Chapter Five Coming Right Up!! :D

Alrighty then... I hope y'all enjoyed CHAPTER FOUR because here comes CHAPTER FIVE

That is all....

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet I'm a bit on the goofy/crazy/random side. So I wouldn't get too surprised at my RANDOMNESS :D


Chapter Five: You Be Stripping

(Edward P.O.V)

I woke up to the sound of laughter. I opened my eyes to see I was in Bella's bed, and she was next to me. I looked up, and she was eating something. And it smelled delicious. I let out a groan as I stretched a little. Bella looked at me.

"Good morning, sleepy head," she said shoving another spoon full of , I believe it was Frosted Flakes, into her mouth. I yawned, and sat up, and looked around confused.

"How did I get in the bed?" I asked. She finished chewing, and then spoke.

"Because I asked you too," she shrugged.

"We didn't... We didn't do anything did we?" I asked curiously. She shook her head with a giggle.

"The floor is pretty hard, I thought I'd let you up here. Don't you remember?" she asked. I looked up, and thought it over. I remember the urge to touch her, to kiss her. I remember the beer, the tacos. I remembered getting thumbs up from Charlie, and Emmett. And I remember her asking me into the bed. Happiness seemed to burst inside me. Because she wanted me lying down next to her. I remember looking in her eyes before she wanted the lights turned off.

"Yeah... I remember," I said with a smile. Then she handed me me a bowl of cereal.

"Here ya go," she said. Then she turned back to the TV. She was watching Phineas and Ferb. I cocked an eye brow, and tried not to laugh.

"Aren't you a little old for Phineas, and Ferb?" I asked taking a spoonful of cereal, and shoving it into my mouth. Se looked at me and smiled. There were a few milk drops, and cereal sticking to her face.

"Yes... Yes, I am," she giggled. I shook my head as I reached up, and gently wiped away the food. She froze in place as I did so.

"You're a messy eater," I said trying to get rid of the awkward silence. She nodded and looked away.

"Yeah... Sorry," she said. "And by the way Alice, and Rosalie are coming today at 12. Mom, and daddy are out for the day. Annabelle, and Emmett went home. So we have the house to ourselves," she said.

"Soooo, what shall we talk about today on this very fine Sunday for two hours?" she asked. I jumped from the bed, and ran to my suitcase looking for my phone. I had an important meeting today, and no one knew where I was. Shit.

"Shit! It's Sunday!? Where's my cell!" I panicked. I turned to her. "What did you do with my cell?"

"You can't have it," her smile disappeared. Great. She's gone crazy! She just wants me fired now. Wait, am I thinking? Bella wouldn't want me fired. I'm just over reacting.

"I need it, Bella! I had a meeting today, and no one but you and that bloody Mr. Robins knows where the hell I am!" I said. I'd been gone for a day an a half ( not counting today, just half of Friday, and all day yesterday).

"The deal was you didn't work while we were here. You're nothing but a work-a-holic!" she shouted at me. She turned off the TV. Then she placed her cereal on the nightstand, and crossed her arms. I breathed in. I can do this. I can handle her. Maybe.

"Bella, one little call. Please? I'm sorry for shouting..." I said, and I did mean it. I shouldn't have shouted at her, but my work was important. Not top on my list important but it keeps food on the table, and clothes on my back.

"That wasn't our deal, Edward. You know what makes a relationship? Being loyal. So be loyal to your side of the deal, or you can ship off to Britain tonight," she said climbing out of the bed. She was going to stand her ground on this one.

"Fine... But good luck on your own with this whole book-thing. Try finding the best editors, and best publishers on your own," I fired back. She walked up to me, arms folded, and she narrowed her eyes.

"You're bluffing," she said. I leaned down, inches away from her face. I could smell her strawberry shampoo, and milk on her breath. I narrowed my eyes as well.

"Try me," I whispered. We both stood there, inches away from each other. Not moving. And then the most remarkable thing happened. We started kissing. I don't know who kissed who first but we were kissing. And our lips fitted perfectly together. It was slow, and sweet. She closed her eyes first, and then I slowly closed mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I didn't waste time. I looped my arms around her waste, and pulled her close, locking her in. She wasn't getting away. She started pushing me backwards, and I didn't think about it, I just did. I flopped back on the bed, and she was on top of me. I opened my eyes to see she had opened her eyes.

"I have to get ready. Alice, and Rose will be here soon," she said slipping my from my grip. She grabbed something from the closet, and walked into the bathroom. I heard the water run, and I let out a sigh.

"Damn," I mumbled as I walked to the other bathroom in the house, and got in the shower. I took a long shower. With each drop I thought about Bella's wonderful warm touch. Her smooth skin. Well to save time I just thought about everything that had to do with her. Which was a lot. I noticed things about Bella I never thought I would. Just like when she's nervous she bits her lower lip or when she's excited or confused she blinks a thousand miles an hour. I let out a laugh.

When I came from the bathroom all squeaky clean I saw a note on my pillow. Bella's hand written perfectly on the piece of paper.

Alice and Rosalie got here early! See you later -Bella.

P.S You know we'll need to talk when I get back...

"Ah, hell," I whispered holding the note with gentle care, which was a little creepy. I dressed quickly and ran down the stairs to check for anyone in the house. No one. Not a soul. I sighed. I've never felt so alone.

(Bella P.O.V)

HONK. HONK! A car horn grabbed my attention and I looked out the window to see Alice's little yellow Porsche and shook my head. She had that thing in High School. Guess she's not getting rid of it anytime soon. I let out a laugh.

I listened carefully for any sign of Edward near. I heard water running instead. I sighed and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

Alice and Rosalie got her early! See you later -Bella.

I pursed my lips together to see if I needed to add anything. Nothing came to my mind right away. But then I remembered us kissing. I remembered his sweet, soft, moist lips on mine. And then I added:

P.S You know we'll need to talk when I get back...

I placed it on his pillow. Then I ran down the stairs almost tripping and out of the house until Edward realized I was leaving. I didn't want to stay back there and maybe go for a second round. That wouldn't bother me, but this is business and I have to remember this. Even if I'm in love with him.

"Drive, woman. Drive!" I yelled. Alice didn't wait, she hit the gas and we were out of there. Once she went to a reasonable speed she spoke.

"So what's the deal, Bells?" She asked.

"Yeah, why did you run from the house?" Rosalie finished for Alice. Here's the deal , Rosalie and Alice are practically twins. Except Alice is a fashion drama Queen from Missouri and Rosalie is a fashion Diva from New York, they really are not any different. They met up ninth grade year and are practically inseparable since. Alice has short black hair with hazel eyes, and Rosalie has long blond hair with strangely violet eyes. So they finish each others sentences and it's really creepy some times. And they practically share a brain. But I love them.

"Well?" they both said. They don't mean to act like twins. They don't even acknowledge it. It's just the way they talk. Just a way of life. But they wish they were sisters. They'd be perfect sisters. But like they always told me 'God made us friends because our momma's couldn't handle us as sisters,'.

"Home boy upstairs wanted more action," I lied. Our action had been broken, that is until he got out of the shower all clean and wet. With messy hair and-- I stopped before I finished that thought.

"So were shall we go. We can go to the mall or-," Rose started. She looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Stripper club!" Alice cheered finishing for Rose.

"I agree," Rose said as they slapped high fives. I shook my head with a grin.

"Like old times," I smiled.

"Ditto," they both said as Alice turned into the only stripper/ dance club in Forks: Dirty Dancing. We climbed out. Rosalie stood on the right , while Alice stood to the left of me. Music was pounding.

"Well girls. Let's pop, lock, and drop it like never before," Alice said.

"And then we talk wedding," Rose said. They said pulling me into the club. And surprisingly I went willing. During high school they practically dragged me into Dirty Dancing.

It was pretty loud in there. Everyone was either dancing in the middle of the floor, sitting, or drinking at the bar. Alice and Rose tugged me towards a table in the middle. Alice sat with me while Rose went to order drinks.

"So Bells, how's New York?" Alice asked me while she gave me the Alice look over with a weird grin. A makeover night was settling in her mind I'm pretty sure.

"Yeah, I'm dying to hear the D's on the hottie you're mother described," Rose said bringing back the drinks. Which was weird because I was sure she didn't hear Alice's question. I silently sipped. Trying to drag it out for as long as I could.

"Well," I started. "It's beautiful and as for Edward his a real gentlemen," I said as I recalled the incident with Paul in the office. How could I think Edward was a gentlemen? He fired a man with a family. I was blinded by love that he created and he was still a monster that cared about work. I hate the way he makes me feel, sometimes.

"So how is he," Alice started, then took a drink to let Rose finish. I sipped my drink, waiting.

"In bed?" I choked down my drink and cleared my throat. I stared at them in disbelief. But they weren't bluffing or kidding. They were dead serious.

"Um, we're waiting for the honey moon," I said. They both rolled their eyes. "What? What?"



"You guys are being on fair. Just like high school. Two against little old me," I said standing up for myself.

"Little old you didn't care in high school. So what's the dealio? Problems with the fiance?"

"Do we have to straighten him out?" Alice asked after Rose. I laughed and shook my head.

"It's not Edward. It's me," I said. They both placed a hand on each of my shoulders.

"What is it honey?" they asked. But before I answered the lights went down and we got quiet. Then a single light went on the stage. I gulped back the embarrassment that was building. I always felt embarrassed going to these things. Then a loud speaker came on.

"Ladies, and some gentlemen!! Welcome to Dirty Dancing. Thank you for choosing Dirty Dancing for your naughty pleasures," the speaker kind of reminded me of the air plane. Kind of. I don't remember getting naughty pleasures. Or the pilot having such a sexy voice. I practically drooled at the sound of his voice. It was so warm and pleasant. And oddly it seemed so familiar.

"Get your ones ready," Alice whispered over to Rose and me. Yeah, I don't have any ones.

"Ready," Rose smirked as she fanned herself with ones.

"I'm afraid that Eric will not be making it today. But we have a volunteer I'm sure you won't refuse," the speaker said. I heard awws and craps as some woman left. I leaned over to Alice.

"Eric? Seriously?" we went to a school with a guy named Eric. I didn't know he was a man stripper. Weird. Rose nodded, Alice spoke.

"Yeah, he couldn't do anything else. And lets face it, we know he is gay," she shrugged.

"Taking Eric's place will be Jasper Whitlock!!"

"What-," I choked.

"The-," Rose spit.

"Hell!?" Alice jumped up , slamming her chair back on the floor. Jasper was a skinny wimpy kid that went to our school that stayed hidden. I heard he had a crush on Alice, but Alice never knew. He had a pimple face, braces for five years, and glasses. His hair was never washed and his teeth were gross. This can't be good.

But I spoke too soon. Soon a tall and medium muscular guy walked out onto the stage in a black suit with a black tie. He had a hat tilted down over his head that was tilted down.

"You stole from me, and ya don't do that," he sounded like a mob person, or mafia or what ever the hell it's called. Then he popped his head up and his blue eyes landed on Alice. We both looked at Alice who wasn't breathing at all. "Ya stole my heart beautiful," he winked at Alice, then looked away.

I gaped. No glasses, braces, or pimples. His blond hair was washed and wavy underneath his hat. He put on weight, and looked like he could pick up a car. I only have one word for all this:Damn!

Music started. And I don't really want to say anything more. Alice and Rose didn't get rid of their ones and I didn't finish my drink. We all left before it was finished. Well we laughed when he started taking off clothes. Which was the reason we went but watching Jasper undress, yeah no. When we got in the car we all laughed. We laughed for about 20 to 25 minutes before we could speak.

"Did you see him?" Rose asked both of us.

"You know I hate Campbell chicken soup but Hmmm-hmmm-hmm-good!" Alice laughed. They both looked at me.

"Sorry. I'm engaged guys," I said with a grin as I held up left hand that yet had ring on it. They ignored the no ring thing. They waved a hand like it didn't matter I was engaged. "Okay, I almost peed my pants. Wow!"

"Pee your pants?" Alice asked.

"Oh, grow up," Rose stifled a laugh.

"Yeah, it would be better-,"

"If he got in your pants!" Rose finished. We died laughing.

"Alright, let's get-," but Alice didn't finish, and Rose didn't finish for her because just then Jasper Whitlock walked out of Dirty Dancing and his eyes landed right on Alice. He smiled and winked and then walked over to a black, shiny, BMW.

"Uh-oh. Looks like Whitlock has the hots for a little pixie magic," Rose giggled. Then my cell phone went off telling me I have a text message.


I sighed. What does Emmett want? He probably got locked in his bathroom again. I swear that dummy has gotten locked in the bathroom more than a two year old gets lost in Wal-Mart. I mean seriously! He is 27 (28 this Saturday) and he is still getting locked in the bathroom. I flipped open the phone.

Yo, Bells, ur luver boy here is losing his freaking mind! Where r u?

I sighed again. Of course Edward would annoy the shit out of Emmett with questions that Emmett didn't know and probably didn't want to answer.

I'm with Rose and Alice... Geez, Emmett, chill. Just tell Edward his stupid cell phone is in my green back pack and he will calm down. Now stop bothering me or your gonna regret it!!!

I waited for a response as Alice drove us to Pizza Hut and we got a table. We ordered our drinks when I got a reply.

but the already had his cell bellarina. he found it just when I came to the house. he was looking 4 u, not his cell . if ur bf here has a black eye when u get home i didn't do it...

I rolled my eyes at Emmett. And then I wondered why Edward asked about me. It's not like I didn't tell him where I was was.

Emmett, you touch him and your sooo gonna regret it. I swear I'll tell mom,

Ohhhh, I'm so scared! Wats mom gonna do? Im 27 and ur wat 13? lol

I'm 23 Emmett!! You know exactly what she's gonna do... Mom is still in charge while she still feeds your fat ass trap!

That hurts bells. that really hurts. and btw learn to txt. geez. y do you spell everything out?

What's wrong with spelling everything out? I have a key board. And what do you have? A piece of shit phone because you dropped the last one down the toilet!!

Point taken. O wel. Just come home fast. Home boy misses ya, sis

"Alright time to get to business," Rose said. I snapped my head up not sure what she was talking about. And then I remember I have a wedding like Sunday. Great. They both had notebooks and pens out ready. Ah, hell.

"Inside or outside?" Alice asked taking a sip of her drink.


"She could have it at La Push beach," Rose said. La Push is where I fell in love with Jacob and also had my heart ripped and then glued back together by him. Alice saw the pain written on my face and chimed in.

"Or this barn out behind Billy Black's. You remember him Bella?" Alice said looking at me and the I could see she regretted saying it. Billy Black is Jacob Black's father. Jacob is my ex-boyfriend that I haven't spoken too since I fled Forks and went to New York.

"Um the beach sounds good to me," I smiled as I took a sip of my drink blinking back tears. I may claim to love Edward but I most definitely loved Jacob with all my heart. We grew up together. He was the brother Emmett wanted, the lab partner my sister had (Jacob and Annabeth are the same age, which was only a year younger) and the best friend I had. Then boyfriend.

"Bells?" I looked up to see Jacob walk in with Jasper at his heels. Jasper's eyes locked on Alice when she turned around to look at who said my name. And Jacob was locked on me. I gulped and held back tears. He smiled that charming smile.

"Hey Jake," I said shyly. This can't be happening. It shouldn't be happening. Why is it happening!?

"How've you been?" he asked walking over to our table but didn't sit. Jasper was still behind him watching Alice.

"Fine. You?" I asked. He just shrugged.

"Same old same old stuff," he said. He slid in next to me. His leg was pushed up against mine.

"Alice, may I sit next to you?" Jasper asked Alice politely. Damn, Jacob needs to learn a thing or two from Jasper. Alice nodded as Jasper slipped in next her in the booth.

"You ladies mind if we join you?" Jacob finally asked.


"Whatever," where Rose's and Alice's replies. I just shrugged and looked down at my drink. He was up to something. Jacob Black is always up to something. Good or bad. It doesn't matter what. It means trouble too.

"Thank you, ladies," Jasper said to all of us but only looked at Alice. I smiled. At least Alice would get her happy ending in the end. Unlike me. I usually don't get my happy ending. Just big mess that I clean up alone. All alone.

"Glad to see you back Alice. Rose," Jasper nodded at them.

Then Jacob intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled. He was so warm. He has always been so warm. I remembering calling him my personal sun sometimes when I was cold. My smile faded quickly. Jacob broke my heart. He doesn't just to bust up in here hold my hand and try to take me back. I may just be getting fake married but damn it he isn't going to ruin it. I took my hand back and scooted over a inch from him. I didn't want to be rude. He is still my friend. And I didn't want to give him the satisfaction that he got under my skin.

But he just smiled. He didn't see it as a threat. He finds it a game. He likes it when a girl struggles to get away. He has changed. He wasn't the cute, nice guy I fell in love with when were 13. No. He changed over the years. He became an ass-hole. But for three years I looked passed all that and still claimed to love him. And then he shattered my heart in a thousand pieces. Leaving me to run to New York while gluing the pieces back together. Alone.

"We'll be together again Bella. Don't worry. You still love me," he whispered in my ear. I looked to see Rose and Alice weren't paying any attention. Alice was to busy talking with Jasper and Rose was too busy flirting with our waiter who just brought us our pizza. I took a slice and shoved it into my mouth trying to ignore Jacob.


"He is such a gentlemen!" Alice sighed once we got out of that hell hole. Two solid hours of watching Alice and Jasper talk, Rose making googly eyes at our waiter, and Jacob bugging the shit out of me in any way possible.

"Did you see that man candy?" Rose asked Alice. But Alice was on cloud 9. She didn't care about our cute waiter. She cared about Jasper.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey Bells, I hope you don't mind but I invited Jasper to dinner at your moms house tonight. Since she ya know invited us," Alice said. I nodded with a smile.

"Sounds fun to me," I said as we piled into Alice's car and headed to my house. "So what did you two talk about anyhow?"

She turned a shade of red, which is so un-Alice like. "Ya know, stuff," she giggled. I nodded. I knew exactly how she felt. She felt happy and all bubbly. She loved his smile, his laugh, his charm. She was falling for him and right now she didn't know. And I know this because that's what I felt for Jacob so long ago...


From the moment I stepped from the shower, found that note, and waited for her I realized I didn't care about my work. What I cared about was Bella and impressing her. Yes. That's it! I've wanted to impress Bella for three years, without my knowing of course. Or for any girl that matters. I just want to be noticed. When my parents died I was already on my own and I rarely even saw them. So I guess I never experienced something Bella had, and still has. A loving, caring family.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked Emmett, who was playing Halo. He sighed, frustrated with me obviously.

"I told you already, Eddie. She's with the girls," he said blowing up this thing on the game. Yeah, not a fan of Halo. Then he added ," Don't get your knickers in a wad. Just give her some space," he said shrugging. I glared at him. "What? What did I say? Don't you call undies knickers in England?"

"Emmett, shut up. I don't live in England any more," I said. He muttered something and went back to playing. "When will she be back?"

"Soon," he said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just do,"

"Did she say where she was going to you?"


"You sure?" I asked.


"How can you be sure? You spoke to her once," I said. He turned and looked at me.

"Listen! Today is my day off, buddy. You better not ruin it! And as for Bella, why don't you call her!?" he said throwing down the controller and walking up stairs like a two year old.

"Thanks, Emmett!" I said laughing to myself.

"Shut up!" he said from the top of the stairs. I pulled out my phone shaking my head. I entered Bella's number and pressed it to my ear, waiting to hear her peaceful voice. After three rings she picked up.

"Hello, this is Bella Swan's phone. Bella Swan couldn't pick up right now since she so happened to leave her cell phone here with me. This is Jacob Black, how may I help you, uh, Edward?" he asked.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"I'm her boyfriend. Who are you?" he asked. I huffed out a breath. "Hello? I asked who are you? Are you there?"

"Yeah, um, I'm her boss," I said. He chuckled on the other end of the phone. "How long have you and Bella been dating?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag but we've been on and off since I was 13," he said. I could just imagine a smug, cocky grin spreading on his face right about now.

"Oh, well sorry to disturb you, but do you happen to know where Bella is?" I asked. There was silence.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you Edward," he laughed as he hung up. I clutched the phone in my hand. I had just lost Bella to this Jacob person and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. Bella didn't love me. She loved him. Of all the times we spoke of her past relationships it was Jacob she felt most pained by, most in love with too. I couldn't compete with him. I couldn't master the charm he had on her since they were kids. I just couldn't break the spell she was placed under by him. I just couldn't.

I knew the moment I heard his name and knew him as her ex I knew I would be replaced. I knew she would drop me and run back to him. I will tell Bella the entire thing is off and I will just go back to England when she returns. I will tell her that I do not deserve her and that I'm sorry for the trouble.

Well, that's what I wanted to do, very badly. I wanted to do what was right. If I cared about her so much I should just let her go. But I care to much and now I will be in pain. Maybe to never love again.

I went to Bella's truck, climbed in, and drove to a place I always felt at ease with. A place where I could think, could be witty, and charming at the same time. The Forks, Washington Courthouse.

(Bella's P.O.V)

Rose and Alice followed me in to meet my 'fiance'. A crazy thought came to me. What if I told Edward how I felt and maybe he felt the same way and we could stay married.

"Edward?" I called out laying my purse down on a table in the kitchen. "Edward, I'm home!" I called out. I placed my hands on my hips. "Hmmm, I wonder where he possible could be," I patted my pocket for my phone. "Shit, I left my phone at the pizza place,"

"Have no fear! Jacob is here!" Jacob rushed in holding my phone on his big, warm, welcoming hand. I narrowed my eyes. I totally forgot about Alice and Rose.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked.

"Tsk, tsk, Bella. I'm simply being a gentlemen. I'm returning the phone you left next to me in the booth when you left. So I drove over here to drop it off and then I ran into your father," he smiled a charming smile that stated he was here for that reason, but I was fooled.

I didn't leave my phone in the booth. When I was leaving he grabbed my ass, thus taking out my phone in my back pocket. You know, I could sue him for touching me. I do know the best lawyer of all New York.

My daddy walked in and I smiled. "Have you seen Edward?" I asked. He shook his head.

"He wasn't here when I got home...," then he silently added. "I hope he went back to England or where ever the hell he came from," and then grunted like men do. I shook my head.

"He is from New York, daddy," his head snapped at me when I spoke. He was sure I hadn't heard it.

"He went to the courthouse, sis," Emmett called coming in behind my daddy. I smiled. At least someone was giving me some straight answers. "And here he is now," I turned to see Edward stopped at the bottom of the stairs,look at me ,and the continued up the stairs.

I followed him uncertain why there was regret, shock, and sorrow written in his eyes. I paused at the doorknob, afraid to walk in on him. But I pushed the fear away and walked straight in. He was packing his suitcase with his clothes from the draw that he had placed them in.

"W-what's going on?" I asked, tears started to form in my eyes. He's leaving. He's leaving me to explain everything. He swallowed, hard, and looked away.

"I'm going back to England. It's over. I'm calling it off," he said still not looking at me.

"Y-you can't just leave me," I said. "You can't just kiss me and then leave me!"

He flinched at my words like I just slapped him, hard. "Please, Bella," he whispered. He dropped the clothes he held and walked over to me. He put his hands on my shoulders. He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I don't deserve you. I don't deserve to hurt you the way I will if we get married and divorce. I can't put you through that," he said. Tears spilled over. He obviously cared or there really was someone else. I didn't quite know just yet. But why would he caress my so gently? Why torture me?

"You're saying you don't want me to marry you. You want someone else," I said still looking into his eyes. I loved the way he caressed me so carefully. He shook his head. It was clear that we were no longer partners in a business, but friends. Maybe something more. Something trying to reach the surface but to scared to try.

"You should be with J. . . you should be with Jacob," he finally got the words out. I shook my head.

"No, Edward. Don't back out . Not now," I said. "This will be hard to explain as it is, please don't do this,"

"But it's what I must do. You clearly love him," he said. I broke away. I slammed the door shut for any listeners listening.

"I do not love him, Edward. Not anymore. He broke my heart a lot and I forgave him. But what I will never be able to do is forgive myself for giving up and letting you go back to England. You're entire work will be destroyed," I said.

I love you, I wanted to tell him. I wanted to shout to the world. I didn't want to make up lies trying to hide my feelings. But it's what I must do. "So, just forget about him. We will get married, and then happily divorce and go our separate ways. Nothing is going to happen if that's what your worried about. That's what we intended to do and we will,"

He avoided eyes with me. He refused to look at me. He just went back to packing. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. He slowly packed his suitcase. Without thinking I took the shirt in his hand and threw it on the ground. I took his suitcase and threw it as well. He wouldn't look at me and I didn't understand why. I turned his head to look at me.

"Listen to me, Edward... You've had to deal with worse. Are you saying you can't handle a little competition?" I smiled half joking, half serious. My words got through to him. A cocky grin spread across his face.

"A little competition? Ha. Bella, I can handle competition," he said.

"Then what is your deal? Just tell me," I begged slightly. I wasn't going to show him that he was my weakness. Because if he didn't care he'd use it against me or never let me live it down. Or worse. Both. I swallowed and looked away. I sat on the bed, still not looking at him."What's her name?" I asked. He just looked at came over to me. He took my face into his warm hands. I closed my eyes. His hands were more warm, more welcoming than Jacobs. Much more welcoming. I opened my eyes to see he was studying me.

"We must not be together," he whispered. Then he pressed his lips to mine. I started tingling all over as I kissed back. The kiss we shared this morning was just an accident, part of our so called 'Couples' act. But this kiss had a forbidden hint to it. To where we shouldn't go through with the plan, but we must. We shouldn't get intertwined, but we will. We shouldn't cause such a problem, but we did.

He broke the kiss but only slightly. "Now, tell me. Do you still think there is another woman?" he whispered into my ear with that charming, sexy British accent rolling off his touch I just touched with mine.


Sorry for the wait, I just had to make it P-E-R-F-E-C-T!! And I hoped it was perfect...

I have an announcement... My Birthday was like two maybe three weeks ago!!! So now I'm 14!!! Oh yeah!!!

So I hope you like the Jasper part... Haha. I didn't know how else I would introduce Jasper...

I know what your thinking 'Well this is only Chapter 5! How the hell is she gonna make a story if they love each other already???'

Well I'll tell you!! Jacob has a plan. A sneaky plan to win Bella back...

So stay tuned if you want to see his master plan unfold!!!