Easily lets get carried away

Easily lets get married today

The two men sat in the speeding vehicle, neither of them speaking a word to each other since leaving the girl's apartment. The short man sitting cross legged in the passenger seat had his brow raised as he listened to the faint sound of the driver grinding his teeth slightly. The smirk creeped over his face as he listened to the faint monologue running around in the air waves around the red headed driver. Livid green eyes snapped their focus from the road to the man sitting at his right, the eyes narrowed and his teeth were visible as he spoke,

"If you wish to hear my thoughts, I will be more then happy to share them verbally, Hiei."

Red eyes highlighted by their raised brow seemed to laugh even though their was no smile on his face, "Was that your human way of saying stay out of my mind, demon."

The car came to a stop. The red head jumped out of the car, slamming the door behind him. Hiei followed his old friend towards his human home. He not once looked back at Hiei. As he unlocked his front door, went to the kitchen, and disappeared to part of the house, Hiei simply went to the window and waited. His friend returned and finally looked Hiei in the eyes, the green in his eyes could have been compared to the burning sensation of throwing copper on a bonfire. Hiei shook his head with a smirk, convinced he would make action out of the situation at hand.

"What happened to you Kurama? Can't handle the woman's lack of interest in you all of the sudden?"

Kurama's eyes narrowed, "I fear for you Hiei, your memory isn't what it use to be. Nina is a good friend of mine, and as far as I can see, nothing has changed with that." He took a seat on his white throne across from the window.

Hiei stood the smirk painted clear across his face, "You weren't in that apartment, fox. You didn't hear the things she said to me."

Kurama kept his gaze from turning to a glare, his face stayed neutral, "From what I can tell Hiei, with your lagging memory, your judgement is as skewed as your social skills."

Hiei let his teeth clench together for a moment, and as soon as his jaw loosened his did not hold his tongue, "There isn't much to misinterpret when the woman offered to take her clothes off. After telling me all about your encounters with her intimately and how they weren't anything she was interested in."

"I see, then the abrasion across your cheek must have been an accident." Kurama unleashed his glare.

Hiei's teeth showed behind his smirk, "Not at all. The woman is feisty, I'll give you that much fox."

A moment later Kurama's chest was holding Hiei firmly against the wall. He let his chin drop low enough for him to speak into Hiei's ear, "I do not believe you have any intimate intentions with Nina, Hiei. Your attempt to manipulate the situation to seem otherwise, I hope, has allowed you to express whatever this new emotion is that you're dealing with. I also hope you remember what I am about to say because I will only say it once; Do not attempt your manipulation with Nina."

Hiei's nostrils flared at his friend's comments, "That sounded like a threat, Kurama."

"A warning, Hiei." Kurama took a step back so he could meet his friend's gaze, "With everyone's best intention kept at heart, of course."

Hiei scoffed at Kurama's mindful sentiment, "You sound more like them every moment."

Kurama resisted his erg to sigh, "More like who, Hiei?"

Hiei growled, "These humans. There was a time we could make any game we wished out of their puny existence and now you warn against the slightest trick."

"You have much to learn about humans still Hiei, it is regretful to see your contempt resurface like this. As for the warning, we weren't speaking about juvenile pranks, we were speaking about love."

Hiei struck the wall, a hole the size of his fist fitted in the structure, "Love is the human concept that surfaces out of their realization of how inconsequential and pathetic their miserable existence truly is! The weak looking for an equally weak counterpart they can leach off and be leached on in the attempt to claim it makes their hearts stronger. Reality is that this damnable notion is the creation of such a revolting and doomed species."

"How greatly you must have considered our conversation outside of Yukina and Kuwabara's home."

Hiei watched Kurama, whose eyes were closed and hands folded. He glared, "I loath the idea that I even entertained the prospect of human love."

Kurama's eyes met his, "I can hear this, Hiei." Kurama leaned forward, "Let me ask you this Hiei.."

Hiei crossed his arms and 'hn'ed, teeth already gritted.

Kurama's eyes never faltered, "What do you feel for your sister, if not love?"

Hiei's eyes ignited as if the narrowing of his eyelids made sparks like a flint and steal, "Don't you dare begin to compare your human mother relationship to Yukina, foolish fox."

Kurama sat back in his white cushioning, "I wasn't. I simply asked a question."

Hiei scoffed, walking toward the door, "I will not answer such an ignorant question."

Kurama closed his eyes, "I think you will find, if you think about it, it is not such a bad question." He looked over his shoulder to see Hiei's back to him, one step out the door, "You may find you are more familiar with love then you realize yourself."

Without a word, Hiei stormed out of the house door left wide open in his dust. Kurama sighed, standing he walked to his front door and looked outward, reading Hiei's energy level growing farther and farther away. He shook his head the sudden drop off of Hiei's levels all together,

"You really think you will find your answers in the demon world, Hiei?"

Kurama closed the door and switched the lock on. He paused a moment, staring at the lock before smiling slightly, "Perhaps it is fitting... I will still expect an answer upon your return."

Hiei breezed past vehicle and building, then tree after tree. When he reached the realm barrier he didn't slow for a moment and charged right into the world he new. His thoughts flew as fast as his feet, he made a few attempts to hear out a mummer in his head but never liked the train tracking in those certain directions. The moment the demon world's air hit his lungs, clear ideas began to form more coherently. Hiei never stopped running, his feet moved faster and the ideas seemed more and more like solid plans. He reasoned that he might need a certain amount of conditioning before attempting the feats that came with his zooming feet. The smirk crept from his gut up his throat and bubbled onto his face.

"I'll give you an answer, fox."

The ideas were forming into plans of attack and action, but even as he told himself he would have an answer for his friend, the answer itself didn't reveal itself in Hiei's grand equation. The solution was close at hand, but there were variables missing, Hiei even realized this to a degree. The resolution of Kurama's question would be met only at the very end of Hiei's conceivabilities. His time spent in the place of his birth would find the doors, but her influence would be the key to unlock any number of them.

A/N: Its short! I know! I'm sorry, I debated greatly if I would even write this chapter but a few people said they wanna hear Hiei so I thought I would open the floor for them. This is all I got today so far, the debate over this little chapter kept my fingers from any serious story typing, but I have my ideeeeaaas. The next chapter will prolly have a bit of a time jump in it, but look out for some more serious girly time adventures and such. Not to say that things will be pink and fluffy, just that things will be shoju I guess, but action will soon follow I got a few ideas I am happy to throw in to make things interesting and such. What do you think though? Hiei and Kurama would totally not fight like that? The argument made no sense and jumped every which way? Writing went in and out of focus? Hiei out of character? Drama drama drama and it should be saved for the desperate housemamas? Not even worth the some 1,200 words? Lemme know! I love hearing from you and knowing you all will keep me on track! Thank you so much for reading and I appreciate your patience while this keyboard gets its lazy days back into shape! Thankyouthankyou!