Summary: Naruto takes his teammates back in time when they're on the brink of death and finds that they're in a time at least four years before his father became Hokage! What'll happen? R&R

Rating: M just to be safe.

Warnings: Sannin!Team7. Third Great War time!! Naruto made them younger so they're now 12! Naruto level swearing. Blood. Character death. Future adult content. The team picked up habits from their sensei!

Parings: MinaKushi. Poll at the end of chapter!! ^.^

+++ Key +++

"Bah!" talking.

'Bah!' jinchuuriki speaking to demon.

'Bah!' thoughts.

"Bah!" emphasis, sarcastic, or extremely pissed speaker.

"Bah!" demon or pissed of jinchuuriki speaking.

'Bah!' demon thinking.

"Bah!" important note or… an overly dramatic emphasis!

+++ Team Work +++

Minato knew many things, but one thing he was certain of was that his cousin's team and his team would NOT be able to work together, not for a while at least. He could tell from the tension that had built the night before between Kakashi and Naruto from last night, then the way that Obito and Sasuke were glaring at each other heatedly, not to mention the spark of rivalry that appeared between Sakura and Rin when they were at the hospital to pick up Rin.

It had been two days since he'd met the team his cousin was part of and he had to say, their team was a lot like his team, if not a bit more… crazy.

He was surprised to find everyone was on time, even Obito but that could be because of Sasuke, he wasn't sure. But he just knew it was gonna be a long week.

"Okay guys, we're gonna be a joint team until we find a new sensei for team… Hakumei, you said it was?"

"Hai," Naruto yawned into his hand, "Who wakes up this early anyway?" he muttered to himself.

"About every other ninja on the planet," Kakashi replied, rolling his eyes.

"You know what, I don't care, I had a rough few days and I'm tired!" Naruto snapped back. He didn't mind the kid the day they met, but yesterday just pissed him off and Naruto seriously liked Kakashi-sensei better than this brat. Plus, he was tired. And cranky.

Kakashi scoffed at him and Naruto twitched before Sasuke hit him upside the head, "Knock it off, dobe" he muttered with a sigh.

"Whatever you want, teme," Naruto grumbled.

"You know, that's exactly how Kakashi-kun and Obito act, only Kakashi's more alert." Rin said quietly, looking thoughtful.

Minato sighed as the boys were having a four-way glaring contest and the girls began arguing about medics.

"Okay guys, cut it out, we're going to start with sparing to assess their skills." he cut in before the guys started arguing, too.

In the end, he was impressed. They had indeed earned the right to do solo B rank missions in their village. "So… what do you say to finding out our chakra affinities? I promised for our next meeting didn't I?" he asked his six teammates.

"We don't know," Sasuke smirked, "We weren't here,"

"Smart ass," Obito muttered under his breath and only Naruto heard.

"Yeah I know," Naruto whispered back and they both smirk.

"Kakashi's worse,"

"I doubt it,"

"Wanna make a bet?"

Naruto appeared thoughtful before grinning a grin the boy had only ever seen on Minato-sensei's face, "You know it,"

"What are you boys grinning about?" Sakura asked curiously, looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh nothing," Naruto said innocently.

"Hey, pay attention!" Minato said, looking insulted that they weren't listening.

"Sorry Minato-sensei," they replied glumly.

"Okay then, do you know what this is?" Minato asked, holding up a stack of paper.

"It's paper made from trees that the First Hokage had grown. It has chakra of the Mokuton bloodline that identifies the chakra affinity of the user when they send a bit of chakra into it." Obito said and everyone looked at him funny, "What? I pay attention!" his team gave him a dead panned look, "Sometimes!"

"That aside, he's right," Minato said finally, handing a sheet of paper to each of them. "Does anyone know how you identify your affinity?"

"When you have lightning it crumples, water it soaks, earth it crumbles, fire it burns to ash, and wind it cuts in two." once again, everyone was looking at Obito funny. He scowled, "Come on, guys! I'm not as stupid as I seem!"

"We never said you were, 'Bito-kun," Minato said gently.

"Yeah, but you were thinking it!"

"Why does this seem familiar?" Sakura uttered.

"Remember that time when Naruto wanted that mission and got all psychological?" Sasuke returned.

"Yeah and… oh! Now I know why!" she grinned while Naruto sulked.

"Yeah, you guys were so mean to me that day…" he moaned in despair.

"Okay, why don't we just get this over with and put aside that Obito was acting smart, please?" Sakura asked with a frown.

"So mean," Obito sniffed before brightening as he looked at his paper, "I wanna go first!"

"Go ahead," Minato nodded.

The paper crumpled before turning into ash.

"Wow, you've got two affinities. Lightening is your main element but you developed a second because of all the fire techniques you can do," Minato said thoughtfully.

"Is that good?" Obito asked cautiously.

"Yes, it's good," Minato said with a smile, "Sasuke, why don't you go next?"

"Okay, whatever," Sasuke said before his paper did the same as Obito's.

Minato raised a curious eyebrow, "Hm… unusual but not uncommon for an Uchiha to not have a main element for fire. But you guys have a secondary, so that's not all that odd… hm, and you guys say there's nothing alike about you," he sniffed in a pompous way.

"Don't compare me to him!" both Uchiha's said together.

"Yeah yeah, Sakura, you go next,"

"M'kay!" Sakura chirped before her paper got soggy and then turned to dust.

"Hm, a lot of you are having more than one element at the start, interesting," Minato mused before shaking his head, "Water and earth? They counteract each other, but can also make a good combination when used right," he then nodded to Kakashi, "Go ahead 'Kashi-kun,"

The paper crumpled and turned saggy, "Wow, are all of you guys dual elements or something?" he said dubiously.

"Don't know," Naruto said with a grin. He did know, of course, but hey, that's time travel for ya.

"You go next," said Minato with a sigh.

His paper split in two before one side got soggy and the other turned to ash. (Remember, the Kyuubi influence to his chakra gave him three as apposed to just water and wind).

"And now you had three, what next, is Rin gonna have four?" Minato sighed, shaking his head, "Go ahead, Rin-chan,"

"Right!" she said before her paper started to crumble and then turn to dust.

"Lightening and earth? Hm, teach you some good technique and that could be a deadly combo," Minato praised and the Inuzuka girl beamed proudly, "Okay team, we start taking team missions again in two weeks. We're gonna use this time for training and rest. Then, two weeks before the Chunnin exams, we'll do the same thing to get ready. The exam is in four months but that doesn't mean we can relax, tensions between the countries are high right now and with the way villages keep getting wiped out," he sent an apologetic glance at the future Sannin when they wince, "anything could happen there."

"Hai!" they said as one and Minato had to smile, maybe they could actually get along in the two weeks before they took any missions?

+++ Two days: Iwagakure +++

"Deidara, have you gotten any word from my nephew? He should have been back days ago!" the Tsuchikage spoke harshly to the young woman in front of him.

"I', Tsuchikage-sama. I think that, maybe, he might be dead," she said quietly, holding her hands together, where a ring could be seen.

"I didn't call you here to feel sorry for yourself! I called you so that I could find my nephew! If he is dead we need his body, my bloodline is very valuable! Even more so than yours!" the man snapped.

"I… don't understand," she said finally.

"I'm sending you and your brother to Konoha. Get in, get out. If he's dead, take the body. If he's in a cell, break him out. And if he's alive and free… kill him for betraying Iwa!" the man shouted.

She remained quiet, looking a bit terrified.

"Did you hear me?" the man shouted again.

"Hai!" she said.

"Go get your brother, you've got an hour to leave!"

"Hai! Tsuchikage-sama!" she shouted before vanishing in a plume of smoke.

She was near tears when she found her brother, Deibuka and told him the mission. "So… we're leaving?" she nodded, "For good?" another nod and he grinned, blue eyes shining happily, "Yes! Come on, 'Dara-chan! Let's go save your hubby!"

She found herself smiling despite herself and raced to follow him and gather any sentimental items of hers and her would-be fiancé.

+++ A small town in Hi no Kuni (Fire Country): A few hours +++

"We're finally free!" Deibuka sighed to himself as he and his sister slashed their Iwa hiate and put them in their pouches.

"Deidara-chan!" a voice behind them called and the woman turned to find a man with light brown hair and green eyes making his way towards them before her eyes lit up.

"Sayo-kun! I thought they killed you!" she said, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Actually, I was just on my way to Iwa to get you guys. You see, I was stopped from killing Namikaze by his cousin who had survived the Toki massacre. He used a seal to check my thoughts and the village deemed me innocent and after an interrogation I was allowed a team of Anbu who are at the hotel we were staying at for the night to infiltrate Iwa and collect you guys," he said it all in one breath.


"So, even though you're part of Iwa… the kid bothered to check your thought process and told Konoha that you were innocent? Even after he witnessed his whole village be destroyed?" Deibuka said finally, slowly.

"Yup!" Sayo chirped happily.

"What are the odds of meeting here in this little café?" Deidara said finally, grinning.

"Well, I was getting the food while the Anbu set up some sort of survalence in the town. Something about suspicious activity around the area," Sayo shrugged.

The pair of bomb specialists nodded in silent agreement.

+++ A week and five days; Namikaze compound +++

"Naruto!" Kakashi snapped finally at the blond who, oddly enough, was ranting to him about Sasuke… which sort of sounded like he was ranting about him.

Naruto stopped and tilted his head curiously, "What?" he said innocently.

"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate!" he hated how the blond always got at him, even Obito wasn't this bad!

Naruto blinked, "Eh? On what?"

"On this chakra exercise," he said, going back to his calm exterior.

"What do you need to do?"

Kakashi let out a huff of air, both pre-teens unaware of the amused watcher in the shadows, "I am trying to balance this kunai on my middle finger while at the same time using lightning chakra to power this light bulb," he replied quietly.

"Oh, why didn't you just say so?" Naruto said, frowning.

"I did… two hours ago," Kakashi's voice was low and dangerous, but Naruto paid it no mind.

"Do you need help?"

Kakashi twitched, "Why, might I ask, would I need your help. You're just a genin,"

"A genin who's done three B rank solo missions," Naruto said dryly and Kakashi glared at him.

"I don't care,"

"Fine than," Naruto sniffed in irritation before stalking to a mat and getting in a meditating position before going perfectly still.

Kakashi glared a bit more before turning away from his teammate.

In the shadows, Minato sighed in disappointment, they'd have better luck getting along if they at least tried not annoying each other, or putting the other down.

He blinked stupidly when a kunai pinned him to the wall.

"Minato, why are you spying on us?" Naruto frowned, turning around to look at him while Kakashi blinked owlishly.

"Seeing how you guys interact when I'm gone," he said honestly, scratching his head sheepishly as he pulled out the kunai laced into his clothing.

Kakashi turned around again and started trying to do his exercise once more.

"Stuck up brat," Naruto grumbled just loud enough for Minato to here before he too turned and started meditating once more.

Minato sighed before walking off.

"Ne Kakashi?" Naruto asked after a while.

"What?" was the gruff reply.

"You're too tense for the exercise. One hand has to have calm energy to create a barrier to hold up the kunai and the other one has to be completely relaxed yet strained to gather lightning chakra correctly," Naruto said quietly.

Kakashi threw his back a suspicious glance before relaxing and straining his left hand while simultaneously calming the flow of chakra to his right hand. His eyes widened as the lightening chakra was easier to maintain and the kunai was easier to hold up.

He turned to look at Naruto, but he was gone. "Where did he-?"

"Up here," he looked up to find Naruto meditating upside down from the ceiling.

"Erm… thank you," Kakashi said softly.

"No problem," Naruto muttered back, looking deep in concentration.

They sat in silence until it was noon, time to meet the team for training.

Inwardly, Naruto sighed, the one person who always came late always seemed to make him get there right on time. And they didn't even like each other right now!

+++ Later +++

Sakura sat there, listening to Obito and Naruto rant to each other about their teammate/roommate. Seriously, couldn't they just fight with their enemy instead of rant about it. Sure, she ranted a lot yesterday to Kaori and Kushina about Rin, but that was the only time. Obito and Naruto did it all the time!

With a sigh, she walked over to Sasuke and Kakashi, who were both leaning against a tree boredly, waiting for Minato to show up. Strangely, they were all early today. Hm, maybe because they were gonna be taking a mission today?

"Hey kids, as you know today we're gonna be taking a mission so lets head to the tower!" Minato said happily, skipping straight to the point as soon as he got there.

"Yes!" Obito said, jumping up excitedly as the group made their way towards the Hokage tower.

They were soon standing in front of the Hokage in the missions room. "Team Minato, to get Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun, and Sakura-chan back on their feet, you'll be taking one D rank before I give you guys a C rank. Understood?"

The team gave a simultaneous sigh before nodding glumly.

"Okay, you're mission is to look after the Miori twins, could you do that?"

"Hai, hai, jiji," Naruto said absently pulling out a piece of candy and shoving it in his mouth. The team sweat dropped at his blatant disrespect but said nothing.

"Again, I'm not that old," Sarutobi said woefully before handing the boy the scroll when he held out his hand for him.

"Hm, watch the kids for three hours before the mom gets home… seems easy enough," Naruto shrugged, handing the scroll to Minato, who nodded in agreement as they walked.

"Why do we gotta do a D-rank mission?" Obito whined.

"It's okay, Obito, I haven't just relaxed in a while," Naruto said with a shrug and they looked at him funny.

"We're taking care of toddlers… that's not really relaxing," Sasuke deadpanned.

Naruto merely shrugged carelessly. "I like kids, and most of the time the littler ones can't even understand when you begin to rant to them," he said, looking thoughtful.

"You're not normal, you know that?" Kakashi said dryly.

"It's all a matter of perspective, Kaka," Naruto said sagely.

"Okay, than you're not normal by Shinobi standards," Kakashi deadpanned, not even bothering to correct the other boy on his name as it didn't get them anywhere.

"Meh, who is normal in the shinobi world these days anyhow?" Naruto retorted.

Kakashi simply scowled as they made their way through town.

Minato sighed from behind them, sure, they were starting to warm up to each other, in fact, Kakashi was starting to warm up to all of them and showing more emotion, but the whole group needed to do that too! Well, that's not really fair as the other four were starting to get closer, too, but… okay, now he's just confusing himself!

He talked to Mrs. Miori and then he and his six students were in the home, being told that the twins were asleep.

"So, when do you suppose we wake them from their nap?" Sakura frowned as she sat down beside Sasuke on the couch.

"In fifteen minutes," Naruto said absently, coming from the kitchen.

"How do you know?" Obito demanded.

"I just do!" Naruto said defensively.

"Boys, calm down," Rin sighed, shaking her head.

"Gee, like they're gonna actually listen?" Sakura said, raising an eyebrow at her new 'rival'.

"They better," Rin sniffed back irritably.

Kakashi scoffed while Sasuke gave his usual 'hn' before folding his arms behind his head boredly.

Minato twitched, "Okay kids, we're on a mission so stop with the antics."

Naruto, who was sprawled on the floor, glanced at him lazily, "They're not gonna listen to you, Minato,"

The older blond sighed in annoyance, "Well they should,"

"Well they don't,"

"Shut up, Naruto-kun,"

"I don't listen either," Naruto pointed out.

Minato sighed woefully.

They suddenly heard crying and Naruto was out of the room faster than they would have expected. They walked into the room to find the girls not crying and Naruto holding them with a care that surprised even his teammates, something only someone with experience could do.

"Yeah, are you guys hungry?" Naruto was asking them, walking past them and towards the living room, "Hey Sakura-chan, could you get them some bottles?" he asked absently, putting the kids in the play pen.

"I… uh… yeah," the pink haired girl said before walking into the kitchen, a confused look on her face.

By the end of the day, most of the group was exhausted, even Minato, as they were dragging their feet towards the Hokage tower. The only one not even slightly exhausted was Naruto, who seemed in a better mood than he'd been in earlier.

"How did you know what was wrong with them EVERY time?!" Sasuke demanded as they walked.

Naruto glanced at him sadly and shook his head, "I'll tell you when I'm ready, Sasuke," he said softly as they entered aforementioned tower. The raven haired boy got the hint and backed off, sending a concerned glance at his wayward teammate while Sakura frowned worriedly.

Naruto brightened and reached into his cousin's pocket, pulling out a tri-pronged kunai, "Guess what, Itoko(cousin)!" he grinned, "I mastered the Hiraishin that you taught me,"

Minato looked at him in surprise, "Really?"


"Just how good are you at sealing tech anyway?" Minato said dubiously.

"Good enough," Naruto said impishly before handing the kunai to Sasuke, who raised an eyebrow.

"What's this for?"

"Knowing you, you're already on a path to vengeance and like the time with Ita-kun you'll get into a very deadly situation and this time I wont be in the area to save your ass. So, I'm giving that to you so you don't get yourself killed," Naruto finished matter of factly while they all started at him.

"What about Sakura!" Sasuke protested.

Sakura became deadly sweet, "Are you implying that I can't take care of myself, Sasuke-Kun?" she said with a sweet little smile no one believed.

"N-no, NO! Of course not! But you get into even more deadly situations than I! Like that time with Sasori! And then with Mei when you guys were fighting over Naruto that one time!" Sasuke quickly hastened to say, hiding behind the aforementioned blond for cover.

"Sasori? As in Sasori no AkaSuna?" Minato said, going pale.

"Yeah, the guy killed her friend and she lost it. Going after him. If not for sensei and the old baachan, she would had died," Naruto said solemnly as they walked up the stairs.

"Seriously, maybe I would have cared when that happened if she hadn't been a fan girl…" the team glared at him, "Kidding, Kami!" he exclaimed.

"Sasuke?" Naruto said seriously.

"What, Naruto?" he demanded.

"You shouldn't try making jokes… it scares me," the young blond admitted weakly.

As they entered the missions room, Sasuke shot back, "You can't find it nearly as scary as you and Sai cross dressing," the raven haired boy suppressed a shudder, "Especially when you pretend to be your sister(oiroke no jutsu! Lol!),"

"But that never happened, remember Sasu-teme?" Naruto shot back defensively, "Besides, it's way better than your drag(…yeah…(KK, I got this from the story 'It's for a good cause, I swear!' so I don't own the whole drag and cross dressing bits. I don't claim it!)),"

The Hokage, Minato's team, and the two chunnin flanking the Hokage sat in stunned silence.

"Sakura-chan?" Obito said weakly.

"Yes, Obito-kun?" she asked, looking at him.

"What do your teammates do in their free time?" the Uchiha squeaked out.

Sakura became solemn, sighing, "You know what the sad thing is?" she said woefully, "None of that was during their free time,"

Minato looked at her in alarm, "You mean they did that during a mission?"

"Well… kinda," she admitted reluctantly before hastening to defend her teammates, "But they haven't done anything like that since… last year…"

The Hokage cleared his throat and immediately Team Hakumei's male teammates were standing at attention, backs straight and heads high while the other five hastened to follow suit. The old man sighed, just what had he gotten himself into by allowing a possibly insane team join his ranks?

"I've got a C ranked jutsu for your team," the old Hokage began, "It's to escort a noble by the name of Maoshi to the land of Tea where he will go to a meeting. There is a possibility of bandits and maybe a low class missing nin. You up for it?"

"Sir!" the team replied.

"Good then-"

"I'm confused," Naruto said, cutting the old man off.

"What is it Naruto-kun?" Sarutobi said gently while the two chunnin twitched slightly at the younger boy's blatant disrespect.

"If there's a possibility of nin attacking, why is it only C rank and not B rank?" the young blond asked seriously.

"Well, right now we're on the verge of war, so the missions are ranked lower. Understand?"

"Hai," Naruto said, nodding. "Please continue, jiji," he said politely, giving small bow. Sarutobi twitched: only Naruto could possibly be polite yet so disrespectful at the same time.

"You are to meet in three hours at the gate. Maoshi should be there. Pack for a two week mission," he told them, handing the oldest blond a scroll as he did so.

"Right, team, you are dismissed. I will see you in a bit. I've got to have a chat with Sarutobi-sama," Minato told them and proceeded to watch Sakura run towards her home, Rin rushing off to the Inuzuka compound, Obito and Sasuke having a race to their home, and Naruto and Kakashi walking at a slow pace towards the Namikaze compound, possibly talking about something, maybe arguing. You never know.

"You need something, Minato-kun?" Sarutobi asked finally.

Minato looked at the older man worriedly, "It's getting worse?"

"What is?"

"'Ruto and 'Kashi-kun's relationship! They always seem to be either ignoring each other or biting each others heads off be it when training or just chakra control exercises at home! And Naruto's been having nightmares! I've heard him screaming! But he always glares at me when I go in to check on him! To make it worse, 'Bito and 'Suke-kun's relationship is probably less tense but definitely more heated! They fight about the stupidest little things and don't even get me started on the rants that 'Bito and 'Ruto have with each other about their 'rivals'. Oh, and Rin and 'Kura-chan hardly even speak to each other rather than glare or make a snide comment! As a hole they'd make a great team but it's clear that my fucking team is exactly like my cousin's and it's causing tensions to rise and I just can't get them to cooperate when I tell them to suck it up and act like ninja! And then-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" a deep voice from the shadows cut in and Jiraiya the Gama Sannin stepped out, raising an eyebrow. "Catch your breath a bit kid, they'll warm up to each other eventually!"

Minato looked a bit sheepishly as he blushed and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Ero-Sensei, I'm just a bit stressed out, and I don't think it's healthy for a twelve year old to be drinking as much sake as 'Ruto-kun's team goes through every Friday at the bar. I followed them yesterday and they were drunk out of their asses! Well, Ruto was a little sober, but that could be his metabolism speaking and that just proves he drank a lot, but they were nearly passed out on the bar!" he began ranting again, this time about the effects sake has on the body before Jiriaya cut him off once more.

"Calm down, Minato," he cut in seriously, "They've gone through a lot, it's understandable that they're using the petty little fudes with your team distract them from their pain. Naruto's nightmares is understandable, and the drinking… well, it's a coping method for many shinobi. Just relax, kid," he told his student seriously.

"You're right, I'm just a bit stressed out about my teams." Minato was sheepish again, scratching his head in a way that Sasuke and Sakura would say he stole from their equally blond teammate.

"Yes, now go get ready for your mission, I've got to speak with Sarutobi-sensei," Jiriaya commanded, nodding to the door, which Minato exited moments later.

+++ At the gates +++

"There you are, Minato-sensei!" Obito said from where he and the rest of his friends stood by a man with dark red hair and dark blue eyes. He didn't seem like the nice kind of guy.

+++ Two days later +++

He should really start listening to his intuition, he grumbled to himself idly as he blocked a katana with his tri-pronged kunai, wishing to glance back at his students but he was going up against an SS ranking nin that was strong possibly stronger than himself.

He, Namikaze Minato, was losing. He couldn't deny it as he was stabbed again through the shoulder, rolling out of it and resting on his heels, clutching his now bleeding arm. "What's wrong, Namikaze, you losing your cool?" the sinister green eyes mocked him from a few feet back, the owner of the katana grinning at him as he taunted the injured man.

"No… I'm going to defeat you if I have to give my life," the blond gasped out. The man had figured out his pattern just as easily as Sasuke with the Sharingan had, within seconds, and it would be pointless wasting chakra when he knew it would get him nowhere.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye as Naruto and the boy of his thoughts tag teamed another SS ranking criminal while Rin, Kakashi, and Obito fought against an A ranked Jounin who was fairing better than he was but not necessarily losing. Sakura was sending support to each of her teammates from Rin to Sasuke, sending boulders as distractions and healing when one was starting to look out of it.

He cursed and ducked under a random nin's kunai. There were four other opponents that were fighting Naruto's and Sakrua's shadow and earth clones respectively.

Rolling to the side he raised his arms and covered his head as the explosive note went off. He heard a shout of pain and when the smoke cleared Rin was lying there. She wasn't breathing.

"RIN!" he shouted before something smashed into his head and it went dark.

Naruto rushed to the girl's side, eye lids red and pupils yellow and side ways slitted like a toad's as he called retreat. He picked her up while drawing a convertion seal and then shooting off, sending nature chakra through the seal while Sakura grabbed the down Kakashi, who had tried to protect Rin while Obito was tossed to the side.

They retreated into the forest, leaving the man who had pretended to be a noble, the leader that Minato was fighting, to grin after them while rounding up his men and their prisoner.

+++ A few minutes later +++

"She's not breathing," Obito whimpered tearfully.

"She'll be fine after Naruto works his magic," Sakura soothed her friend. Kakashi was worried as well, and he was pacing while Sasuke sat at Naruto's side.

The blond was currently finished giving the girl chakra and was now sending healing wind down her throat with his mouth over hers, healing her slashed throat and giving her air to breath. He pulled back and Sasuke quickly did a hand sign before sending a small burst of lightening chakra to her chest.

Rin shot up, gasping and clutching her throat as she looked around wildly. "W-what? What happened?" she asked shakily.

"Naruto and Sasuke just brought you back to life," Kakashi told her quietly, looking off to the side.

"They… did?"

"Naruto did, I just triggered your heart after he healed you and gave you enough chakra to give you your life back," Sasuke muttered gently.

"Thank you." she said gratefully. Rin looked around, "Where's Minato-sensei?" she asked uneasily.

"He… was taken prisoner," Obito said with his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"What?" she gasped in horror.

"We're going back to the village," Kakashi interrupted.

"What?!" Obito and Sasuke said together, jumping up in shock to stare at the lone Chunnin.

"We're going back to the village," Kakashi told them firmly.

"No we're not, we're going to save sensei!" Rin snapped, shocking them. She usually agreed with him all the time.

The two parties began to argue, shouting at each other. Sakura was exasperated as she began shouting at them to shut up but soon she was with Kakashi on the whole go back, telling her team with hand signs that they could always send clones to save Minato. She didn't want her future sensei and their new friends to die unnecessarily.

Naruto was trying to speak, but was always cut off before- "SHUT THE HELL UP ALL OF YOU!!!" the blond shouted and they immediately went quiet.

"We're not running away and we're not going back to the village," Naruto said evenly. Kakashi opened his mouth but the blond cut him off, "In the shinobi world, those who break the rules are trash," Obito was about to protest about how he was turning into Kakashi when he continued, "But those who abandon their friends and comrades are worse than trash," his voice was calming and gentle like a summer's breeze yet forceful like a raging storm.

"I don't care if you're the Chunnin Kakashi, I don't care about regulations and protocol, and I don't care if any of you turn back now. But from now on… I'm in charge, I'm the one whose going to save Minato whether you want to help or not. Are you guys with me?" he asked them all. Everyone nodded but Kakashi hesitated. "Kakashi?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"What's the plan?" Kakashi said after a moment of silence.

Naruto's face lit up in a grin as he pulled out a map. "My clones have been tailing them for awhile now and they're passing through here in a day and three hours. If we come around this way and move at a good speed, we may be able to head them off. I've sent a message to Konoha so if all goes well we'll have back up when we go up against the nin there. You may be surprised by a few things, but don't hesitate to kill the enemy. Our goal is to rescue sensei. We'll surrounded them when they take a break, Kakashi and I will be on the North East end, blocking any attempt to get away, Rin and Sakura will be in the North West, providing medical cover from their vantage point and maybe add a few of those jutsu that Minato taught you guys as a distraction. Do NOT engage the enemy, we can't have either of you hurt when we may be dying or worse, so if someone gets too close, throw this," he handed the two girls a tri pronged kunai and the girls agreed that Rin would hold onto it, "Obito and Sasuke, you will be in the South West, the only other escape route. Sasuke will help fend off the enemy with me and Kakashi while Obito, you will get to Minato and release him. If he's hurt, bring him to Sakura and Rin. You're not to engage the enemy either until Minato is safe. This is officially an A rank possibly S ranking rescue," he told them in conclusion.

"Understood," they chorused and Naruto put the map away before nodding to them and they took off at a fast pace that they all matched in their determination.

Kakashi was starting to have second thoughts on his blond haired teammate, too... just like he'd been having since that day in the dojo.

A day later the team was at their destination, setting up their plan and adding bits and pieces when four Konoha Jounin landed beside them. "Report." the leader commanded.

Obito and Sasuke supplied the information as Naruto and Kakashi huddled over a map and Sakura and Rin went over their team's equipment stores. The man motioned them over and began, "Alright, here's the plan. We'll-"

"We've already got a plan," Kakashi cut in sharply, surprising them all. Since when was he so disrespectful as to cut off a nin of higher authority?

"Really now? And what, may I ask, is this plan of yours?" the lone female of the Jounin squad asked with a raised eyebrow, deciding to humor them. She had silver hair and purple eyes with a soft yet sharp face.

Needless to say, they were impressed but... "What about us?" one of the other men asked. He had brown hair and black eyes with a kind face and a kodachi strapped to his back.

Naruto looked at them a moment before pointing at the leader, "You're a sensor/interrogation specialist, correct?"

Surprised, the man could only nod. "Call me Jiatsu,"

Sakura and Sasuke flinched slightly at the name, it was Naruto's psuedo brother's name in the future. Naruto didn't say a word.

"And you're a medic/poison specialists?" he asked the man who had yet to speak.

"Yes, my name is Toru," the man said in a soft, melodic voice.

"You're a Genjutsu/strategists, right?"

The miffed woman nodded slowly, "That is correct, and call me Nozomi,"

"Right, and you're a capture/assasination specialist?" Naruto asked the man with the kodachi.

The man's lip twitched, "That's right, my name is Ryuu,"

Naruto looked at them a moment, thoughtful and lost in his own thought process. "Okay, we've got two hours, twenty-six minutes, and forty-nine seconds before they come, so here's the new outline of our plan," Naruto began and the Jounin gave a slight start. So much for simply humoring him, eh?

"The leader of the group is Akiryuu Miki, as my clones have recently found out. He's a Jashin follower," Sasuke and Sakura both fought a scowl, remembering the Jashin follower that had killed Asuma. One of the few Jounin at the time that Sasuke actually liked and Asuma had trained Sakura in the art of the trench knives when Naruto was on his trip with Jiraiya. "So it will take more to kill him than most, I want my group to follow through the with plan while you guys go after him and Tiyona, she's one of the strongest Iwa has to offer. Toru, you stay off to the side with Rin and Sakura to help defend Minato-sensei," the man nodded slowly, "I want Nozomi to put a genjutsu over them, Sasuke, and Obito, who will be sneaking around the back to cut off all means of escape and also setting up exploding tags in this area over here." the three nodded.

"Among that, Nozomi, you will also use Genjutsu to cover us, confuse them while we fight. Jiatsu, what's your strongest secondary after interrogation and sensory?" Naruto asked suddenly.

"Kenjutsu," the man said slowly.

"Great, I want you to help Ryuu take down and possibly capture Tiyona. If you need help, Kakashi and Obito will come in," the two men were about to protest, "They're stronger than they let on!" Naruto said sharply, "after than, Sasuke and I will use plan number seven nineteen to kill Miki,"

"Plan seven nineteen! Are you insane!" Rin shrieked.

"What's... plan seven nineteen?" Jiatsu asked cautiously.

"It's practically suicidal," Kakashi said, glaring at Naruto and then at Sasuke for nodding in agreement.

"Don't worry, just because it could kill them doesn't mean it will," Sakura said sternly, all of them ignoring the confused Jounin, "They've done it more times than I can count,"

"B-b-bu-but-but-but...." Obito sputtered. "I thought when Naruto told us about it he said it could kill even sensei!"

"Oh, it can, but Naruto's been so close to death the pain can't even phase him and Sasuke has the eternal Mongekyou Sharingan so it doesn't efect him at all," Sakura said offhandedly. Though she knew she was lying....

"Again.... what's plan seven nineteen?" Toru said slowly.

So, Sakura told them and the team gaped at her. "But that's insane!"

Sakura sighed woefully, "Whoever said they were sane? They're more psychotic than Uchiha Madara,"

"We resent that!" Naruto and Sasuke immediately said as one.

"You're... all crazy, aren't you?" Nozomi said finally.

Sakura grinned deviously, "If you don't want to find out, I suggest you leave it to our team and leave,"

"We're not leaving a bunch of Genin to fight alone!" Ryuu said in protest.

"But Kaka's a Chunnin!" Naruto said in defense for his Chunnin friend.

"Okay, does anyone have a better plan?" Tory snapped.

"Well... no, but-" Jiatsu began, only to be cut off.

"Than let's just make sure we're ready!" Toru cut in.

+++ Two Hours +++

He couldn't explain how it happened, how this child had somehow deducted his and his teams abilities with just a glance, or how the boy's use of shadow clones went far beyond even Minato's or the Third's abilities, how his two companions always seemed to know exactly what he was thinking and worked with him in perfect sync as they readied the trap, not even needing to be told what went where, just doing it. He didn't need to know them long, he just knew that these kids from Toki, the Yellow Flash's little cousin, the rogue Uchiha, or the wayword, unnaturally strong Haruno, were different, that even though he'd seen them with their new team, always fighting, nothing more nor less, that the original members all valued their companionship, they had respect, something not many could get from the way the three acted at time.

One thing for certain that Jiatsu knew, was that these kids were gonna go far and that they were devoted to their teammates, willing to risk everything to save their sensei and make it to where they all got out alive, if the risky stunt that Namikaze and Uchiha were gonna pull was anything to go by.

"Naruto, they're close," Jiatsu heard Obito whisper over the mic.

"Wait for it..." Naruto muttered, counting down from twenty in a quiet voice, hidden by a skillful genjutsu so only they could hear.

Iwa will be in position in five seconds...

"Now!" Naruto called over the radio and they all jumped into action and soon it was only that Miki fellow, Tiyona, and some random Iwa Jounin that Ryuu was fighting, protecting Rin and Sakura's backs as they healed the various wounds on their sensei, who was only slightly aware of his surroundings, having been drugged with some sort of poison.

Jiatsu chanced a glance at Obito and Kakashi. They were good for a Genin and Chunnin. Really good. They were backing him up as he battled for dominanced against the female Iwa nin that was way stronger than his Bingo book had stated. The red head growled and sent a powerful wind jutsu through his blade, actually managing to cut jaggedly through the strong metal of Tiyona's katana.

Said woman got a wild look to her face and soon they were fighting a losing battle as she obviously did even better with just a kunai, probably not really being a kenjutsu specialist to begin with. Talk about a scary thought.

Naruto growled as he fought, struggling to find an opening to initiate plan seven nineteen that he and Sasuke had invented a few years back. He rolled, annoyed as he kept having to remind himself that his limbs aren't as long nor powerful as they were in his nineteen year old body. The only way they were close to his normal strength were when he was in sage mode, which was twice as strong as normal strength in the future and he couldn't really risk that, especially as his body wasn't fully ready for that sort of thing just yet...

He landed as Sasuke was thrown back, skidding to a halt right next to him, "Any new plans, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, pretending to pant. He was still filled with energy, but he was only a Genin so he might as well act the part...

"Yeah... we charge in blindly and hope not to kill ourselves if we miss for the attack," Sasuke said, eyes shinning wildly at the thrilling thought of facing death once more.

Naruto grinned wickedly at the way his friend's mind worked. They hadn't done anything harshly dangerous since about a half of a year before coming to the past, not counting the mission they fought Madara that caused them to come to this time line in the first place. "You know, that's the best idea any of us have thought of all day, Sasu-chan!" he said in a sing-song voice that caused everyone to falter at his happy tone of voice.

"Don't call me that, Dobe," Sasuke scowled, though he then grinned in anticipation as he and Naruto rolled away from each other to avoid a powerful earth jutu that was thrown their way. Sasuke ran forward, ducking skillfully under Miki's powerful thrusts and landing a quick punch to the small of the guy's back before crouching down, allowing Naruto to jump onto his back and spring high into the air, gathering an insane amount of chakra to his arms and chest as Sasuke jumped out of the man's reach, activating a seal that he'd used his punch to place on the angry brunette, who growled at them angrily, refusing to say a word as he tried (and failed) to get out of the paralysis seal that the Sannin GX had invented together a couple years back.

Sasuke sprung back a few more feet and went through a series of hand seals before sending about half of his chakra to his hands as Naruto, upper body practically glowing, began a set of hand seals himself. They moved in perfect sync and before Miki could do anything, before the others could look, there was a blinding flash of light as both pre-teens shot forward, Sasuke's eyes shifting to Mongekyou and Naruto's looking like a cross between Kyuubi and Sage Mode eyes... not that anyone would really notice with all the light...

Nozomi scowled as she killed the one nin that didn't get fooled by her genjutsu before focusing on adding more distraction for Jiatsu's fight against Tiyona. He wasn't fairing too well against her and Ryuu was helping Obito and Kakashi out and Toru was helping take care of Minato and securing the prisoners that they'd managed to get.

Those kids from Toki were insane but they had good hearts and she had to admit she was VERY impressed by the teamwork they had and the respect Minato's Genin had for them, not to mention that blond's plan, the Uchiha's insight, and the pinkette's ability to take a stand and show the world that not all kunoichi are weak. She really liked that.

She fed more chakra to the genjutsu that confused the enemy when out of nowhere there was a large amount of light by the area the guys on team Hakumei, they said it was, was fighting Miki and she couldn't help but snap her head in that direction as the two preteens initiated their formation attack: Plan Seven Nineteen... why do they call it that anyway?

She looked at the light and squinted slightly as colors flashed and then they were gone, pulled into some invisible vortex that took them to a small platform where gravity was twice as dense and the air five times as thick where, even though it would kill anyone stupid enough to do it, they were gonna use CHAKRA in that place to kill the guy who was probably so confused he didn't know what was up nor down. It was a good plan, but she didn't think that they'd make it.

Seriously, if you used chakra there it would weight down on you so much that you'd be destroyed slowly from the inside out and there it was like ten days in five seconds, as the books on that other plane had told her when she read up on it a few years back. In her Chunnin days.

It sorta made her wonder how they managed to make a portal there but thinking on it gave her a head ache as the light distracted Tiyona enough for Jiatsu to kill her and Kakashi managed to slash across the other nin's throat, so no more troubles other than the fact that those two Toki boys have been in there for two minutes, the equivelent to a year or so in that realm.

Their team was worried, that much was certain. Rin and Sakura were frowning, eyes shining with something unreadable, Kakashi was tense and for the first time actually seemed upset and concerened, and Obito... he looked ready to cry, and was mumbling something about if they didn't come back he'd kill them again when they met in the afterlife... wow, maybe team Hakumei weren't the only crazy ones?

Nozomi rushed over to help Jiatsu over to Sakura, Rin, and Toru before watching Kakashi help Obito beside her teammate as they waited, the three medics healing the few wounds that her leader and Obito had aquired. Minato had snapped out of his daze and was speaking to Jiatsu in a rushed, hushed tones, eyes growing wide in horror as his eyes darted around in search for his cousin and the younger blond's best friend.

There was another flash of light and when they were able to look again they found a purple... thing that they could vaguely identify as Miki, probably from trying to use chakra added to trying to fight Sasuke and Naruto in the other realm. Speakimg of which...

"Wh-Where's Naruto and Sasuke?" Minato winced, holding his side as he stood up warily. His body had been carried... roughly, to say the least when he was unconscious and he had many cuts and bruises that probably hurt more than he let on.

Sakura frowned in concern, "This has never happened before," she mumbled.

"They've done this jutsu before?" Jiatsu and Minato said together, sharply.

"Well, yeah," Sakura said, as if it were obvious.

"Ugh," Minato groaned in utter annoyance, muttering something about stupidly insane students.

--- Other Realm ---

They did hand seals and sent Miki back, finally certain that all his chakra had combust and sighing as they sat on the samll platform, ignoring the swirling colors around them as they smiled blissfully at each other.

"Man, this much pain is definitely enough to put some things into perspective, ne Sasu-teme?" Naruto said, closing his eyes as Kyuubi's chakra healed his and Sasuke's dead skin and crumbling bones. It felt so good the pain nearly gone just from the mere feel of the chakra coming up to heal them.

"Yeah... you said it Naru-baka," Sasuke muttered, laying back and watching the enternal colors dance around each other, Sharingan eyes flicking slightly before shutting down, used up for the moment after keeping his body from fully dying in the other dimension.

"I think it was fun," said the blond haired leader, grinning after the hour - second in real time - had past.

"Yeah," Sasuke smirked, onyx eyes glinting in pure glee as he sat up, "If I could, I'd do that more often but then the Kyuubi would finally decide to stop healing us and my Sharingan would finally short out when I trully need it," he agreed.

"Hm..." Naruto hummed thoughtfully, "do you think we've scared them enough?" he asked finally, mischief running through his sky blue eyes with the crazed look of a mad scientist.

"I'm pretty sure it's proficient enough to say we have," Sasuke agreed, stretching his arms as the Kyuubi's power pulled back, making him feel completely rejuvinated, even as he sealed off his chakra so it wouldn't harm him.

They did several handseals before carefully pulling a small amount of chakra before they were encased in a bright light of flashing colors. When it receded they blinked past the blur just in time for Minato and Sakura to immediately jump them with questions flowing from their mouths a mile a minute as the original team looked on in relief and the Jounin smiled slightly, happy that they were alright.

In the end, Naruto ended up falling over, having used up most of his and a portion of Kyuubi's chakra to heal and keep them alive in the other realm and Sasuke had to be given support to walk by Sakura as Jiatsu took first watch after they set up camp.

--- three days ---

On the path to Konoha could be found several figures, about eleven if you took the time to count. Five were Jounin and six were Genin, all happy and joking as they trecked towards their home. Well, Minato was still suffering from minor poison that had been in his system, but he was still having a good time as he listened to his team, who just a week ago were at each other's throats, laugh and have a playful banter between them all.

"I said; Give it back!" Kakashi growled again, jumping atop his blond teammate, trying to get his mask back.

"Why don't you make me?" Naruto taunted back, tossing the piece of cloth to Obito, who tossed it to Rin before he was also tackled to the ground.

"Rin?" Kakashi tried but the girl simply grinned and threw it to Sasuke. "Ass holes," he muttered, crossing his arms and giving up on trying to get the mask from his friends, a slight, un-Kakashi-like pout on his face.

Oh yeah, Minato grinned, this is what he called a 'team'.

SORRY! My laptop finally crashed and I had to restart this chapter and ALLLLL of my other ones for my other stories! I know you guys are probably mad that it's taken so long to update but hey, I actually like this version of my chapter better than my original one. Plus, I made it like three times longer! That counts for something, ne?

Anyway, here's the poll results so far!


Poll 1:

Should Sakura really be with Kakashi?

Yes - 3

No - 2

If no, than who?

Obito(if he lives) - 2

Asuma -

Oc -

If Oc for Sakura, what village?

Iwa -

Kumo -

Suna -

Konoha -

Poll 2:

Who should Naruto be with?

Anko - 4

Kurenai - 3

Oc - 3

If Oc for Naruto, what village?

Iwa -

Kumo -

Suna - 2

Konoha - 1

Poll 3:

Who should Sasuke be with?

Rin - 4

Kurenai -

Oc - 3

If Oc for Sasuk, what village?

Iwa - 1

Kumo - 1

Suna -

Konoha -

Poll 4:

Should Tsunade and Jiraiya be together?

Yes - 5

No - 1

Poll 5:

Obito. Should he live or die?

Live - 4

Die -

Well, that's it for now so… yeah…

Don't forget, you can vote more than once and that I'll be spending the next week or so working on my other story chapters that I lost so… hm… Anyway, byes!

Oh, and Flames for this chap. will be used to make BBQ next weekend!