning manner, brow knitted together in thought. After a moment of holding Kuwabara's gaze he snorted and turned on a heal to join the party in the foyer. Kuwabara hung his head for a moment but then it snapped up, and he grinned.

"He didn't say no…!"

Hiei and Kurama looked up at a window outside the apartment complex they just existed. They could make out the figures in the window cleaning, and they watched as the two stopped for a moment hold one-another's hands locked in a gaze. Hiei looked away and grunted as he marched forward. Kurama smiled at the figures and caught up with his friend, letting out a chuckle.

"What is so amusing fox?" Hiei only gazes at him from the corner of his eyes, being to annoyed to offer much more.

"Just imagining how you will react when you find yourself in a similar situation Hiei. One that requires you to be romantic. Which isn't really humorous, it is the idea that you will know what to do when the time comes to that point. I would like to hear your thoughts at that moment." Kurama just stared up at the darkened sky, eyes closed, smiling.

Hiei scoffed, "Hn, romance is for humans fox. Humans are soft."

"That may be true Hiei, but if it is, how do you explain Yusuke?"

"Ha, if the detective is what you humans call romantic, then it must not be that difficult after all."

Kurama chuckled once more," You have a point Hiei, but regardless of his methods, he is in love, and undefeated by you."

Hiei kept his gaze ahead of them, "Love isn't what gave the detective his ability; training and lineage gave him that power."

"Now Hiei, you and I both know that Keiko has been the reason why Yusuke has pulled through many a tough situation where it other wise looked bleak."

Hiei scoffed. He was trying not to think about his friends words. He stood firm that demons do not love, and that it only weakens an individual… But the fox had a point.

"Never the less, the woman is weak and vulnerable, which is a liability. To find an interest in a demon female would make more sense.." Hiei's gaze drifted over to Kurama's to judge his reaction.

"We aren't talking of interest Hiei." Kurama smiled at the growl he heard from beside him. He knew Hiei was trying to offer up a compromise through their discussion, but he was a good friend, and good friends don't let their friends settle for less.

"Fine fox, maybe finding a demon female to love would be a better idea." Hiei growled.

"Afraid not Hiei, granted that Keiko isn't defensless to a degree as a human girl, a vulnerable girl to the demon and spirit world is what gives to over-drive to protect her. There fore, it creates extra strength, and there fore a level of impenetrability."

Hiei didn't really like the idea of human love, but the fox was not stupid. He might even have a point. Hiei suggested, "So what if Yusuke mated this girl,"

"It is called marriage here Hiei; what if he married her?"

Hiei 'hned', "Whatever fox, so if they.."


"She would be in danger of all the demons that Yusuke has to deal with. Not to mention, Yusuke would be singled out for having a weak other half."

"Well, Yusuke could easily put to rest any talk or threat that is focused at him or his wife, especially with that new found strength from their level of care." Kurama offered Hiei, he knew they weren't really talking about Yusuke.

"Hn.. Maybe if I got a human woman, I could beat the detective for once." Hiei glanced at Kurama through the corner of his eyes. He saw the fox smile and nod at him,

"It is certainly possible, Hiei."

They parted ways soon after that, Kurama watched as Hiei walked deeper into the forest of a park that was near is home in the human world. He couldn't help but enjoy the conversation again in his mind, hoping that his old friend would finally find some true joy in life; not just power and legand. All the talk of joy and love made him want to see Nina, another thought at which he smiled. With that he pulled out his cell phone and dialed her number as he walked back to his home.

Hiei stepped through the dark forested park with ease, even with his mind wondering in every direction except the one which he was walking in. He couldn't help but think aobut the conversation that he just shared with the fox. Everyway he thought about it, Kurama's point was valid, but Hiei couldn't let that go. There was no way he could fall in love with a human. But, if the fox were to ask him tomorrow if he could ever fall in love with a human, he wouldn't know what to say.. But he wouldn't say no.

A/N: Yep so that was just the prologue! Very sorry for the confusion if any occurred. I be more careful about what document I upload ^////^. I will try to update once a week, but you know comments and reviews really do speed up the thinking process. Remember I don't read minds! Hiei does though.. Hmmmmm... Idkay man.