I CHOSE HIM- bandgeek252

Synopsis: Bella went to Italy to save Edward, but returned to be with Jacob. Seven years later the Volturi are coming to check on Bella. Bella is thrown into the love triangle again as the Cullens come back to defend Bella.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.

Happiness isn't necessary to living, but vital to being alive. I learned that some years ago. The day I turned away from the cold shoulder of my first love, the day I chose him. We had just returned from Italy. I can still feel the heat. In Volterra I ran and ran to save him. When I had saved him I felt my heart catch in my throat. I couldn't let him die before my eyes all over a misunderstanding, but in that perfect moment all I could think about was Jake.

The visit with the Volturi was scary, but Alice's promise resolved the issue of my knowledge of their world. I boarded the plane back to the States determined to be turned one day. This was what I had longed for since I knew I loved Edward, but this nagging feeling kept tugging at my heart. I ignored it hoping it would eventually pass. My resolve stood strong until I saw Jake again.

Edward and I were heading back to my house to explain things to Charlie fully edited of course, but about half way there Edward abruptly stopped the car. I looked up and saw Jake, my giant wolf friend standing in the middle of the road. I blinked twice just to make sure he was there. Edward looked at me expecting me to stay there. I ignored his controlling glance and got out. In an instant my mind was made up. I saw forever in his black hair and deep dark eyes. At that moment of clarity I understood the essence of happiness and a sinking feeling that Edward was not the man for me. I understood that happiness was vital to being alive. And I knew happiness lied in Jake's eyes, strong arms, and warm embrace.

My love for Edward which at one point was stronger than steel now melted and with it my desire to be a vampire, I took a step forward. I took a step toward the future. I didn't say anything as I walked toward Jacob. His stern face softened when he could see the love in my eyes. His huge goofy grin grew into his eyes as he ran towards me and held me in a big bear hug. He was sure to leave a space so that I could breathe. I looked at Edward worried that he would try to fight me. All Edward had to see was our big loving grins to know that I would never be his.

His eyes were glassy and hard as he coked out, "Bella, I want your every happiness, but this dog doesn't have the strength to protect you." His once perfect voice grated filled with whine and pity. It was all I could do not to gag. "He doesn't have the control that I do, the patience to keep you safe. These dogs aren't great at keeping their tempers in check."

"He will be safe with me. I'll keep him safe," I looked up at Jake smiling at his loving grin, " That is one of the big problems between us Edward. You always have to have control. What about me? Don't you think I could decide things for myself?"

"No I don't. I took your safety very seriously," Edward's eyes flamed at me in frustration. I used to take that as a sign of love, but now I just found it annoying.

"Your chivalry is too much like control for my taste. Jake doesn't control everything I do. He supports every crazy endeavor I have ever come to him with. He respects me to be able to know what will make me happy. Something you could never seem to handle."

"You promised the Volturi to become," he began staring intently at me, but growled lightly, "watch it dog."

"Stay out of my head blood sucker," Jake shot back.

"What about money? I don't think the tribe pays him well," Edward desperately pleaded, "Bella I'm not thrilled about turning you, but I will. I will turn you." God he sounded so sad. I felt bad that he felt he had to buy my love.

"Like I have ever cared about money," I shot at him offended, "Edward, I loved you as my first real love but when you left you closed a door and I can't go back. You may be timeless, but I unfortunately am not." He looked like he had his heart ripped out. His heart broken expression stung the wound of wounding other, but the damage had to be done.

He turned to leave and called back at us from the door of his Volvo, "I will always look out for you, but I promise to remain in the shadows." Edward with a tear in his eye sped away leaving a slight breeze and a small cloud of dust. Left free from his overbearing chains I was free as I jumped into Jake's arms. The strong arms warmly took me in as his lips crashed on mine like a wave on the rocks of La Push. Beautiful were his lips as he kissed me deeper and deeper. He set me down on my feet gently with his usual wide smile. I felt my life beginning. We walked slowly back to the house and talked about our hopes and dreams. Before we entered the house to talk to Charlie Jake stopped me at the door.

"Do you," he began taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly, "is there any doubt or confusion? Will you tomorrow want that blood sucker?" I stood on my tip toes to meet his face with mine. I raised my hand to caress his face.

"No, I choose you Jake. You are my best friend and I love you with all my heart," I softly whispered to him. I didn't want Charlie to hear just yet. Jake smiled and took my face in with both hands and kissed me gently.

Suddenly Charlie appeared on the porch with an embarrassed look on his face. We parted quickly, but I knew the damage was done and he knew what was going on. I sheepishly looked at him hoping he wouldn't banish Jake from the house like he did Edward. "Bella go to your room. I want to talk to Jacob here first and then I will be in to talk to you," Charlie said quietly. I knew he was pissed that I left without much of a word and that I was kissing Jacob Black on his porch.

I rushed up the stairs and closed the door to my bedroom. I stayed out in the hallway so I could hear what Charlie was saying to him. I was worried. I heard them move into the living room.

"Jacob I am going to be honest. I haven't been there for Bella the way I should have, but I will be damned if I see her go through another nightmare like Edward Cullen," Charlie shouted.

"Charlie, you have known me since I was a little tyke. I would never hurt Bella like that."

"I know. How long has this been going on?"

"Actually just today," Jacob admitted. Charlie chuckled lightly.

"Tell me what happened. I know you know," Charlie said in cop mode.

"Edward called and thought that you were preparing Bella's funeral so he was going to hurt himself. When Bella found out she rushed to LA to save him. She returned with him and told him it was over and would always be over," Jacob finished. The house was quiet for several minutes. I held my breath waiting for more.

"I never said anything to Bella, but I never liked Edward. I let her be hoping she would grow out of it. I had no idea it would take this long for her to come out of her shell, but she finally did. I always hoped you two would be together. You have been a good friend to her and treated her far better."

"I will continue to do so for her. I love her."

"What is your intention," Charlie asked sternly. I could feel Jake's body tense up.

"I want to eventually marry her and have her move to La Push."

"Why La Push? What about school?"

"Charlie I said eventually so chill. I live on the Rez I can't leave. I have too many responsibilities there and it's not that far away from Forks."

"Oh," Charlie said softly, "Alright. Go home and say hi to your dad for me. I need to have a long talk with Bella." I heard Jake get up and head towards the door.

"Charlie, try to go easy on her. She has had a long day. Ground her or whatever just know she has had a full emotional day." And with that Jake was gone. I scurried into my bedroom waiting for Charlie to come in and give me a firm sentence of grounding, but I waited for a few minutes and he didn't come. In those minutes I chose to think about what Jake had said about marrying me and moving me to La Push.

Ten minutes later Charlie came in and leaned against my desk with his arms sternly folded. His glare softened when he looked me in the eye.

"Two things," he began, "one you never never never do that to me again. Don't you dare take off on me like that. I am disappointed in you for running off like that without so much as a goodbye. Do you understand that?" I nodded slowly. He sighed heavily. "And two you two wait until you both finish high school before you think about getting married or moving in together."

"Dad, we haven't even talked about anything like that." He held up his hand to stop me. I bit my lower lip into silence and listened.

"I love you Isabella. You are my only child. I want you to be happy, but I also want you to get a few things out of your first like school."

"I don't even know what I want to do with my life yet. I do know I want Jacob Black in it."

"I know. Come here," he reached for me and he held me in a warm hug.

"So you like Jake better than Edward," I teased.

"You were listening weren't you," he smiled and nodded, "I think he is better for you and I have been friends with Billy Black for years."

"So am I grounded?" I asked.

"No Bella you're not grounded. Grounding doesn't do much to an 18 year old. Just makes you want to sneak around my back more. And I don't want anymore secrets between us Bella. Not like before." I nodded in agreement.

"I think we should have Billy and Jacob over tomorrow night. What do you think?" He asked. My eyes lit up as I started to think of all the things I could cook for them. I knew I would have to make a lot for my werewolf boyfriend.

AN: this is my way I would have had the books go. I can't stand the way she went back to Edward, the whiney wonder. And I really don't like the way she wrote Bella either, but I didn't make the kind of money she made so there it is. I liked Twilight (not the movie) but New Moon was probably my favorite until the end. I hated the fact that she went back into that whiney McLoser's arms. So I chose after seeing the New Moon movie which I love Jacob in, I would write my own ideas into a story of how the characters should be. Please Review… more later.