Prettyinpinkgal: The zombie has arrived, just in time for Halloween. I have been extremely busy with my original writing, work, school (two college classes plus high school classes equals STUPID MISTAKE. I AM NOT THAT SMART! STUPIDSTUPIDME!), and whatnot to even have inspiration to work on any sort of fanfiction. So I'm trying to get back into the swing of things by writing this. Thank you all so much for your patience, support, and understanding. I most likely will not be able to update much before 2011 arrives, but by then my college classes will be over, as well as NaNoWriMo and college apps will be sent in by then. I will try to update when I can before the new year, though.

The following drabble is based on what I just read of the summary for Chapter 40. Read at your own discrection. And to talkstoangels77, I can't remember what my reply to your review was, I might have said I would write it but I have found that I can't; I've already written a story very similar to that (see "Despair, Anguish, and Horror") for a different fandom, and I think I would just be reiterating what happened there, and that would not be fun for you to read. By all means though, use that idea and make your own story out of it! :) Sorry if I actually already said that. I feel like I did...

Also, I'm 18 now as of October 11. Yay! Which means I got several volumes of manga with gift cards I got, including DD Volume 2! Double yay!

Disclaimer: I don't own DD. I do own the oneshot "Gaze" from the first chapter. Italicized words are words from that oneshot. I'm rather excited by how full-circle this ended up being.


Gaze, Part II

Every time he rescued her...

His breath came out in choking pants.

Every time he laughed at her...

How he wished to see her!

Every time he held her...

To hold her, to beg forgiveness, to make sure she was alright, to keep her safe until the world was the place she deserved to live in-that was all he wanted. Too much to ask, but so simple.

Every time he emailed her...

His fingers nearly crushed the phone in his hands, as though he could erase her message and erase the danger and fear.

Every time he so much as looked her way...

Necklace. Voice. Angel.

Their eyes met, numb with calm, honesty with lying contentment, sharp with sweet.

But for this brief meeting of their eyes, she could convey all that she wished, all that she felt, and hoped he'd send her the same message...

I can be nowhere but with you.