Today was going to be a bad day, I could just feel it. I had woken up to a beating with a pillow, and found out that Allen had somehow snuck into my dorm and decided to wake me up the worst way possible. Of course justice was served as Yu had woken up to a un manly cry and decided to chase to stupid bean sprout out of our room with mugen. God I love that guy sometimes.

The reason why I was so pissy was because I only had about three hours of hellish sleep as Deak made sleep harder and harder to do every night. Although his favourite one always seemed to be the day when Tyki had...well yeah. God if Deak was another person and so was Tyki' side; they would make the best sadistic couple ever. I groaned as I tried to smother myself with a pillow, I lifted my head slightly to check the little red numbers on the clock and I twitched irritably.

"Who the hell gets up at 6:00?" I grumbled unhappily, as Kanda walked in and raised an eyebrow. Probably at my dishevelled appearance, which my red hair made me look as if my head was on fire and the bags under my eyes weren't attractive either I guessed.

"You look like shit." Were Kanda's kind and oh so loving words to me. I shot him a glare and once again tried to smother myself with the pillow. He sighed as he grabbed my bag and threw it at me, which a surprised grunt left my lips.

"Get up, you're awake anyway." I produce a muffled whine; I really didn't want to get up. A bad day was starting to form and I knew it was only going to get worse.

"But Yu." It was a plead, as in 'If you love me you won't make me.' However with Kanda showing any kind of love would be trying to get love out of a dead cat. Yeah no such luck.

"Get your stupid lazy ass up, Jerry will already be up so we'll get fed early." Rolling off the bed ungracefully, I dragged myself into the shower with my things and shot Kanda another glare which he returned full force. Oh god I'm going to kill Allen in the worst way possible.

After my shower I was at least somewhat presentable, and walked out the door with Kanda in tow. It was silent which was good because today I was not in the mood for talking. Kanda shot me a questioning look at my rare silence and probably obvious grumpiness.

"It's going to be a bad day." A look of understanding crossed his face but a "tch" was the only noise that came from him. Reaching the mess hall, my day had gotten a tad bit better as the smell of Jerry's cooking filled the large space. Jerry smiled brightly as he saw us and yelled out our orders to the back without us even saying anything. God bless this man. About 15 minutes later both our dishes were done as we sat down at a table in the back corner were we all usually sit now. For me this is all starting to catch up as I hate to admit it but...I miss my old life. As shallow as it sounds I pretty much had it all there. I was popular, if I ran for valedictorian good chances are I could have won, I had a decent job, had my own car, and my virginity was still there. Whatever good mood I had crumbled, as I realized what I just lost just because Deak got out of hand. The worst part of it was that gramps doesn't visit as often as I thought, knowing I had shamed the old man. All of a sudden I'm not hungry anymore.

"You're emo is ruining my appetite Usagi." Kanda sounded annoyed as it usually did, but I could hear the curiosity in his voice. I didn't look up at him and just kept picking at my food and grunted a reply back my eyes flickered towards him as I saw his usual frown, but his eyes held concern.

"What's wrong?" It almost sounded like a demand when he spoke. I looked up at him and shrugged, putting a piece of food into my mouth. He huffed, and that usually was a sign he was getting extra irritated and might beat me with Mugen. Being that I like to stay unharmed I decided it would be wise to tell him.

"I guess I'm just home sick." I mumbled as Kanda stayed silent, which was something I hoped for but It was awkward and for me unpleasant. I looked at the clock and noticed that people started flooding in, including Lenalee and that annoying brat that likes to beat people with pillows. I got up as I muttered a goodbye, It would probably be better if I went to group therapy early. Miranda hates it when people come in late but the poor girl never says anything about it. I reached the room fairly quickly and as I guessed I was the only one in the room. Closing my eyes and relaxing slightly on the chairs that were already laid out I was determined to catch up on the sleep that was so rudely taken away by the white haired shit.

What I guessed was fifteen minutes later I heard the door shut and footsteps coming closer. My guess was that it was Ms. Lotto, and it is a sensible guess since the supervisors are supposed to be here when or before the people do. The footsteps faltered, I guess she was surprised to see me seems sensible enough. However what I heard was not exactly what I wanted to wake up to.

"Hello Lovely, pleasure to see you again." My eyes snapped open as I looked in the direction of the voice. A tall Portuguese man that seemed to haunt my dreams, stood with a smirk on his face. However what made my blood run cold was that his eyes weren't a chocolate brown, they were a honey yellow.

I stood up quickly and stumbled backwards, a lump was stuck in my throat and all I heard was my heart pounding in my chest. He stepped closer, the damned smirk plastered on his face and his eyes held mischievous intent which sent alarm bells in my head. It was getting harder to breathe as I realized I was having a panic attack, but could you blame me? I tried to move back but I could only go so far before my back hit the wall. I felt pathetic as I realized I was probably going to be raped again; all I could do was look away as all reason and self-control died only rising panic which was never good in situations since I could never think straight.

'Lavi, I can help you.' Oh god not now, please not now! This is not the time for him now.

'I'll protect you; I'll keep you safe I promise.' Promises mean shit to you why should I trust you?

'Let me be your reason, just close your eyes and let me deal with him.' That doesn't sound too bad, don't disappoint me Deak, please I beg you. Was the last thought before I let myself drift and let him deal with this bullshit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Deak's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A cruel smirk had placed on my lips as I had finally taken control once again. I could feel the Portuguese sandwich our body or right now my body. However here is where Lavi and I are two different people, I won't roll over and spread my legs like a whore. Although the man's weight was superior, the element of surprise however was mine. He pulled me into a rough kiss, which was where I would strike first and biting his lower lip hard. I could taste the metallic tang of blood, which obviously surprised him as he stumbled backwards slightly. My smirk shifted into a grin as kicked his side, and skidded until he hit the next corner. I leaned back against the wall, with my arms crossed the grin only grew wider as his expression changed to shocked to displease in a matter of seconds.

"Oh Tyki, with me it will take much more to get ass then it will with that pathetic moron" My voice was mocking, which seemed to make him even more angry, perfect. However my grin disappeared as he gave me an amused smile, although he was clutching his side which made me slightly happy. My eyes flickered towards the desk of that pesky woman of this stupid therapy thing, and noticed there was nothing really dangerous except for a paperweight which is really stupid for anyone to have in the crazy house, but what would I know they only gave that stupid Asian a sword didn't they?

"Ah, so you're the other as they call us?" My eyes narrowed, his voice sounded entertained which didn't please me at all. I plastered on a carefree grin, before moving towards Lotto's desk and hiding the soon – to – be weapon behind my back making sure my movement was as fluid and unsuspecting as possible, which had worked well since he obviously thought nothing of it. He hummed sounding pleased with either himself or the situation I don't know but I let it slide studying him as he started standing straighter, his smile taken a sadistic twist to it which fascinated me for some odd reason.

"Lavi was defiantly entertaining; however I think I find you much more appealing, despite what my 'white' side says." I think my face dropped when I heard that. I'd pretty much kill him, if he stepped a tad bit closer but he stopped and stayed where he was. I was not amused, and my face showed it while adding a crossing of the arms.

"Oh? How so?" I growled out with annoyance, how stupid is this man? Or do they both have a think for red heads? Most likely he is just fucked up beyond belief. He just gave me a smile and stared at me with piercing gold eyes before then speaking.

"You're hate and violence is delicious." He said in a seductive growl, which disgusted me but an idea crawled into my head as I fought off my own sadistic grin and turned it into a seductive smirk, grabbing the paper weight my right and walking over to him slowly. Which made him very happy it appears and seeing him happy makes me very unhappy. As soon as my chest pressed against his, I grabbed his collar with my left hand to bring him eye level with me.

"Oh then you`re going to love this." I said as a smashed the heavy paper weight into the side of his face, right below the temple, which sent his head to connect with the chair while gashing his forehead badly and ended up with a sickening crack as his head connected with marble ground and his wound bleeding more, knocking him out cold. A chuckle left my lips as I found this hilarious as he bled on the white floor, not sure if it was because he came out of the hospital or if it was because he fell for my plan like a mindless puppet, maybe it was both but I didn`t care. Lavi and I got what we wanted, all that was left to do was finish off what I started. However the door opened and the sound of horrified gasps and gagging sounds caught my attention, making me stop what I was about to do. It didn`t please me of course, but things could get real ugly if I continued, not that it wouldn`t already but it would make things much worse. I played a cold smirk on my face as I passed the people who parted like the red sea, giving me a surge of power and dominance. Passing the supervisor of this group a gave her a evil smirk which obviously frightened as I bent down slightly.

"Thanks for the paperweight." And with that I put the bloodied object in her palm as she stared at it in horror. Since I have nothing better to do, I think I'll visit that Japanese annoyance and this time give him what he deserves, which will be much more brutal then what Tyki received. I hummed in thought of what to do as I entered the elevator; a good mind fuck would probably harm the boy more. As I witnessed he seems to have feelings for my alter ego, which made a perfect stricken spot and would kill him faster then any beating would. Besides being that he is so anger management he has probably been in more fistfights then I have in a month.

Reaching the room that Lavi had forced himself to call home and walked in. Kanda was lying lazily on his bed and staring at the ceiling that is until I walked and he turned his attention toward me calmly. I wanted to smirk, because he obviously thought I was Lavi. But to keep the mood I kept a straight face so that it would be an amusing reaction.

"You're back already, what did you're stupidity scare everyone into leaving early?" I shrugged with a bored look on my face I dumped myself on Lavi's bed and using my hands as a pillow. I didn't relax however as I was cautious to move fast if he planned on jumping me.

"No, but almost killing one of the patents here did obviously." With that Kanda looked alarmed and sat up quickly, his face turned to confusion, to understanding to anger in about 5 seconds realizing that it's not Lavi he was talking to.

"What are you doing here?" He snarled, grabbing his sword in reflex. I put my hands on front of me as a mock gesture that I mean not harm...Physical harm anyway. I put a lazy grin of my face, which only seemed to make the Japanese boy angrier.

"Hey now, Lavi just gave free range is all." The short tempered moron shook his head furiously in complete denial. I could understand why he didn't believe me but it was somewhat the truth, some minor details had been omitted but he didn't need to know that.

"I don't believe that for a second, you lying bastard!" I just shrugged, and sat up giving him a mischievous which by the look on his face, added to the many things on the list that he did not like about me. I could see silver as he started pulling the sword out of the sheath, which didn't faze me one bit because if he attacks me Lavi will also be paying for it and two I tried to kill him from the beginning.

''Believe what you want, but the only way I can gain control over his body is if he lets me." I slid of the bed and leaned against the wall near the door while still being able to face him. His expression was obvious of the inner turmoil inside his head, he didn't want to believe it but it looks like he'll have to.

"Then give the idiot his body back, you not wanted here." I barked out a laugh when I heard that. Of course I wasn't wanted, but this is what makes it so much fun for me. I put a feigned hurt expression, and ran my fingers from the corner of my eye and down my cheek as a symbol for tear, while trying to keep the smile off my face.

"Aw! I'm hurt Yu, how could you say something like that?" I saw him flinch as I used his name while at the same time growling, his face going into a cherry red and by the look of it he was about to pop a blood vessel. Oh god this has never been so much fun.

"Don't call me that you bastard!" the Japanese boy yelled furiously, I let a small grin play upon my face and my mind doing a happy dance as I hit the boys sore spot. I had been right about Lavi being his weak spot, which was kind of pathetic. I mean they met each other not that long ago and he feels lust for the idiot. God even the anger management kids are dense.

"Alright Kanda." It was kind of snappy, but if his idiocies continue most likely it would rub off on me and I would rather keep my IQ as high as possible.

"You want Lavi back right? But tell me Kanda, why do you want him back?" I put in curious tone, although I already knew the answer I just like making it more difficult for Japanese boy. Kanda growled, trying to be threatening but his little debate still continues in his mind.

"Oh! It's because you like him isn't it? Oh Kanda." I tisked as if I was disappointed and took a short trip back to Lavi's bed. It was a ballsy move because Kanda looked as if he was about to run me through with that sword.

"I mean give me a break, you think he likes you?" I let out a harsh laugh, it was amusing to see his face as it seemed to drop, but he quickly covered it with his usual angry expression.

"Shut up! Just give Lavi back!" He yelled, swiftly coming to put his damn sword to my neck. However normal people would have been frightened at something so hostile, I actually burst out laughing which has obviously not pleased the Asian one bit.

"Do you seriously think I'm threatened? Let me break it down for you, you brainless moron. I know you won't kill me because I'm pretty much taking you little lover boys' body and you would be doing me a huge favour because I've been trying to kill the moron from the beginning."

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I felt temporarily winded, as the asshole punched me in the stomach. I looked at him slightly surprised as I had stupidly enough not expected the hit.

"Maybe not but I'll beat till the inch of your life until you give him back." I scowled; I had a guess that he wasn't bluffing either. Damnit I was enjoying my rare amount of freedom, which I rightly deserved being that I saved Lavi's sorry ass from that damn rapist.

"Fine, you can have your pathetic Lavi back" I sneered, pushing lightly on the sword so that I don't cut myself on the sharp blade. I gave him an evil grin as I decided to warn him, just to put that little seed of fear in his tiny brain.

"Just so you know Yu – Chan, The more freedom I have, the more permanent I am." And with that i faded back into the blackness where I was born.


Gah! Sorry about the late update, my laptop for about four months and I had to re write this chapter which was already done before my laptop broke. Thankfully my Lovely computer genius was able to fix it so I can get back to writing. Besides I missed you guys. I'll be honest, I haven't gotten started on the 12th chapter but I'm, getting there so don't worry! Anyway you guys know the drill!
