Um, whoops? Sorry guys, I'm like, around 7 months late? Please don't kill me yet; I have my reasons which I'm not going to bother explaining cause there's just too many. So, if I'm not wrong, after the international match with Mikan and, I'm sure all of you know, Yuka, Mikan went into a slight coma (courtersy of Luna) and woke up to the sight of her mother, and later realizes that she has an other half. She had already sort of made up with Hotaru and the rest, and is in a sort-of relationship with both Retsu and Natsume.

So, this chapter would be sort of a run through of many people's feelings and most of the story plot are revealed here. A lot of you were really looking forward to Mikan's other half, I hope this doesn't disappoint all of you although I have a feeling it will. You guys might probably kill me after this but I certainly hope not haha. I'm planning on re-doing the front few chapters, nothing's much is going to be changed but you guys might want to read it again. I'll probably be done with it when I upload the next few chappies.

Yup okay so I'll be trying to reply to anonymous reviews so here you guys are. Many thanks for staying with me and reviewing! :D

To .U: Thank you! :D Thanks for reviewing and I'll try my best to a starving epidemic maybe ;)

To DevilishSmirk00: Wow please don't; I have a very strong bakagunphobia yup I'll try my best to update as fast as I can though and I certainly hope I don't get lazy haha. Anywho, you'll know who's Mikan's other half is in this chapter and once again, when you find out, please don't shoot me :D Thanks for reviewing! :D

To alittle-bakemono27: It pleases me to know that what I wrote got you humoured Yup, like mother, like daughter :D Thanks for reviewing!

To pwenie: Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad to know that got you shocked because that was my intention ;)

Disclaimer: See the url? It says fanfiction, does it not?

So here's the next chapter, pardon my atrocious grammer :)

Nanoha sighed and tilted her head up to face the sky, the can of orange juice dangling limply in her hands. She swung her legs in between the legs of the wooden bench and sighed once more. Mikan was drifting away from her –them- and Nanoha didn't like that. Mikan had been her only trusted friend, aside from her childhood friends. Hadn't Mikan been betrayed by them? Haven't they turned their backs on Mikan? They even replaced her with Koizu-whatever Loony!

Nanoha fumed uncharacteristically, still staring up at the azure blue sky. If Mikan's 'friends' had never stepped foot into America's Alice Academy, or better yet, America, Mikan would be sitting right next to her, chatting about entirely useless things like ice cream. And now where was she? Chatting with Hotaru and a stranger who beat her into a bloody pulp after Loony sent her into the hospital with severe burns. Nanoha brought her arms up to shield her eyes from the glaring sun. She felt like crying. Mikan was her partner, damn it! After all they went through together, Mikan had forgotten about her. She doubted Mikan would even want to stay with them in America's Alice Academy when things settled down.

Nanoha knew that there was probably nothing that could be done about this. No matter how much she argued mentally, how much she clung onto that thin ray of hope, she knew it was practically impossible.

[Don't worry, my master.]

Nanoha smiled bitterly at her device. "Yeah, I know. Thanks, raging heart."

It was useless. Mikan wouldn't even spare her a glance.

Luna bit her lips. Mikan had been in critical condition and had almost died. And she was the cause of it.

"Luna chan?"

Luna blinked and turned her gaze to her side. She blinked once more in recognition. The cheerful bubble-gum pink haired girl smiled brightly at her and Luna couldn't help but wonder if this would be the first and last time she saw Anna without Nonoko by her side. She nodded her head slightly in acknowledgment, not really having the mood to pretend to be cheerful. Anna's brows furrowed in concern. "Luna chan, are you okay?" Anna paused, her eyes darting left and right. "Why are you sitting in the open field alone? If I'm not wrong, this was where the international competition was held, right?"

Luna merely nodded her head, choosing to ignore the first two questions. "Bad day," she croaked out hoarsely. Anna would probably be satisfied with this half-baked lie. Luna doubt Anna would even notice anything. Did she even know that Mikan had almost died?

"Ah," Anna nodded her head in agreement and seated herself beside Luna on the grassy fields. "So, you've heard the news?"

News? Luna turned to look at her in mild confusion. "News?"

"About Mikan."

Luna felt another wave of guilt wash over her as she gave a nod in reply. Anna sighed heavily and brought her knees up to her chest. "Hospitalised and in critical condition," Anna murmured. "Almost died. Second degree burns all over."

Luna closed her eyes shut. She didn't want to hear this at all. However, Anna's muffled voice was as clear as bells. "Who even did that anyway? Seriously? Giving her burns all over the body before she had a match?" Luna winced as Anna continued to rant. "That's too much, what did Mikan do to that person anyway? I'm sure it couldn't have been anything serious, Mikan isn't like that."

Silence washed past them as they both got immersed in their own thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm ranting," Anna sighed in misery. "I couldn't take it. I was so frustrated. Well, I'll let you have your own space now. Pardon me for intruding. Get some rest, okay, Luna? You look beat."

Luna let her eyes trail after the back of Anna. Like hell she knew why she had hurt Mikan, especially when he had told her all about him, and that Mikan was—was what? Luna blinked, and frowned. She then vaguely remembered she had to crush Mikan to gain something she had longed for. Luna gave a loud cry of frustration and clutched her head in her hands.

She didn't understand. One part of her held Mikan close to her, and the other wanted Mikan dead. "T-They contradict each other, what the hell?" Luna gritted her teeth and furrowed her brows in concentration. "I…I can't remember…?"

Retsu cursed softly as he felt a stinging stab in his calf. He spun around and swept the floor with his legs, tripping the bulky man over. He landed a few hard blows on the man and wrenched the blade out from his grasp. He narrowed his eyes at the crimson blood dripping off from the blade. "Coated the blade with poison, didn't you," his silver eyes gleamed in the darkly-lit corridor. The man glared at Retsu with unmasked fury as he struggled to get his legs out of the tomb of ice. Retsu raised an eyebrow nonchalantly. "No matter," He watched in amusement as his ice slowly crept up to encase the man's thighs. He crouched low and grinned as his hand trailed over the hidden pocket of the man's suit. His fingers clasped around a small vial and his grin got wider.

Triumphantly, he retracted his hand and stood up, smirking. "I have the antidote right here." The ice continued to travel up the man's body. With a smirk, he drank the antidote tauntingly in front of the man. "Thanks for the antidote, and I hope you have a good night's sleep. It is four in the morning, after all," His lips cracked into an insane grin as the ice completely encased the man. He nodded to himself in satisfaction before stalking off in his earlier direction, not at all bothered at the man's wide-eyed stare fixated on him.

Retsu stopped in front of an old storage room and a slight wave of relief wash over him. Hurriedly, he strode inside with quick steps and briefly scanned the room. "Seriously," he muttered under his breath as he stepped over a messy pile of documents in annoyance. "The people here have absolutely no sense of organisation." He stopped in front of an antique shelf. He crouched low and trailed his fingers at the edge of the shelf, before smirking widely. He pulled out a dusty paper envelope with nimble fingers. "Mission accomplished."

He hastily transported back to the academy with the Alice stone Sakura Sensei had supplied him with. He just wasn't getting enough sleep these few days with all the missions…

"Oh, Retsu, you're back," Sakura Sensei blinked in surprise as she stood up from the rock where she had been sitting on. "That was fast; it was barely ten minutes since you left the training field."

Retsu snorted as he tossed the envelope at his mentor who caught it with ease. "I wasn't going to waste my time doing missions slowly when I could actually be resting on my bed," he gave her an accusing glare.

Sakura Sensei smiled sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head. "Either that or Mikan has to go for her missions. Thanks, really," she added gratefully. "I wouldn't want Mikan to be up and about doing missions after being injured like that, and the fact that you're bearing the burden of both Mikan's and your missions really helps."

Retsu shrugged in reply and proceeded to walk away with a wave. "No matter, see you tomorrow." He saw Sakura Sensei wave back at him cheerfully from the corner of his eyes and couldn't help but to smile slightly.

When he was a good few meters away from the training felids, he let his guard down and sighed deeply, stretching his arms behind his head. "Mikan better treat me to something good after all I've done for her." He lowered his hands to rub it on his aching neck and blinked in surprise. The light blue alice stone hung limply from his neck and he groaned in frustration. "Goddammit, I just had to be forgetful when I'm actually about to head home and rest."

With a curse, he swiftly turned back and walked in the opposite direction he had come from. He just hoped Sakura Sensei was still there, or he had to turn back and walk home again.

"As we thought, it really was true." Retsu paused the moment he heard Sakura Sensei's hushed whisper. He squinted, barely making out two figures standing in the dark.

"This confirms our suspicions," a baritone voice rumbled softly. Retsu raised an eyebrow at the trademark silver earing gleaming in the dark. He heard the tell-tale sound of rustling and he realised that they were looking through the file he had gotten for Sakura Sensei on the mission earlier.

"Yes, who would have thought…? I wouldn't have believed it until I saw it for myself," Sakura Sensei whispered, her voice shaking slightly.

Retsu could not believe what came next.

"Koizumi Luna…Mikan's other half."

If Seiya were to be completely honest to himself, he would admit that he didn't really like Mikan all that much. Well, sure, Mikan was a nice, honest and cheerful girl with the brightest smile one that could possibly enthral even the coldest person on Earth. But Mikan was taking away his most treasured and trusted precious friend. His one and only trusted friend whom he had known since he discovered his alice. They had been best friends; they were always together and could never be separated.

He hated it.

He despised Mikan.

He despised the way Retsu would talk about Mikan as if Mikan had pulled his soul out from the very pits of hell.

He despised the fact that Retsu would talk about Mikan whenever he opened his mouth.

He despised the fact that Retsu was hell bent on chasing after Mikan even when he knew he had to go against fate; go against the destiny between Hyuuga Natsume and Sakura Mikan.

He despised the fact that Retsu no longer cared about anything else.

He despised that Retsu was doing missions in Mikan's place.

He despised the fact that Retsu was getting hurt both emotionally and physically because of Mikan.

And most of all, he despised himself because he couldn't understand.

…Was just one girl, just one, worth all of this pain?

Mikan raised an eyebrow, sceptical. "You're kidding." When she realised that her mother was not even joking in the slightest, she slumped onto her bedroom floor and huffed. "You know what you just said was bizarre enough for us to believe it was a load of bullcrap."

Still on the floor with Hotaru's gun pointed at her head, Yuka rolled her eyes. "Language, Mikan. But it doesn't change the fact that it's all true."

Hotaru, at this point in time, lowered her gun. "Long story short, there is this crazed lunatic called Death," She scrunched her nose up in distaste. "Who is also the head of the AAO?" Yuka nodded in confirmation and Hotaru continued. "So, Death was power hungry and came after you. Then when you were in labour," she said incredulously, "he attacked with a soul-splitting alice and your child's soul was separated and that Mikan's other form is Luna?"

Yuka nodded as gravely as she could. "I found out that neither child could be near each other for a period of time without losing consciousness so I decided to keep Mikan and let Reo Mouri take care of Luna."

"And a few years later, Death wanted all of our powers so he decided to chase us down. Thus, you pretended to die and left me to Alice Academy to keep us both safe. Luna was taken by Death a few years ago and you're saying that she's bent on killing me because Death got her head muddled with the memory alice?" Mikan ended her speech as if it was a question. Mikan got another nod of affirmation and she got a sudden urge to strangle the calm woman sitting in front of her. "You're insane," Mikan snorted, running her hands through her bangs. "You're asking me to help Luna."

Yuka paused thoughtfully. "Well, it isn't really her fault, you know," She pointed out. "And as a matter of fact, Luna's circumstances are much worse than yours."

Harsh and blunt, but true, Mikan realised with slight annoyance. "You do know that I'm not all that willing to help her out, muddled or not," she deadpanned.

"You can sure hold a grudge," Yuka said in amazement, shaking her head. "Even after you know that she's being held against her will."

Mikan snorted. "Tell me that after you got burned and bitched at." She turned an accusing glare at Yuka. "And I'm still holding a grudge against you for making Hotaru and I think that you were dead for about 7 years." Mikan could feel the anger well up within her. "I don't really care if you were trying to protect me; you left me alone and made me think that you were dead! And now you suddenly appear and tell me all of these complicated things! I can't believe this," she whispered to herself as she stood up. Gritting her teeth, she walked out of her dorm and slammed the door close. "You should have just stayed dead!"

Lighting flashed outside the window, illuminating Mikan's dorm room. As the rain poured silently, Yuka couldn't help but stare worriedly at the door Mikan had slammed. She stared almost brokenly at Hotaru. "Hotaru," she whispered. "We don't have much time left."

Well, I'll end it here. So how was it? :D The climax will most probably be after the next chapter so yup :)

Do review guys, I want to know how was the chapter. Too confusing? Too crazy? Too rushed? Do leave a review.