Betrothal: I Do or I Don't

Chapter One- Shocking News


"W-what?" Sakura stammered as her eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry Sakura…but…I had to." Tsunade responded, an edge of sadness evident in her tone.

Sakura said nothing as she gripped the papers in her hands tighter and tighter and read the headers on them both over and over again. She gazed at them frantically, looking for any signs that it may just be some sick joke.

One of the papers read: "Ninja Resignation Form"

The other read: "Land of Wolves Negotiation"

"But…" Sakura choked out, "why me?"

Tsunade's eyes fell on the papers in Sakura's hands, as she was unable to look her student in the face at that moment. "If you read through the negotiation properly, you'd see that you're the clear candidate…to be this man's wife."

Sakura took in a breath and began to stare her teacher down. "But why a marriage? Why do I have to resign from being a ninja? Why can't we do something else? Why is it—?"

"Sakura," Tsunade interjected crossly, now looking up to give Sakura a stern but pained look, "I know you're confused, and resilient, and that you don't understand, but bear with me…please."

Sakura settled down at her teacher's words, and finally bowed her head in an apologetic manner.

"Sakura…I know that you're aware that the Sound is no longer an issue thanks to Sasuke." Tsunade began.

Sakura faltered at the mention of her teammate. Sasuke had killed Orochimaru and his brother a long while back, and after much persuasion he didn't kill the elders and returned to the village. All of this happened seven years ago, and even if now they were all full-fledged adults and shinobi, comrades, the rift that had grown between her and Sasuke had yet to completely heal.

"But…" Tsunade continued, "It does not mean there's peace. The Land of Wolves is a small, but strong nation bordering us and the Cloud Village. We need peace with them before they either turn on us or worse, they join up with the Cloud Village who decide to start up some trouble again. The land, however, finds marriage to be the strongest form of treaty, and we happened to come when the prince became of age. He gave us a description of the kind of girl he wants, and you fit the bill better than any other girl in the village."

Sakura looked down at the negotiation papers. It stated that the prince wanted a girl who was caring, strong, beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Sakura shifted awkwardly at the thought that the people in the village really believed that she fit the description. Being known for her fiery temper, it was a bit of a surprise that people found her all that caring.

"But…why do I have to resign from being a ninja?" Sakura asked warily.

"Because you will no longer be a Leaf Villager once this is over. You'll be a citizen of the Land of Wolves." Tsunade clarified.

"And you're absolutely positive that there's no one else who can take this place?" Sakura continued. "No one else? Not even a civilian can fit this role?"

"No one but you, Sakura. I'm sorry." Tsunade sighed. "You have twenty-four hours until you'll be escorted to the Land of Wolves. When you get there, there'll be three days of preparation and making sure that the prince sees you fit, and then, on the fourth day of your arrival, you'll be married."

"A-alright…I understand…Lady Tsunade." Sakura bowed her head as she spoke, and then began to make her way to the door.

"Are you going to pack?" Tsunade called as Sakura opened the door.

"No…" Sakura answered without turning. "I'll do that later…. First I'm going to say goodbye to everyone…."

With that Sakura stepped out and shut the door, not turning even an inch until it closed so Tsunade wouldn't catch any of the tears that began to roll down Sakura's cheeks.


"You're getting what?" Naruto yelled as loudly as he could. "Married?"

Sakura winced back slightly from Naruto's loud exclamation and then nodded her head. "In about five day's time…."

"But-but-but…you're a Leaf Ninja! Our teammate! Our friend!" Naruto continued to shout. "Tsunade's absolutely crazy if she's really going to let you go!"

"Naruto quit yelling." Kakashi ordered. He had been struck pretty speechless too at Sakura's news. Everyone who had gathered there: him, Naruto, Sasuke, Ino, Hinata and everyone else; all of them were surprised.

"So…you really have to go?" Ino asked solemnly. She was absolutely shocked to hear her best friend had to leave them all to get married to some man she didn't know or love. "Just like that you've been thrown to the wolves…literally?"

Sakura almost cracked a smile at Ino's word-play, and nodded her head. "Just like that. I still have about twenty-two hours though."

Naruto perked up. "Then we'll spend every last one of those twenty-two hours together! All of us!"

Sakura shook her head. "That's kind of you but…I have a lot to do. I have to find all of my stuff, pack it up, get a good night's sleep. I have to get everything done within this time. That's why I gathered everyone here rather than seeking everyone out and spending all that time one-by-one telling you all that I'm leaving."

"Oh…" Naruto responded, and then looked downcast. "Alright…."

Sakura nodded her head again. "Thanks for everything guys. I only wish…that you guys could come to the wedding or something."

At the mention of the word "wedding" several people frowned sadly, but didn't say anything.

Naruto reached out and pulled Sakura into a hug. "We're all gonna miss you, you know?"

Sakura smiled and hugged him back. "I'm going to miss all of you, too."

As if on command, all of the girls, and Lee, came in and joined in a big group hug around Sakura.

Naruto's head could be seen over the girls', and he looked out at the rest of the guys. "Hey Teme, why don't you join in?"

Sasuke, who had stood nearby, simply shot Naruto a look before saying, "I don't do group hugs."

"You little—" Naruto began.

"Guys…" Sakura called, interrupting Naruto. "You're squishing me…."

At that instant everyone snapped away from Sakura, who remained in her spot with a contented smile on her face.

Naruto grinned. "Can we all say goodbye one more time tomorrow? At the gate?"

Sakura thought for a moment, and then nodded her head. "Okay…Tsunade said I had to be there by noon."

"Then we'll be there by eleven thirty!" Naruto cheered. "That'll give us plenty of time to beat up the escorts and—"

"Naruto," Sakura interjected, "it's appreciated, and I know you could probably take them, but then I'd just be in the middle of a war rather than a marriage. I don't like either of them, but I know which one I'd rather do."

Naruto's grin dropped into a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his head. "Heh, heh…sorry…."


The next day it was nearing noon, and everyone who had gathered yesterday, including a few extras like Sakura's parents and Tsunade, had joined up in front of the village gate.

Sakura had just pulled away from a tight embrace with her mother, and she turned to her team and friends. "So this is it."

Naruto, who at the time had been holding back tears, suddenly burst out and ran forward. He pulled Sakura into a tight hug. "We're really, really gonna miss you! We don't want you to leave!"

Sakura simply sighed and patted Naruto's back. "I'll come by someday…I'll try to visit as much as I can. I promise."

Naruto pulled away slightly and looked at Sakura. She almost grinned with how childish he looked covered in tears and sniffling.

Naruto turned his head to the group behind him. "Alright! Sakura needs a big group hug! That includes the guys! And you too, Teme!"

Sasuke shot Naruto a signature glare as the girls came forward, dragging the guys with them as they all crowded around the pink-haired girl. With a swift yank from Kiba and Lee, Sasuke was even pulled into the fray. The whole group stood there for a while, surrounding Sakura and giving little snippets of goodbyes and advice to her.

"Milady, we have to be heading out soon." One of the escorts called through the bunch of bodies of ninja.

Sakura's pink head poked out from the group, and they all let her through as they parted. Sakura stopped and turned back as she reached the end of the crowd and looked at everybody.

"Thanks everyone. I'm really going to miss you." Sakura stated.

From the group Naruto came forward again, this time pushing Sasuke with him. Kakashi followed on their heels. It was her team.

"It won't be the same without you, Sakura." Kakashi smiled through his mask.

Sakura nodded at him. "Hopefully you guys will get a good medic commissioned onto the team."

"Oh there's no way anyone would be taking your place!" Naruto exclaimed. "We'll always be Team Seven!"

Sakura smiled and then shifted her gaze to Sasuke. "Anything that you'd like to say?"

Sasuke pressed his lips together for a moment as he looked down at Sakura. "…Don't forget about any of us."

Sakura almost looked disappointed. "I would never."

Naruto scoffed. "What? No love confession?"

"Naruto…" Sakura huffed as Sasuke shot the blond a threatening death glare.

Naruto held up his hands. "Hey, just saying. You can at least—think fast!"

Naruto then lashed out and shoved Sasuke forward. Sasuke, caught off guard, stumbled forward and ran into Sakura. Sakura had reached up to try and help, and the two caught each other in an embrace. Sakura's hands around Sasuke's torso, and his hands around her waist.

The two of them stood frozen like that for a moment until Sakura pressed forward a little. "Take care." She murmured.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted, but he tightened his grip on her waist slightly. "You, too." He whispered so no one else could hear.

Sakura was surprised for a moment, and a second later she let go of Sasuke and took a step back. She then turned and walked closer to her escorts.

"I guess I'm ready…." Sakura told them. The escorts nodded as they moved towards a carriage and opened the door for her.

Sakura took one last look at the bunch of Leaf Villagers, and then waved a last goodbye as she climbed into the carriage.

Everyone else also waved as Sakura's carriage began to roll down the trail. Some of the girls, Naruto, and Lee were crying, and a few of the boys looked depressed. The only one who didn't look extremely moved was Sasuke.

Little did anyone else know, though, that on the inside Sasuke was going insane.

And there you have it! Chapter one is DONE! And so is my streak of non-writing! Joy to the world! It's been…two whole weeks since I updated anything! (At least that's how long it's been from then till now as I'm typing this. Today is actually Thanksgiving! Oh the thanks to give indeed!) Of course considering that I had held on to the last thing I updated for like…a week before I put it up, it's actually been almost a month since I've done any writing whatsoever. But now I'm back! And glad to be! So till the next chapter! Where we get to see Sasuke explode! (Figuratively, not literally…that'd be kinda gory….)