WARNING: Contains references to the non-consensual spanking of adults.

Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine. I just borrow them.

Tony: You remember when I stayed with you that time, when it didn't really go so well?
Gibbs: Yeah, I remember, DiNozzo.
Tony: Well, listen, I was younger then, immature, a little unfocused -
Gibbs: It was six months ago, Tony.

Sequel to Testing 1, 2, 3 – That evening….

The knock on the door made Tony jump. He'd been sitting on his couch so engrossed in an Airwolf DVD that he heard neither the toaster finish toasting his Pop-Tart nor the microwave letting him know that his tomato soup was ready. He grabbed the remote and hit the pause button. He walked to the door as the knock came again. He looked through the peephole and was greeted with a concerned-looking Abby.

"Abbs?" he questioned as he opened the door.

"Tony! Are you ok?" she said, throwing herself on him with one of her bone-crushing hugs.

"Abbs, I'm fine," he said as he struggled to breathe, "really!"

"Well it took you long enough to answer the door," she said, punching him in the arm.

"What's wrong with you?" Tony asked, rubbing his arm and grimacing.

"Nothing. Why?"

Tony sighed. "Ok. Let's try it this way: What are you doing here?" She looked hurt. "I mean, what's up?" he tried again.

"I just wanted to make sure you're ok," she said as she perched on the couch.

"I'm fine. Why? What did you hear?"

"Gibbs told me he spanked you," she said, looking very concerned. "You're not sitting down," she added.

"Oh, uh, well, I guess…never mind," Tony said, making a point of sitting on the couch next to her. And then his brain processed what Abby had just said. "He told you that?!"

"Of course! He came down to my lab. I was double-checking the results Major Mass Spec came up with on the substance on the bottom of that boot you found in the parking lot at the bar. I thought it was duct tape, but the compound he came up with…"

"Abbs?" Tony interrupted.



"Oh, right. So anyway, he came down to ask me about the finger prints because I hadn't done them yet when McGee came down because I was talking to you inst…"


"Sorry. He was in a really good mood and, of course, I thought that was weird. So I asked him why he was so happy. And he told me it was because he'd just spanked you."

"He what?" Tony asked, aghast.

"Don't worry, I yelled at him for being happy about it."

"Thanks?" Tony said uncertainly. He recovered. "So, did he tell you why he was happy about it?"

"Of course he did." Abby got up and walked toward the kitchen. "Do you have any Red Bull?"

"Abby! What did he say?!" Tony yelled.

"What? Oh. He just said that everything was fine with you two and he wanted to make sure he and I were ok." She started rummaging through the refrigerator. "And he said it kind of reminded him of your first time." She turned around quickly. "Hey, when was your first time?" Tony stood in the middle of the kitchen staring at her, his mouth hanging open. "I'm not telling you that."

He turned around and walked back to the living room. A few seconds later, Abby joined him carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. He had pressed play and was once again engrossed in Airwolf.

Abby looked at him for a moment, then picked up the remote and pushed the stop button.

"Hey!" Tony yelled.

"Spill it," she said, flopping down on the couch next to him.

"Spill what?" She gave him a look. He sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you. But this doesn't leave the room, got it?" She nodded eagerly and poured two glasses of wine before settling in for story time.