I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.


I can't believe she would do this. The pain was excruciating as she walked away. She always said that she loved me. But somewhere I knew that the end of our relationship was party my fault. I knew that I deserved the pain. But, now she was forever gone out of my life. Bella was gone.

I knew that I wasn't the only one hurt over Bella. Jacob was hurt as much as I was, and maybe even more. She hurt both of us. We had caused her too much pain trying to decide between us. She just gave up. I imagined that I would feel worse than this. Now I had no girlfriend, and nothing to do besides go to high school even though I've already graduated plenty of times. I still hurt like it was yesterday she left me. I really needed to get a life.

I was interrupted in my self wallowing by the sound of running toward the Cullen house. I recognized the scent immediately. It was Jacob. I felt anger running through me. What did he need to come here for? I already knew that it was my fault that Bella had left. I knew he was going to rub it in, cause me more pain.

I heard the front door open followed by the sound of a hiss. Rosalie had opened the door and wasn't pleased to see Jacob there.

"What do you want, Mutt?" Rosalie spat at him.

"Edward." he mumbled. I already knew that he was coming for me, but I was shocked to hear that his voice didn't sound angry or sarcastic. It sound unemotional. I used my vampire speed to get downstairs so Rosalie wouldn't insult Jacob anymore.

"Jacob." I said. Jacob looked tired and depressed. He had dark shadows under his eyes like he could be a vampire himself. I knew he was probably still upset about Bella, like I was.

"Can I talk to you Edward?" he said looking down. I nodded but he continued to stand there staring at the ground. "Alone" he asked pointedly looking at the rest of the Cullens who were in the family room.

"Sure." I muttered as I led him outside away from the house. We walked silently and awkwardly a few yards into the forest that was near the house. I was guessing that he wanted to make sure that no prying ears could hear him. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me. He stood there for the longest time figuring out what he was going to say.

"Edward, I'm sorry." He mumbled staring at his feet.

"What?" I was shocked. I didn't expect anything like this. What did he need to apologize for?

"I made Bella leave. It's my fault. If I had let go and not tried to push her to like me then she would still be here…."he trailed off. "Seeing her with you is better than not seeing her at all. I'm so sorry." He looked up at me. His eyes were glassy from the tears he was holding back.

"Jacob I…… It's not your fault, not completely anyways." I murmured.

"I miss her so much" he choked out. He fell to his knees sobbing. "Please." he gasped. I had never seen someone in so much pain. I got on the ground with him. He was shaking and crying. I reached my hand out and put it on his shoulder. It stayed there for about a minute, then Jacob moved.

He reached for me and buried his face in my neck. He wrapped his arms around me like he was holding on for dear life. I didn't know what to do. We were mortal enemies. I was a vampire and he was a werewolf. He hated me. This was the first time he had ever spoken to me without hate or wanting to kill me.

I tentatively put my arm around Jacob and held him to me. I wasn't used to this. I just let him cry out his tears and ruin my shirt. If I had tears I would be crying now, but I don't.

After a long while Jacob pulled away from me. He was too embarrassed to look at me.

"Jacob," I said, "it's okay." I saw him nod. "Jacob look at me."

His eyes were red and puffy. He looked like he had given up everything, like he had nothing to live for. Then, abruptly his expression changed. His eyes had spark. His heart rate picked up.

Oh no I thought. I had seen this face many times before. I had seen it only on the Quilette werewolves. He looked on me like I was the most important person in the world.

Dear God help me. Jacob imprinted on me.

He backed away from me, realizing it himself.

"No! This it not happening to me!" he growled. He ran into the trees and morphed into his wolf form. I turned back for the house.

What was going to happen? What would my family think? Why Jacob? What if I didn't love him? I walked back into the house. I had six curious eyes directed right at me.

Please review and let me know if I made any mistakes!!!