Fair warning this is awfully written with loads of errors and mistakes. I wrote this a while ago and I do not have the time to go back and change everything and fix all the spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Thanks for reading x

It wasn't the fact that I thought I would miss the sun of Florida that made Forks so unappealing to me. It was the fact that I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. I have a "gift" you see I can read people's minds and thoughts. It used to annoy me but now I see the good side of my "gift". I learnt not to tell anyone about it was well. I first realized I had it when I was five years old but I never understood what it was till I was at least ten.

My 'gift' is how I learnt about the Cullen's and Edward. I could hear immortal thoughts louder than any others. I was confused I didn't know who they were. When I found out I was shocked but instead of being scared I was interested and wanted to learn more. I was young so nothing to do with it bothers me anymore it's because I grew up knowing about it. I did get very scared when I could hear immortal thoughts that were not one of the Cullen's.

You see the Cullen's are a group of vegetarian vampires so to speak they have chosen not to hunt humans and live off animals instead but they are one of the few that do it. Most others hunt humans like their vermin which was not good when I could hear those vampire's thoughts. I have learnt to deal with it now but it was quite scary when I was little.

I am going to live with my Dad in Forks. This is also where the Cullen's live. I can hear all their thoughts but Edwards always fascinated me the most. His thoughts were always there for me in a way whenever something was bothering me I could find peace in his head. They are all very nice but they all have their secrets and hardships. I have always felt so guilty about my 'gift' though I mean I wouldn't want someone rooting around in my head all the time but there's nothing I can do about it the thoughts are so loud and clear I cannot ignore them.

I didn't really know what I was doing in terms of the Cullen's. I am not going to go up to him and tell him the truth I would sound like a stalker but I couldn't not tell them I should but I can't live with that. I could always not go to Forks but my Mum has remarried and they are going to have to move around a lot and I don't want to get in their way.

"You know, you don't have to do this?" My mum, Renee told me. I could see the loose in her eyes.

"Mum I really want to do this" I was never a good liar but today was a little different I was excited about going to Forks a little nervous but I could swallow that emotion.

"I love you, say hey to your Dad for me" My mum said showing me a faint smile.

"Mum I will be fine" I said trying to reassure her. I could see the motherly worry in her eyes. That's mothers for you though "Bye" I shouted over my shoulder as I boarded the plane, time to start my new life in Forks.

As I got off the plane with my really heavy suitcase in one hand and my other hands shyly tucked into my pocket, I saw my dad. God it's been ages since I had seen him. I thought to myself as I walked over to my dad, Charlie. My mum and dad weren't like quite a lot of divorcées they spoke and they still like each other but just not in that way anymore. Renee broke my dads' heart but they are past that. They rarely talk unless they need to and it's even rarer to see them together, but everything works out well. "Hey Bells!" My dad called me over. We exchanged an awkward hug and then loaded my heavy suit case into his police cruiser. You see my dad is the local chief in Forks so the only car we had was his chief's car, it didn't bother me to much though.

Once we had loaded all my junk into his car we began to drive home. It was very awkward I hadn't seen Charlie in years I used to come down every summer but once I got older I just stopped coming. Charlie didn't believe me when I told him about the 'voices'. I am glad I learnt to keep my mouth shut otherwise I would probably be in a mental institute or something along those lines because. Hearing voices is not good and no one will believe them if I tell them I can hear thoughts. I could prove it to them but then what will people do either call me a freak or do experiments and tests on me. No I made my choice to keep it quiet and I like it that way.

"So how have you been Bells?" Charlie asked. "It's been a while since you visited Forks"

"I've been good, yeah it has been a while hasn't it" I answered. "How have you been?" I asked awkwardly.

"I have been good, nothing that interesting ever happens in Forks" He said glumly. I had to hold back a laugh when he said that. If only he knew that he had a family of vampires living in Forks with him I think he would feel a little differently.

Then there was silence. I could ignore the awkward silence because I was thinking a lot. About Edward and the Cullen's, how to tell them, thinking about my 'gift' and the things I have had to do.

That's when it came to me. What I was going to do about telling Edward. I would let him figure it out I wasn't quite sure right now how I was going to hint things to him but it was perfect. I couldn't just come out and tell him he'd get worried but if he slowly worked it out himself he would be much more relaxed and hopefully calm but I didn't know how he would react. I knew him inside and out pretty much but how was I meant to know how he would react when I told him that I can read minds like he can and that I have been listening to his and his families' thoughts none stop for a few years it was impossible!

First things first though I had to settle in and be normal before I turned on all the crazy stuff. It had been nice though always having someone there for you and Edward always had the most intelligent things to say/think and no matter what position I was in it always made me feel better. It was because he had been a live so long he was 109 right now I believe. I would like to say he is my best friend but again that's bordering on creepy and insane so I will just shut up about the fact that he has always been there for me.

Edward's family consisted of him and six other vampires. There was Carlisle and Esme who were the parents so to speak Edward was actually older than Esme but for acting purposes Esme was the mother figure in the family because she was with Carlisle. There was also Rosalie and Emmet they were also together and Alice and Jasper. Jasper was the newest member and was still training himself to be around humans he found it very hard and he hated how people worried about him and then there was Edward the odd one out the only one that had not found anybody that he could spend eternity with it made me so sad. It had been like that for a while. Edward did not feel particularly strongly on the subject because he had never known what love is. I wish he would find someone that could make him as happy as the rest of them made each other.