The Angel's Work- Epilogue II

As requested, a follow up to the epilogue where baby Caitlyn gets to meet her granddad Bobby. A bit longer than I had intended but couldn't resist the schmoopiness!!

After several hours on the road, Sam finally pulled the Impala up outside Bobby's house. Dean was asleep in the passenger seat, exhausted from tending to Caitlyn several times on the way over. Caitlyn was also sound asleep. Sam switched the engine off and sat there for several moments, not wanting to move for fear of waking them up.

Dean chose that moment to stir in his seat and open his eyes. Rubbing them he looked out the window. "Oh, we're here. How's she doing?" he said turning around to see his sleeping daughter.

"Fine. Think you made more noise in your sleep than she did Dean" Sam said playfully.

"Ha ha! Let's go Sammy, Bobby's expecting us and I'm sure he's got a feast waiting for us. I sure hope so, I'm friggin' starving" he said opening the door, getting out and going to open the back door.

"Come on baby girl" he said reaching out to gently lift Caitlyn from her car seat. She started to wake up and cry. Dean picked her up and put her across his shoulder and rubbed soothing cirles on her back to calm her down. "Ssssh......It's okay sweetheart.....Daddy's here" he hushed.

Sam looked on and smiled. Dean had adapted to his new role amazingly and was a natural as the baby calmed down and snuggled into her father's shoulder. Sam gathered their things from the trunk of the car and followed Dean up the path to Bobby's front door where he lightly tapped the knocker.

They could hear Bobby swearing on the other side of the door, cursing the key not turning properly in the lock. "Darn key!" he continued until eventually the door swung open.

"Enough with the swear words Bobby, not in front of my daughter" Dean said covering his daughter's tiny ears.

Bobby stood there gobsmacked at Dean's role reversal. "Who are and what have you done with Dean Winchester?" he said smiling.

"Calm down Bobby, no need to crack out the holy water" Dean said readjusting Caitlyn's position on his shoulder. "Are you going to let us in because Caitlyn needs her feed".

"Of course, you idjits, come on in. I've been busy rustling up a feast for y'all. Hope you're hungry!".

"Always" Dean said immediately going over to his bag and expertly balancing Caitlyn on his shoulder and getting out a bottle and formula.

"So, let's have a look at her then?" Bobby said going over to Dean and taking the baby off him and cradling her in his arms. Caitlyn was looking more and more like Dean every day. Her green eyes, intensifying in colour and her plump lips getting fuller. "She's beautiful Dean." he said trying to find the right words.

"An angel?" Dean intercepted.

Bobby nodded, not taking his eyes off the little girl. "Yeah. An angel. Who'd have thought that through all your stupidty that something so amazing as her could come from it. So her existence....Lucifer has been sent back?".

Dean was immersed in making up the formula. "Yeah. I don't think she'll ever know how special she is, even though I tell her that every day. I don't know why I was chosen for this task Bobby but I'm sure glad that I was. I've got what I've always wanted, I mean, deep down. A family. You, me, Sam.....and now Caitlyn" he said feeling himself tear up slightly.

"Are you tearing up Dean?" Sam asked.

Quickly wiping his eyes he turned back around. "No. Well....I'm just happy that's all. I guess that I can't blame my pregnancy hormones anymore. Can I try sleep deprivation?".

Sam and Bobby looked at each other. "Aaaw isn't he just adorable" Bobby mocked.

"Whatever" Dean said making his voice go deeper and taking Caitlyn again where he was ready with a bottle. She latched on to the bottle, her full lips wrapped around the teat, feeding hungrily. Dean went to sit down on the couch to support her better. "So what's for food then Bobby?".

"I'll make you up a plate and bring it over to you" he said doing just that.

"So, what are your plans now then boys?". As Caitlyn finished up with the bottle, Dean put her over his shoulder again and rubbed at her back to bring up any wind. "Well. I don't know really. Was kinda hoping we could stay here with you for a bit until we decide".

Bobby brought a plate of food over to Dean and his face froze. "Wow".

Dean bit his lip. "If it's too much trouble Bobby, we'll stay in a Motel room. You don't want us here taking over your house. It's fine, not to worry".

"No Dean. You don't understand" Bobby began, his throat drying up on him. "I want you here. All three of you. This house, it's meant to be a family home. And it don't have a family, so I want you to stay here, for as long as you want. I want it to be your home too" he said feeling overwhelmed.

Sam joined the other two by the couch. "Bobby? Are, are you sure? We'll pay our way, I promise".

"Of course I'm sure. Hell, you're the closest thing I have to family. And now I got a little granddaughter and I want to see her grow up.....turn into a young woman.......and see how you're going to handle that Dean!".

"Hey! I'm doing fine so far, right Sammy? And I know how to handle hormonal young girls thank you very much. I've had enough experience with Sam here!".

Caitlyn chose that moment to burp loudly and vomit down Dean's chest.

Sam laughed. "Serves you right Dean!".

Dean glared at him and stood up. "I'm going to get her cleaned up. Do something useful and chuck me her bag will ya?" he asked. Sam threw it over and Dean sauntered off to the bathroom.

"You sure that you want us here Bobby? All this chaos?".

"Chaos is my middle name Sam. Plus, hunts are going to be very few and far between so I'm going to need something to occupy my time with. Think the baby is going to be far less work than you two have ever been and a darn demon. This is going to be a piece of cake".

"If you're sure" Sam said smiling at Bobby.

Dean came back into the room a few minutes later after getting Caitlyn changed into a fresh outfit. "We'll fill your washing machine by the end of the day" he said putting her down into her bassinet.

Sam sniffed the air as Dean sat back down. "Dude, get changed will ya? You smell like baby puke" he said pulling out a clean shirt from the bag and passing it to Dean.

"Thanks. You'd think I'd be used to being covered in nasty stuff from all those years of hunting" he said taking off his soiled shirt and adding it to the dirty laundry pile.

Caitlyn's eyes seemed to be fixated on her father and she gurgled happily, knowing that she was the centre of everyone's attention.

"Sam told me all about the birth. You all healed now then?" Bobby asked concernedly.

Cringing slightly and staring at Sam who gave him an innocent 'what?' face, Dean answered. "Yes, everything's.....well back to normal now. As much as I love her, there's no way in hell I'm ever doing that again".

"Ha!" Sam scoffed. "Going to hell was what kinda started this in the first place".

"So even if there was another way for you to have another baby, you wouldn't consider it then?" Bobby asked seriously.

"No. And besides, it's uncle Sammy's turn!" Dean said looking over at Sam who was rapidly paling by the second and spurted out a long list of swear words.

Dean cursed at Sam for swearing in front of Caitlyn and then realised that he'd cursed himself. Let's face it, he was screwed. His daughter's first words were always going to be 'son-of-a-bitch'.

Bobby sat down and looked over at Sam and Dean who were having a heated debate and then to Caitlyn who was taking in what was happening. The little miracle that saved the world from Lucifer's reign on the earth. A tear fell from his eye. He wouldn't change this scene, not for anything. Not even when Dean had wrestled Sam up against the wall, knocking over a plant pot as they went, nor when he realised that the baby girl might need changing again.