
I'm sure most folks have figured I've fallen off the planet; no, just a severe and unrelenting attack of a fair number of RL Issues, including the frustration of a laptop that was slowly dying. The laptop has finally been replaced (don't dis those Wal-Mart refurbished computers!), and six of the dozen-plus other ongoing issues have been dealt with—with only three cropping up to take their places.

I have regretfully decided to remove my stories from and stick with ArchiveOfOurOwn dot org ("AO3") for posting my stories-and reading others'-under the sn "CrazyDragon". All the stories I had on have already been uploaded there. That site doesn't capriciously delete works and/or author accounts without warning or even investigation, while leaving up other stories that have been reported for the same or worse TOS offenses; it has its own built-in downloader for MOBI, EPUB, PDF, and HTML formats; and its search engine seriously beats 's all hollow. You can get e-mail notifications of updates to stories you're following; and you can get stats for stories you've posted-hits, follows (subscribers), etc. It's growing by leaps and bounds-especially as keeps Doing Things that Tick People Off. :Sigh...:


a.k.a. CrazyDragon, on ArchiveOfOurOwn dot org