Having been obsessed with creepy pasta lately i noticed that some of my one shots could go very creepy if you think about them too much. YOu can fid all of these on youtube. Please don't read the following if creepy pasta isn't your thing. My five favore have to be

5. Pokemon Tarnished Gold: in which you play as your rival from gold/silver/crystal. It's not too over the top and i find it interesting.

4. Pokemon Creepy Black: In which you get your starter as well as a ghost that "kills" pokemon with the move curse.

3. Pokemon lost silver: Makes you think about what happens to your character after your done with the games.

2. Pokemon strangled red: an awesome take on why there was no champion for Gary to fight

1. Hypno's lullaby: the poem not the fic that goes along with it. THe poem is simple and understated but really makes you think.

So, lets try to make our own creepy pasta without the bloodyness or your game talking to you or anything else too weird. Again, please skip this if creepy pasta isn't your thing. I'll not be wanting a thousand complaints because you didn't read this part, I warned you...

She waited and watched the trainers come and go, looking for the perfect one. There would always be one, although it always took some time. She knew as soon as this one came in the door that the girl was perfect and so she waited. When she was sure the young trainer was asleep she crept into the room, a rag with chloroform in her hand. As the girl awoke, she ruthlessly shoved the cloth into the girls face, watching as the girls stuggles died. The girl would not awake again anytime soon tonight. That was good. The procedure had always been so much worse with them screaming and pleading for mercy. She gave a look to the trembling chansey behind her who knew by now what to do but was still reluctantly crushing the pokeballs the girl had left on the table. She'd have to treat it to another session, but not tonight.

Tonight was saved for the procedure. She easily lifted the girl onto the gurney, humming as she pushed the girl deep under the pokecenter to a room that was soundproofed as well as escape proof. They had learned after the first attempt that even an out cold trainer could rebel against the procedure and try to escape. The top of the head came off easily enough, that was always the easy part. It was the part that came next that was iffy. There was a strong chance the girl would reject the programming, but she was sure this time she had a perfect specimen.

The small chip with the programming was inserted without any problems and the girls scalp sewed back on, a wig placed over that glued into place, and a white hat over that to prevent anyone from noticing the telltale scars. The clothes came next, and then the girl was raised up to a sitting position.

"Chansey, use wake up slap"

The pokemon obeyed and the girls blue eyes flew open

"What is your name?" she asked, this would be the first of many tests to see if the programming had taken.

"Joy." the girl said tonelessly, as if in a hypnotic trance.

"Who were your parents?"

"Joy and Giovanni of Viridian city."

"What do you want to do?"

"Help all those who come to the pokecenter."

"And..." the final test to see if the girl was perfect


Damn it! She slammed her hand against the cold metal table. She had been so close this time!

"Chansey you know what to do." She walks away calmly as she hears the pokemon say something in pokelanguage to the girl as she places a glowing egg in the girls arms and walks out of the room. Later Chansey will take the body into the forest where the Mightyena will take care of the rest.

"And I thought this one would be perfect, I guess I'll just have to keep waiting." She smiles at the next trainer who comes in the door, its a young brunette with a happiny for a partner. She will try again, this one will be perfect, she knows.


Basic idea behind this is that Nurse Joy kidnaps girl trainers and reprograms them to become Nurse Joys.