Today was a very special day for the orphans of Wammy's House. In honor of L coming to spend the holiday at Wammy's, the children would be receiving a banquet of cupcakes after dinner. Roger glanced nervously at his watch. The minute hand officially marked it a half hour since dinner had been served and cleaned up.

The natives were getting restless.

A horrifying sound drew the old caretaker's eyes from the kitchen door. Mello had started pounding his fists on the table, which in turn made every orphan in the dining hall follow his lead. Then, to Roger's horror, the chant began:





The octave of the chant grew louder and louder with each passing second, sending the bakers in the kitchen into such a frightened frenzy that when the pans of promised cupcakes were finally produced, they were burnt, flat, and sloppily decorated.

Poor Roger just closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.





Roger wearily looked around for the leader of both revolts. He found that it was none other

than L himself.