"Hey," Balalaika yelled at the two couples—all of them looked to be in their twenties. The men both had gelled-up hair and popped collars. The women both wore so much makeup Rock doubted that he could see any part of their actual body—"can't you read? The sign says 'closed'. Get out." Rock took a swig of his beer, 'shit,' he thought, 'there go all my hopes of a quiet evening.'

"Hey, come on," the man on the right said as if he owned the place, "it's Friday night. Besides, if it's closed what are you going to do about it?" he walked up to the bar.

"Look, kid," Rock said after another sip of beer, "I'd listen to her if I were you."

"Oh yeah," he said to Rock angrily, "what are you going to do about it?" he walked up to Rock and stood over him in an attempt to frighten Rock…it didn't work.

Rock threw his head back and finished his drink, "Balalaika," he said, "you know what sucks about beer?" she shook her head, wondering where he was going with this, "it's a real pussy drink. It doesn't even get you drunk, really. It's just piss water." he sighed, "Hey," he turned and looked at the young man standing in front of him, "are you a pussy?"

"You little—" before the man could finish Rock swung his empty pitcher at the man's mouth, knocking out a tooth, cracking several others, and cutting a large gash into his cheek as the glass broke.

"Shit," the man said in a muffled voice as he put his hand over his pained face.

"Come on," the other man said, "let's get out of here," the man stood up and they all ran out as fast as the could.

"Hmm," Balalaika chuckled, "I guess I was wrong. You have changed." Rock was silent.

'I haven't changed at all,' he thought, 'I'm just sick of people acting like they can take advantage of me.'

"What the hell! You've got to be fucking kidding me," Revy screamed at the driver from the back seat.

"I'm just relaying orders," the driver said, "and it's only a precaution in case someone asks. You don't want to appear suspicious."

"Why can't it be with Benny or Dutch?"

"Now, now, Revy," Dutch said slightly amused from the front seat, "I'm sorry but you're just not my type. And Benny boy's got a girl already."

"Yup. I don't think Jane would be very happy if she found out that we did something like that."

"Oh come on."

"Shut up, Revy," Aaron said slightly bored from the drive, "you think I'm any more excited about this than you?"

"But why married? Can't we be siblings or something?" the four other people in the car were silent for a while before bursting out into laughter, "What's so funny," she yelled.

"Tell me, Revy," Dutch said, finally able to control his laughter, "how could you two possibly pass off as brother and sister?" Revy blushed in embarrassment.

"Fuck off." she said.

"Look," Aaron said, "it's only in case someone asks. Otherwise we're just partners. It's not like we have to pretend we're married all the time."

"He's right, Revy," Benny said, "But..." he started jokingly, "when we're out in public you better act like you're happily on your honeymoon."

"Benny," she said angrily, "you are so lucky Aaron is in between us right now, otherwise you'd have an asshole where your face used to be." She punched Aaron hard on the arm.

"What the fuck was that for?" he asked as he rubbed the place where she hit him.

"You piss me off."

"Look, how bad could it be? It's not like we have to do any mooshy, marriage things."


"And this is your room," the bellhop said as he opened Revy and Aaron's hotel room and put the bags inside, "I hope you enjoy your honeymoon." Revy fought the urge to punch the boy in the head as he walked by.

Aaron and Revy stepped in and stared at the single queen sized bed, both of them unsure of how to handle the situation. "I'm going to kill that fry-faced bitch," Revy growled under her breath.

"Why do I feel like I should have expected this by now?" Aaron said, scratching head.

Someone knocked on their door, "Hey, you two," Dutch said, "we got to go. Don't wanna keep Balalaika waiting."

"No," Revy said angrily as she stomped out after him, "we don't."

Aaron followed soon after, but Dutch stopped him, "Aaron. We need you to stay here in case someone tries to break into the rooms."

"Oookay." Aaron said, doubting the validity of his claim.

"Good," Dutch said with a smile as he tossed Aaron the key to his and Benny's room. "It's across the hall." Dutch closed the door and headed off.

"They don't trust me," Aaron said with a smile, "it's only expected I suppose. Maybe I should give them some proof." he pulled out a small knife from his pocket and tossed it on the bedside table.

"This is the place," the driver told Dutch, "Balalaika's inside."

"Thanks," Dutch said as he, Revy, and Benny got out of the car.

"Dutch?" Revy asked.

"Yeah, Revy?"

"What the fuck is this place?" she asked as she looked at the bar infront of her. Vibrant, flashy, definitely not the kind of place you'd find in Roanapur.

"Who knows, Revy? Let's just go." The three walked into the bar and froze at the man they saw.

"R…Rock?" Revy asked, unsure if this was really the man that she knew.

"Hello," he said. He wasn't happy to see them.

Dutch and Benny stepped forward and sat at the table with Balalaika and Rock, leaving Revy dubstruck several feet behind them.

"Hello, Dutch," Balalaika said, "Benny," she smiled at the two.

"Hey, Balalaika," Dutch said, "Long time no see, Rock." He simply nodded at Dutch. He wasn't very happy to see them.

"So, Balalaika, what's this job about?"

"Simple, Dutchie, we want to strike a deal with Richard's company that will grant us new territory in New York. However, someone doesn't like the idea of us expanding our reach in the States. While my people figure out who it is and who's working for them, you are going to be Richard's bodyguard."

"Richard?" Balalaika pointed to Rock. Dutch nodded with an unseen raised eyebrow behind his sunglasses.

"What?" Revy said, finally snapping to her senses, "We have to babysit that little shit?"

"Yes. If you want to get paid."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Revy said, pouting.

"Why Rock?" Dutch asked, "And why not use your men for this job? Surely they could do a much better job at this than us."

"That's exactly why I need you." Balalaika said. Dutch looked over the rims of his glasses expectantly, "I fear that there is a traitor in Hotel Moscow. Lately more and more agents have been sent to their deaths on missions that even a trainee could have accomplished. Funds have mysteriously disappeared, plans and blue-prints have been leaked. Whoever has done it has been quiet recently, but I fear that it's only a matter of time before the traitor strikes."

"Then why us?"

"You're the only ones I can trust at this point. Keep Rock alive, I don't care what laws you break, I don't care who you kill, but I need you to do this for me while I look into the culprit behind Hotel Moscow's recent problems."

"I understand," Dutch said, "but I'm afraid that we have a little situation of our own. I don't think that the new guy is all that he says he is."

"Where's he from?" Balalaika asked.

"Right here--apparently he was born and raised in the city."

"What's his name?"

"Aaron Crate."

"I'll look into it. We have ties with the police, I'll update you when something comes up."

"Thanks Balalaika."

"No problem, Dutch. Rock," she said as she stood up, "I'll see you later. I don't think I have to convince you that you're in good hands."

The Lagoon Company and their old friend stood up and left the bar. Once outside, they stepped into the car and headed for the hotel, "So, Rock," Dutch said, "How you been?" Rock stayed silent.

"You know, Rock," Benny said, "it's been--"

"Don't call me that," Rock said, "Don't call me that name."

"What?" Revy said, "Then what should we call you, dickhead?"

"Richard," Rock said.

"Richard?" Benny asked.

"That won't do," Dutch said with a huge smile, "you're always gonna be Rock to me, whether you like it or not."

The car pulled up to the hotel and let the four out. They went up the elevator and, at the top, Dutch pointed to Revy, "You're gonna stay with Revy and the new guy."

Rock nodded, annoyed at the fact that he had to room with the very reason he left the Lagoon Company. Revy knocked on the door, "Hey, brat, open the door." there was silence for a few seconds, "Hey, brat," she knocked harder and screamed louder, "I said open the fucking door."

Aaron opened the door, "You know," he said apathetically, "people tend to respond better when you're polite."

"Shut the fuck up," she said as she and Rock entered. Aaron gave Rock a strange, inspective look as he walked in, "don't talk to me about being polite. I still haven't forgotten what you said to me on your first night."

"Okay. And this is?" he pointed to Rock.

"This is the shithead that you replaced."

"Aaron," he said as he held out his hand to the man.

Rock shook it, "Richard."

"Rock, drop it, would'ya?" Revy said, "I already have to deal with this brat, I don't want to have to deal with your fucking white shirt and tie lifestyle again."