Let's cut to the chase. I am a terrible writer who leaves my audience hanging (whatever audience I have left). That being said I will not promise to update as much as I can, but when I can or whenever I have the motivation and inspiration. After reading this story I have decided to rewrite it. Let's be honest, it was pretty cringe worthy. I will warn you right now that there will be many, many changes now that my style has changed. A lot, in different ways. I will try to make this story somewhat better. We'll start off the introduction. I'm sure you all we're getting tired of the unnecessary character intros so I will be cutting that ou-

You can't do that!

Who let you in here?

MUSHRA: We let ourselves in here! You can't just cut us out of the introductions like that!

WAL: *sighs heavily* Mushra, please. This will let it run smoother.

KAI: Smoother my ass! You aren't going to cut us out!

WAL: If looks could kill you two would be dead. Alright, fine. Why don't we let our nonexistent audience read while we talk about this. Enjoy the revised chapter.

"Hurry up! I do have to go to work you know!" the boy groaned as he banged on the door to emphasize his annoyance," You should've let me go first. You women take too long."

Just as he was about to lean against the door it swung wide open," Gee, would you chill out. It takes time to look this good."

He snorted," I think you've confused good with bad."

She rolled her eyes and threw the hairbrush at him," Sometimes I wonder how we're even related."

"Same here," he brushed past her and closed the bathroom door shut, making her roll her eyes again. Boys.

She walked off into her bedroom and started looking through her drawers for something to wear. Should she go to school looking like a bum or actually look nice? She stared at her sweatpants for a moment and closed the drawer," I'll make an attempt today, now I just need to find something."

After much struggle she found an ensemble she was content with. A black baseball button up and a black tee, a pair of blue ripped jeans, and her favorite black shoes. Adding on a few accessories, she grabbed her bag and ran out the door. The bedroom door was swung open once more as she stumbled over her own two feet trying to grab the one thing she forgot," Almost forgot you. Can't leave without you."

She placed the necklace around her neck and made her way to the kitchen, her brother already there eating a bowl of cereal,"Kat, please tell me how is it I still made it to the kitchen before you did."

"Ah, dear brother, as I said before looking this good takes time," she winked, grabbing herself a bowl from the cabinet to pour herself some cereal.

He rolled his eyes and scrolled through his phone," I might end up having a late shift at work today, so I would appreciate it if you didn't burn the house down."

She put her hand over her heart and feigned hurt," I'm offended you think I'm capable of such a thing. Last I checked angels don't do such things."

"They don't," he chuckled seeing the deadpanned look on her face," Alright, just finish up so I can you drop off before work."

"Aye, aye, captain."

A bowl of cereal and a 15 minute car ride later she arrived at her destination," Welcome to hell, I mean jail, I mean school."

She glared at her brother who was trying to muffle his laughter,"Ha, ha, very funny, Garbiel. See you after work."

"Don't get into trouble!" she waved him off and walked into the dreaded brick building. School. Who needs school? As if she'll ever need to use the quadratic equation in real life, or the Pythagorean Therom. Pfft, right. At least her first class was Algebra, that way she could always get that subject out of the way. It also gave her time to catch up on her sleep seeing as the teacher doesn't notice half the time anyway.

"Hey, Kat!" she reached for her math book and closed her locker," Oh, hey, Jaden. would've figured you'd be in class by now."

She shrugged her shoulders,"Left my book in my locker. Have you seen Heather?"

"Nah, I'm just getting here. I like your shirt, is it new?" she really did like the button up trend that was going around.

"Oh, this old thing? I make it work don't I," that wasn't a question, it was a statement. Kat rolled her eyes," Don't get cocky."

She did style the shirt very well. The blue plaid shirt paired well with the light blue jeans and black combat boots she had on. She especially liked the black graphic shirt underneath," Hey, don't forget, crack kills. Better not let Mrs. Williams see that "ugly display" and lift up your tank."

Jaden waved her off, clearly not too worried about it," She can get over it. I gotta go. I'll see you in third period."

They each went their own way and the school day began. Math class was always a bore, which is why she always sat in the back. She might be short, but it sure did come in handy when you want to hide from the teacher. Most of the time they can't see her behind all the bigger students. While Mr. Graham droned on about some equation, Kat was scrolling through her phone. Yup, being short definitely had it's advantages. After enough endless scrolling through social media, she locked her phone and stared into nothingness. What to do, what to do? As she blankly looked at all her classmates she fiddled around with her necklace.

There was actually a fun story behind that necklace. It was given to her by a friend of her grandmother. She gave her a few actually to give to her friends. She said to keep it on her at all times to "protect" them and give them strength and some other wise advice, but she was a very eccentric lady. Ok, so it wasn't that fun of a story. Each necklace was unique in it's own way. They were all on a thick silver chain with a long rugged, colored stone that had a strange symbol embedded inside of it. It might sound weird, but the one she chose did make her feel kind of... good? She couldn't really describe it. It was a nice charm though and black was one of her favorite colors.

She felt a slight burning sensation on her fingertips and she quickly jerked her hand away. 'What the?' Did the necklace just...? No, a necklace can't do that, but what else could it have been? She touched it one more time, carefully just in case it decided to burn her again, but felt nothing. That was weird. Maybe she was just imagining things? Ok, that made her sound a little crazy, but it's the only reasonable explanation to it. For the rest of the period she dozed off until the bell rang. The day went by in a blur and she soon met up with her friends at lunch.

"Wow, this food actually looks... good?" Jaden squinted at her ravioli suspiciously.

"Hey, if you don't want it I'll take it," Kat put out her plate trying not to spill any of the food," I'm pretty hungry."

"You're always hungry, Kat."

"Heather! You actually made it on time," Jaden scooted over as she took a sip of her drink," I like your shirt by the way. Didn't think you'd like it."

It was just a red and white baseball tee. It was simple, Heather was a simple gal... sort of. Slap on some cuffed blue jeans and red shoes and you've got yourself a nice, simplistic outfit," Thanks and of course I would. It was a gift from you guys. Yeah, Mr. Delaney actually let us out on time today! What a miracle, eh?

"Quite the miracle."

"Kat, stop talking with your mouth full."

She smiled at them apologetically and slurped up the last of her ravioli," Man, I can't wait 'til schools out."

"Me either. Whoever came up with the idea of school was a total jerk-off," Jaden rolled her eyes and continued back to her food," Anyways, what are the after school plans?"


She sighed and suddenly jumped. She quickly grabbed her bag and started shuffling through her bag," Speaking of, I totally forgot to do mine."

Kat started choking on my food and tried to wash it down with her drink," What? The Great Jaden forgot to do homework?"

Heather reached over to touch her forehead until Jaden swatted her hand away," Who are you and what have you done with the real Jaden?"

She rolled her eyes and began to get to work," Please, you make it sound like I'm such a goody two-shoes."

"Hey, you're better than us."

"You guys are unbelievable. Sometimes I wonder how we're friends," we scooted closer to her and pinched her cheeks," You know you love us, Jaden."

"Yeah, yeah, let me do my work."

That's when she remembered. Should she mention what happened with her necklace earlier? They might think she's just overreacting. It was still a little weird though. Something like that doesn't make much sense when you think about it. It wouldn't hurt to tell them," Hey, guys, so... Something weird happened with my necklace in first period."

They stopped what they were doing and looked at her," What do you mean?"

She should not feel this awkward," Well... I was messing around with it, you know, and it kind of... Well, it kind of burned my hand. The next time I went to touch it, it was fine." No response, just stares. Told ya they'd think I was crazy.

Heather was the first to break eye contact and breathed a sigh of relief," Oh, thank god. I wanted to mention that, but I thought you guys might think I was going crazy or something."

Wait, what? " Wait, what?"

"Well, I see I'm not the only one who had an unnatural experience with their necklace this morning," Jaden shut her book closed and took the necklace out from under her shirt," This little sucker here decided to burn my chest this morning, but I didn't think much of it because I thought it was from leaving it near the sun too long or something."

Kat didn't say anything, just processing everything that she was being told," So, what you guys are saying is I'm more ballsy than the both of you?" Glares all around, but Kat was enjoying the satisfaction.

"We can figure this out after school since the bells about to ring. Maybe Lady G can give us a little knowledge on what's going on. Meet you guys at the lockers," and soon enough the bell rang and went back to our own ways.

The school day couldn't end any sooner. After finding out she wasn't the only one who had an experience with her necklace she just had to find out what was going on with it. She stuffed all of her things into her locker and waited for the other two.

"You seem a bit too excited to leave today."

"Well, Jaden, if you must know I would like to know what the hell is going on with our necklaces. It's not everyday they try to burn the shit ou-Shit!" Kat ripped the necklace off and flung into her locker," What the hell?"

"Are you ok?" Jaden grabbed Kat's necklace and started to examine it," Strange. I was thinking it would happen simultaneously, but mine didn't do anything."

"We seriously need to figure out what's going on here. That is just not normal," Kat stuffed the slung her backpack on and saw Heather walking towards them," You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go. We can just walk over to Lady G's. She doesn't live too far from the school anyway. Did you guys already let you parents and your brother know?" they nodded," Alright then come on."

"You think she'll really know what's going on though? I mean just because she gave us these necklaces doesn't mean she knows anything about them," Heather asked.

"You never know. Why else would she tell me all that stuff about protection when she gave them to me?"

"I don't know, Kat, maybe she was just trying to make them seem interesting," Jaden added. She supposed she had a point. She was a very unique lady.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask her. At least this way we can debunk any theories we've already tried to come up."

"I guess your right," they arrived at Lady G's home and rung her doorbell. Nobody answered," Maybe she's not home."

Kat looked through the windows," Maybe. You know sometimes she does tend to her garden in the back. Sometimes my brother and I have to knock on her backdoor gate. Let's check it out."

Kat walked towards the backyard, the other two following behind her. Sure enough they heard some light humming coming from the other side of the fence, the gate slightly ajar," Told ya. She usually doesn't keep the gate open though. Lady G!"

No answer," Lady G! It's us! Heather, Kat and Jaden!"

Jaden peeked through the gate, but didn't see anyone," Maybe she can't hear us. You guys know she has trouble hearing sometimes. We should just go in."

The opened and closed the gate behind them. They looked around the yard, but Lady G was nowhere in sight," Let's try the shed. She might be getting her gardening tools."

What they saw next took them by surprise," What the- What the hell? I don't remember this being here last time!"

"Is this even possible?"

"How is it possible?"

Right before them was a large portal at the end of the room. Portals were just a piece of sci-fi fiction though. Especially random portals like these. Heather walked closer and closer to it, examining it as if somehow she'd be able to find the answer to their questions," Don't get too close, Heather."

"Calm down, Jaden."

"Staying calm isn't much of an option right now when you find a ominous, yet colorful, portal in an old lady's shed," Kat quipped.

"You think it might've sucked up old Lady G? We head her humming in the backyard and we didn't even see her."

"She might've gone back inside, Jaden, but then again maybe-"

That's when Kat felt someone shove her toward the portal and pushing her friends with her. Once they went through the portal, it disappeared and now they were floating around in the air about to go to who knows where. Back in the shed, a strange figure breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in a lone chair by the corner," Finally, it is time."



DUN! How's that for a cliffhanger? You guys like the tune up?

MUSHRA: She asks her nonexistent audience.

WAL: *sighs* Don't remind me. It makes me sad. Well, if any of you are still around there's more rewrites to come and a new storyline. Hopefully it turns it ok. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes I apologize. I do not have Word.

KAI: You really need to stop going on and off with your stories, you know.

WAL: Don't need that reminder either, Kai.

MUSHRA: All we're saying is-

WAL: See ya guys next time, bye!