_Konoha Chocolate

Short summary: Young girl Zen was sent by her father, Masashi, an heir of a yakuza clan to a ninja academy in the Hidden Leaf Village to train her to become a stronger fighter despite of her 'weakness'.

At the Hokage room:

"Thank you Sandaime-sama for accepting my daughter into this academy. You see…my daughter is suffering...well..not really suffering, but she was born 'special'. And I'm not always be there to look after her since I'm the next heir to my clan and I need Zen to learn more martial arts to protect herself." said a man named Masashi.

"I see..But I wonder if little Zen here is capable of learning ninja martial arts since you said that she was born 'special'." said Sandaime Hokage. Masashi chuckled ,"Oh, don't worry about that Sandaime-sama. She's my daughter after all. Of course she's capable to learn; but the only problem is that, I forgot to bring along a guardian for Zen. Oh my, who's going take care of her well being? Darn my forgetfulness."

"Ah~ About a guardian..Masashi, I have some female teachers here who might be able to take care of Zen. My suggestion is..How about..Kurenai."

Suddenly, a woman in 'bandages' appeared from nowhere in a flick, "Yes, Sandaime-sama. How may I serve you?"

"Masashi, this woman is Yuhi Kurenai, one of the masters here. Kurenai, this is Masashi and her daughter, Zen."

"It's great to meet you" said both introduced ones. Sandaime Hokage then explained to Sensei Kurenai about their conversations just now. "So Kurenai, will you take Zen Masashi under your care?"

Kurenai eyed Zen from hair to toe and answered yes. Masashi was so happy to hear Sensei Kurenai agreed that he tapped Zen's shoulder and kissed her fore head. That day, as he prepared to leave the village, he gave Sensei Kurenai a big and thick envelope and he even talked to Zen to tell what to do and what not to do and gave her last kiss on her fore head and went away with some bye-bye waves. On the other hand, Kurenai was checking the envelope's contents. Inside were chocolates and….money and there was even a letter that said, "Use this money for Zen and always buy chocolates for her or you'll get the trouble."

Reading that letter, Kurenai was kind of thinking, 'What is this? He's threatening me? Who does he think he is? And why the threat?'

Then she brought Zen along with her luggage to her house.


Nyahahaha, Sorry for the inconveniences. I change the plot of the story.

I don't think I want to include Zen's best friend, Moom in here but maybe next time. Now I decided that Kurenai sensei will be the tutor and guardian for Zen.

I disclaim Naruto and Thai movie: Chocolate.