Hey guys thanks for reading and reviewing! Sorry I've been gone so long. But I'm back and ready to finish these stories.

Disclaimer: Well who else the wonderful S.M.

POV's guess you'll have to read! Ha-ha.


Okay the Cullen's kids have been here for at least a month and Mike won't give up. He thinks I like Edward, and that Edward is out to get him. The truth is I do like Edward, I think. I mean I can't stop thinking about him. I want to know what goes on in his mind. Edward might be out to get Mike but I highly doubt that a god like that would waste his time on Mike.

"- Bella!" Mike snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I yelled. Mike stepped back.

"Whoa what's wrong with you?"

"Don't snap your fingers in my face. I'm not a dog. I wont play fetch with you." I snapped.

"Damn Bella, what's with you? You've been different since they moved here."

"They? They are people Mike. God! And I've changed since last year but you were to busy this summer to realize that."

"What? I was with you this summer."

"Then you were with the wrong girl because you sure as hell wasn't with me."

"Bella, Babe, I was to with you." He's full of shit, my summer consisted of trying to see him, waiting for him to get off work, but then he blew me off so he could go 'hike' with his friends or 'play' sports with them.

"Mike, you were with a different girl. The only guy I was with over the summer was Emmett. You were to busy playing sports with your friends, or hiking with them. But as you just so graciously pointed out you were with a girl you didn't even realize wasn't me!" I said so mad. All I wanted to do was hit him.

"Bella, don't do this not here."

"NOT HERE?" I yelled making an even bigger scene than needed at school. "You don't want to talk to me? You're Bella, Babe? Oh wait maybe you only call me Babe because you cant remember my name." Then I stepped forward and bitch slapped him. Damn that felt good.

"Bella! Did you just hit me?" he stepped closer to me.

"Mike step the fuck back" Emmett growled.

"I-I-I-I didn't do anything" he stammered.

"Mike I don't know what you did to make my sister hit you but it must have been bad because Bella doesn't just hit people and yell at them for no reason."

"Yes she does! She just did!"

"Whatever Mike, don't come around her again!" Emmett yelled.

"Come on Bells," Emmett wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started walking.

'Bells, you okay?" Alice said walking up to me.

"I'm great!" I said with a huge grin.

"You and your boyfriend of three years just broke up why are you smiling?" She asked puzzled.

"Mike cheated on me over the summer." I said very calm.

"Son of a bitch!" Emmett said under his breath then he started to turn to go back for Mike.

"Em, no, its fine, don't waste your time on him." I said grabbing his arm.

"Bella, he cheated on you!" My big brother was madder than I've ever seen him. "He told me he wouldn't hurt my baby sister!"

"Emmett he didn't hurt me. I hurt him" I said smiling. "I was thinking about breaking up with him anyways he just gave me a reason to."

"But Bella-"

"Em, its fine! Look at me I'm not even stressing it. Lauren or Jessica or who ever can have him now." Emmett looked hurt. Damn it I forgot him and Jessica liked each other a lot. "Em," I said stepping toward him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"It's cool she never wanted me in the first place."

"Emmett!" Jessica's voice said from down the hallway. "How could you say that?"

"Because you were so quick to break up with me when summer ended."

"And you moved on to Rosalie!"

"Guys can you go away?" Emmett asked Alice and I.

"Yeah. Jessica you hurt him we'll take care of you." I threatened and walked away with Alice.

"Isabella," Edward's sweet velvet voice said from behind us. I usually hate when people call me Isabella but when he says it, it sends shivers up my spine.

"Edward," I whispered and turned around.

"I heard what happened a little bit ago, I'm very sorry."

"Oh, that, well its okay. He cheated on me. I didn't want him anyways. I wanted someone else." I smacked my hand over my mouth. What did I just say? Alice gasped and then walked away when I looked at her.

"Oh," His smile disappeared for a second, but it came back just as quick as it disappeared. "Well he's a very lucky guy."

"You know who he is." I said very quickly never looking away from him but stepping closer.

"Who is he?" Is he serious? We've been flirting since he got here.

"The guy I want is amazing, sexy, very graceful…" I said trying to get it to click. "He's in almost every one of my classes and well he just moved here."

"You like Jasper?" I wanted to hit him.

"No, I like you." I whispered. I don't know who this flirty girl is but she sure as hell isn't me.

"Me?" He said stepping closer to me, we were so close I don't think any air could pass between us. "Why me?"

"Because you are seriously hot, very smart, and confident. And you make my heart race when you're near me, when you look at me, when you smile at me, fuck even when you talk to me."

"Yeah? Bella, I… I…"

"Edward!" Rosalie yelled coming down the hallway. Damn it why can't people leave us alone. "Mom needs us back home NOW!"

"Okay." He sighed. "I'm sorry Bella, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay." I said after he was gone.