Ok so this lovely story has come to end my lovely's. I had originally planned on it being longer but I feel it should end here. I also have a new story I started called Parallel Destruction please check it out. It is Edward /Bella of course lol! It is gritty and emotionally wrecking but I plan for it to be pretty amazing so I hope you check it out and leave me some love. I hope you all enjoyed my first fan-fic. I really enjoyed writing it for all of you. Songs for this chap are Aqualung Brighter than Sunshine and Boys like Girls Two is Better than One. Without further ado (I own nothing but my first completed story squee)…The epilogue of My Happy Place?


"Ok hunny not much longer just a couple more pushes and you'll be holding your new baby"

I looked up into Edwards's beautiful green eyes and smiled.

Thinking back to the years that brought us to this moment brings a mix of feelings to me.

The day Edward and I escaped from James was a rollercoaster. When my father finally arrived he grabbed me and didn't let go for what seemed like hours, which was fine by me because honestly I never wanted to let him go either. After sitting with officers for hours and explaining everything that had happened with James from day one I was exhausted and just ready to go home.

We pulled up in front of our house, Edward and I's house. It was more than a house though it was our home and I couldn't wait to go in with him.

That first night was amazing to be in Edwards arms again. The horror I endured while with James melted away when Edwards arms wrapped around me. We laid in bed that night just softly caressing each other and whispering our love to each other.


"God baby this feels so good with you in my arms. I swear Bella if anything had happened to you I wouldn't have been able to go on. Without you my life is nothing, I could not live in a world where you did not exist." Edward whispered in my ear.

"Shh let's not talk about that baby you and me we are fine and we will be always. I love you so much Edward more than I ever thought I could love someone."

He gently kissed my lips and softly stroked my stomach with his fingers. I leaned back and kissed him with every ounce of passion that was coursing thru me.

"Fuck Bella I missed this so much" Edward sighed between our lips.

I reached up and pulled myself on top of him resting against him. He was already ready for me and in that moment on wanted nothing more than for him to be inside me. I needed that connection with him again and couldn't wait to be filled completely by him.

I slowly lowered myself on to him and felt him slide into my wet center. He grabbed my hips and started to push himself in and out of me at a slow pace. It felt wonderful and in those moments the world disappeared and the only thing I was sure of was that I loved Edward more than anything ever, even more than myself and that I would spend the rest of my life making sure to always bring him happiness. We made love all thru the night resting in between to just softly caress each other and bask in the love we shared for each other.

End Flashback

The months that passed after the first night were in no way easy. Both Edward and I had to attend meetings with counselors to help us get over the things that had happened with James. I spoke his name with venom for a very long time and even though I will always despise him for hurting Edward and I in a way I'm glad that things happened the way they did. I would have never met Edward had things not have happened that way and even though I had to suffer I ended up with the most rewarding love a person could have.

A year to the day that we met Edward and I were married. I'll never forget walking down the aisle to Edward's open arms. Our vows were traditional but meant the world to us. Alice and Rose stood next to me while Jasper and Emmett accompanied Edward. My dress was beautiful but was nice and smug due to the little baby bump I was sporting. For our honeymoon we vacationed in Hawaii and it was beautiful. We spent a month there never ever really leaving our bedroom.

Six months later Edward Anthony the second was brought into this world. He was a beautiful 8 pound nine ounce little boy with brown hair and gleaming green eyes just like his daddy.

Edward was wonderful and we took turns getting up in the nights and changing diapers. I could not have asked for anything more in my life. I felt blessed in every sense of the word. I never realized I would be so happy in my life time but I was and it was amazing.

Three years later here we are getting ready to welcome our daughter into the world. I never imagined in a million years I would be happily married with a son and a daughter on the way. Every morning I awake to Edward's beautiful face and I simply thank God for all the things I have.

In all the years we have never taken each other for granted because we know how important we are to each other. My boys are my life and I couldn't imagine it being any other way.

"Come on baby push you can do this sweetie" Edward said bringing me out of my memories.

"I pushed down as hard as I could as we welcomed our baby girl into the world.

The doctor laid her on my chest and they wiped her off. Edward grabbed me and kissed me smiling down at our new daughter.

"I love you so much Bella, I'll never stop you will always be everything I need for forever."

"I love you to baby forever you will always be mine."

Eighteen Years Later

"Hey Nessie are you ready sweetheart?" I asked

"Yeah mom I can't believe I'm going to college this is so freaking exciting." Nessie squealed.

Today we would be dropping her off at college to join her brother. Edward decided o become a doctor like his father and was now in his second year of med school. Renessme decided to go into photography and were excited and very proud of them both.

"I love you guys so much thank you for everything. I'll call you as soon as I get situated." Nessie said.

We hugged her and told her we loved her while we watched her walk away. Suddenly she turned and ran to me tears running down her face. I grabbed her and hugged her hard.

"I love you baby so much. You will be fine and you will do great things. I'm so proud od the beautiful woman you have become baby. We are only two hours away so you know we will be here if you ever need us ok baby." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Thanks mom I love you so much thanks for always believing in me. I love you and I'll talk to you soon." She said turning to leave again.

The drive home was fast and quiet but Edward knew I needed time to sulk and figure out how to let me baby girl go.

"You know I have never loved anyone the way I love you Bella. The amazing thing is that on days like today I find myself falling in love with you even more if that is even possible. That day you came thru my emergency room doors I never would have guessed that I would be sitting here with you so many years later as much in love with you if not more than I was in that very moment. I love you sweetheart always. You had my heart the moment I laid eyes on you." Edward said kissing my knuckles gently.

"I love you so much and I can't imagine a day going by if you weren't in it. You know I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you too. You simply amaze me everyday Edward because I never knew I could be loved or give love like we have. Every day with the smallest gesture or a touch of your lips I reminded that I am the luckiest woman in the world because we have what many could only wish for. You are my fairytale Edward, my knight in shining armor, the only person I will ever need." I said back to him smiling.

As we approached the front door to our home Edward pulled me up into his arms.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Carrying my beautiful wife into our home that is completely empty so I can make love to you and show you how much I love you" He winked.

"After all these years Edward you can still make me swoon." I laughed.

He kissed me gently on the forehead as we made our way thru the house. He laid me down on the bed and curled up behind me. I was at home in his arms in what I could only refer to as My Happy Place!

Sniff Sniff I can't believe it is over. So I know it was short but everything that needed to be said was there and I feel good about it. Thank you for taking this journey with me on my first fan fic and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please check out my new story Parallel Destruction I promise not to disappoint with this one. It is hard to read but it is a great story of heartache, pain, dependence, and acceptance. I love everyone of you who reviewed and favorited my story and I hope to see you on the flip side MUAH!!!!!!!