Chapter Four: Captain Jack Sparrow Pops the Question

Elizabeth Swann had spent five months on board the Black Pearl with Captain Jack Sparrow. She was standing over the rail of the ship and Jack came out of his cabin and said, "I have something for you, love."

Jack gave her the small square box that was wrapped in silver wrapping paper. She opened it up and gasped.

"Oh, Jack," she said breathlessly. "It is beautiful."

It was a beautiful gold ring with small diamonds around it. Jack took his hat off and took the ring from Elizabeth and bent down on one knee and asked, "Elizabeth, will you marry me, love?"

"Oh, Jack," Elizabeth said softly and blinked as she looked at Jack with a tear in her eye and said, "Aye, Jack. I will marry you."

"Drinks all around!" Jack said as he picked her up and swung her around and kissed her long and deep.

"I love you, Jack," she said.

"I know," Jack said as he held her close.

"Gibbs!" Jack said.

"Aye, Cap'n?" Mr. Gibbs asked.

"Where are we going to have the wedding at?" Elizabeth asked Jack.

"What wedding?" Mr. Gibbs asked.

"Lizzie and I are getting married," Jack said as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Hide the rum," Jack whispered to Mr. Gibbs and he nodded.

"We can have the ceremony right here on the Black Pearl," Jack said.

"I can perform the marriage ceremony," Mr. Gibbs offered as he hid the rum.

"You're hired, mate," Jack said with a grin.

"I have to buy a wedding dress," Elizabeth said.

"Land ho!" Anamaria shouted.

"Time to go shopping," Jack said with a grin as he put his hat back on.

Anamaria took Elizabeth to a store near Tortuga and she bought a wedding dress that was black with silver glitter in the black trimmings.

"Congratulations," Anamaria said with a smile. "I hope you and Jack have a fine life together."

"Thanks," Elizabeth said with a smile and hugged Anamaria.

They went back to the ship and Jack greeted them.

Later that night, Elizabeth woke up in Captain Jack Sparrow's cabin and heard Jack's breathing. She smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek and walked out of the cabin and to the front of the ship. She sighed and looked out toward the horizon.

Jack Sparrow noticed Elizabeth was gone. He got up out of bed and went below and saw his future wife sitting on a barrel.

"What's wrong, love?" Jack asked her.

"You know after I left this ship I did lose my love for adventure," Elizabeth said. "I saw my future with Will and saw us living the rest of our lives together, but then you came and I fell in love with you because we are alike. I guess after I saw that, I lost my faith that I would find true love again."

"I knew that you lost will to love again," Jack said as he sat down beside her.

"When you came back and brought me back to your ship," Elizabeth said as Jack wrapped his arms around her. "Thanks to you, I found that part I thought I had lost forever."

"I am glad you found that part of you, love," Jack said as he kissed her on the cheek. "Now, let's go back to sleep."

(End Chapter Four)

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