This is the final chapter of this fic and hopefully, it'll end with a good note.

Chapter 3: Forgiveness

Raph has severely messed himself up by killing his own brother, over some differences. It seems as though he has forgotten everything about teamwork between the turtles. He was still on his knees, looking extremely distraught and guilty, not only for killing Leo, but for also threatening to kill Splinter. It's like he's turning himself into a violent, angry monster with a hard shell.

He panted furiously and then, he got up from the floor, looked at himself in the mirror and realize that maybe since he killed Leo, he was thinking another way to just get away from it all; suicide.

He went to his CD Player and played a song that could add to the suicidal attempts and merely taking his anger into a new level of remorse and regret.

Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again

I dont want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

I'll paint it on the walls
'Cause I'm the one that fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity
to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

Raph could feel the inner anger unleashed inside of him and it's gotten so bad, he got down on his knees, stuck a sai down the floor and screamed loudly.


Then, he lowered his head down and then, started crying. It was very hard for him to even admit that he's jealous of Leo getting all the attention and since he left his brother dead, he just feels as if he doesn't want to live anymore.


Raph raised his head up slowly and sees Mikey standing there, looking a little concerned and also a little nervous about seeing Raph's anger boiling up. He sighed and asked, "What do you want, Mikey?"

"I heard about what happened."

Raph didn't know how to react to this and how Mikey knows what Raph has done. He asked, "How'd you know?"

"When I heard you scream, I had to wake up and find out where it came from and when I went to Splinter's room, you guys were fighting and I saw you stuck your sai into Splinter's throat, like you were gonna kill him."

Raph sighed heavily and said, shakily, "Yeah."

Mikey came to him and said, "Look, Raph. Just because Leo has all the attention from Splinter, it just doesn't mean he doesn't love you any less."

"Sometimes it feels that way."

"But it doesn't have to be like this. Leo was the glue that holds all of us together until you killed him."

"I don't know what I was thinking, Mikey. I was just so mad at him and I couldn't take it anymore and it got to the point where I wasn't gonna take it anymore, so I had to kill him. I just hate him."

"Never say you hate him. Sometimes, Leo hogs all our attention, but you don't see us getting P'O'ed about it. It's like you want all of Sensei's attention and leave him out. He's our brother and one of these days, you can't just butt in and want to take down the bad guys yourself. Let us help you, Raph."

"Why should I need Leo's help?"

"Dude, because he's trying to help us come together. That's what he should've wanted us for."

Raph stood in a wall, trying not to let Mikey see him cry. Then, the anguish has consumed him hard and that his feelings were a little hurt, because of what he did to Leo. He sighed and told him, "I wish I would've.... harmed him in any way."

"All I'm saying is, we can agree to disagree, but you always disagree and disagreement."

"Since when?"

"All the time. You're just too stubborn to admit it."

Raph got a little irritated that Mikey said that he's stubborn, but when he looked at his damaged Nightwatcher outfit, he realized that he was right. He just didn;t want to admit it, because of his mental violent personality, which is crashing down on him. Then, Mikey sees a few tears coming from Raph's eyes and he was good at hiding his feelings, but Raph came over to Mikey and hugged him tightly.

He said, "I want to forgive Leo and also Splinter for what I've done, but I can't."

"You're gonna have to. You have to forgive Splinter for what you did to him."

"Forget it. After what I did and said to him, he'll never forgive me."

"He's our master and our father. He has to forgive you and you need to forgive him also. At least think about it?"

Mikey looked at Raph and then, he departed his room, leaving Raph alone in his room with so much remorse from his heart. Raph walked towards his room and then, looked at the mirror again to reflect on the times that all of that anger affected most of his brothers and Splinter, included and that he was ashamed of what he did.


Then, he turned around quickly and saw Master Splinter standing on his room, again, but this time, Raph came to him and hugged him tightly, with his eyes closed. He whispered, "I'm so sorry, Master Splinter."

Splinter hugged him also and said, "I know you are."

"I wish I wouldn't have killed Leo. I was just so sick of him."

"That's what's your problem; your anger has been so advanced, that you start taking it out on each one of us and sometimes you might do something that you will deeply regret for the rest of your life. Don't think I'm favoring Leonardo. I love all four you just the same."

"I wish you would've said that sooner."

"I tried several times, but for some reason, you just forget. Do not let your heart be so full of anger and hate. It can lead to worse things."

Then, Raph had a scary thought that his anger will spiral out of control and ends up taking it all out on his brothers and that wouldn't bode well with him. He looks at Splinter and said, "You're right. I shouldn't be so hard on myself and on them, including Leo. But how can you still love me? I killed my own brother."

"You knew you had no intention to do this to your brother, but you did it anyway. For that, you have to suffer the consequences for your actions."

Raph sighed heavily and said, "What do I have to do?"

"Get rid of the Nightwatcher's outfit. I also knew you would do something like this since I have heard of it. And also, do ten flips."

Raph sighed heavily and knew that would be something that he wasn't expecting, but he has taking responsiblity for his actions and then he said, "By your wish, father."

Well, it's kinda short, but at least Raph took responsibility for what he's done. Anyways, hope ya'll like it!