Holiday Proposal

Written by: Akuma-Chibi (AKA: Devil-Babe-911)

Summary – Every little girl dreams of her big day. Weddings! All little girls want to be able to walk down the isle in a beautiful white dress, and then say 'I do' to their dream prince. Well, what should make Kagome any different...well, the way she is proposed to definitely isn't something you would see every day. Especially since her boyfriend isn't the one proposing, for that matter...well...let's just see how this plays out.

Anime – InuYasha/Naruto

Main Couple – Kagome/Deidara

Genre – Romance/Alternate Universe

Rated – M (Medium Violence) (Excessive Sexual Themes) (Excessive Blood and Gore) (Attempted Rape) (Mild Language)


Day One: A Test of Worth

Part Two


(December 2, 2009)


(Okinawa, Japan)


"Gate...B1219...B1219...B...12...16, 17, 18...B1219! Finally...I had to take a bullet train from Okinawa Airport point A all the way to Okinawa Airport point B to get to his Gate. I hope they haven't already let the passengers off the plane."

~Boarding American Airlines Flight 3212 to North Carolina, all passengers please make their way to Gate B1221~

'Now...where can I find an Attendant...ah!' Deidara walked up to a woman in a black sliming pant suit with an Okinawa Airport Air Flights badge hanging from her hip. "Miss...Miss."

She turned and smiled handsomely, "Yes sir?"

"Um, do you n=know if the passengers of flight B1219 have already been let off the plane?"

"Not yet, no. We were just about to open the gate though,"

"Oh, thank you." He bowed and made to stand by the gate, listening as they announced for gate B1219's arrival. A few moments later and a crowd of people began filing out of the plane. Deidara looked the picture over then glanced back up in time to see the man he'd come to pick up trip over the spacing of the gate and plane. This was an almost immediate domino effect as the passengers behind him toppled on top of him.



"Oh my..." The woman who had answered him earlier rushed off to help the fallen pile of passengers.

About ten minutes after that, the passengers were freed from the pile up and Hojo Akitoji stood irritated and flushed; holding a heavily wrapped bundle in his arms as he looked around for a sign of some sort. Deidara, as much as he'd wanted to just vanish in the crowd and leave him looking for an escort, raised his hand, catching the mans attention. He smiled and ran forward only to once more trip on a bag strap that had been lying idly on the airports marble flooring. 'I can do's like dealing with Tobi...' The man fumbled to free his foot and backed into an elder woman, sending her into another person and both into the seats in the waiting area on top of a child who cried out for her mother. 'No...This is worse...' He sighed, making his way to the two who were struggling to get off the scared little girl. He pulled them both up carefully, then crouched down to the frightened little girl and smiled, "Are you okay, yeah?"

"...M-momma...I want...m-momma!"

She was terrified of all the eyes looking at her. Deidara spotted a woman running worriedly up to the crowd. "Your mom is on her way," He pointed and watched her turn, "Are you okay though? You aren't hurt?"

"N-no...I'm not hurt. I scrapped my elbow on the seat, but that's all." She pointed at her lightly bleeding and watched him carefully as he pulled out his walled and a baby blue bandage with silver smileys on it. He placed it on her elbow and she smiled when her mom picked her up and checked her over herself.

Deidara stood straight and turned back to Hojo who was once more standing embarrassed in a crowd. He took the man's sleeve and began for the door.

"Thanks Mister!"

He smiled and waved goodbye to the little girl, still dragging the cause of all the trouble out of the Airport. "My name is Deidara, Mr. Taisho requested I come pick you up. You are Hojo Akitoji...correct?"

"Y-yes," He struggled to keep up with the blonde as they made their way to the luggage, "C-call me Akitoji, please. I've never really been fond of my first name."

"Right, Akitoji-San. You're kind of offense, yeah."

"No...Miss. Kagome has said that before too. Though, much more ingenuously than you yourself did." He smiled awkwardly before moving to catch a few bags and large, but thin boxes.

It took a good hour to get everything in the vehicle neatly and safely, without harming the items confined within the boxes.

"So what all did you bring over?"

"Ah!" Akitoji's eyes brightened, "Some of the older talents from China's T'ang Dynasty, a few Jade pieces, some renaissance works and other random choices. There from all over the world, parts of different collections, some even need special authorization to take. This is including Kagome's favorite piece."

Deidara listened to the man speak, he wasn't so bad really. His interest in art, and the passion he spoke with about the widespread topic was overwhelming, if not inspiring. "You mentioned Kagome's favorite piece, yeah, what is it...? If you don't mind me asking..."

"A final masterpiece by a world renowned artist named Dante Gabriel Rossetti."

"Never heard of him,"


'Did I say something wrong?' Deidara frowned as Hojo Akitoji stared shocked and almost in horror at him for his lack of knowledge concerning the Artist mentioned.


"Yes, yes, yes..."

Kagome listened to Inu No Taisho as he paced back and forth in his office, occasionally stopping to gaze out at the snowfall.

"No, no, no..."

He turned to Kagome and moved his hand in a writing motion. She opened her purse and pulled from it a small notepad and pen.

"Go ahead," He listened, "Two-Twelve, Seventy-two, Ninety-two, Four, Forty-Four." He paused, "Gregory D'gorgio..." He rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes...yes..." He crossed the floor to his door and opened it before slamming it shut. "Oh, I'm really sorry to cut this conversation short, sir, but I have an enraged son standing across from me." He listened, "Yes, I'll talk to you another time, another day. Goodbye."

Kagome raised a brow as he flipped his cell phone shut. "Enraged son?" She asked sardonically.

"It's plausible..." He smiled, "Everyone is aware of Inuyasha's...less than desirable temper." He sighed, taking a seat behind his desk; he motioned her to sit across from him. "How you manage to put up with him, is beyond my intellectual capacity, my dear."

"It's beyond mine as well..." She said disdainfully.

His eyes brightened as her mood darkened. "Oh my, oh goodness...has the two of you gotten into a fight?" He was practically beaming.

Kagome frowned, "Don't look too worried..." She sighed, "He went off on some half-baked theory after Deidara brought me my purse yesterday, throwing out accusations of him obviously like me and that I should fire him, kick him to the curb!" She glared, "I can't believe he'd say something like that about someone he doesn't even know!"

"...really?" He laughed, "I'm his father, and I have no problem picturing him throwing a tantrum about some random boy secretary recently hired to work for is girlfriend." He handed a pamphlet outline to Kagome who smiled.

"Moving onto the important things?" She asked, "This is just the rough draft, you have no problem with me setting up the exhibits and the scheduled art showings?"

"Have I ever?"

Kagome smiled, "Never." She stood up and made her way to depart when a loud crashing sounded down the hall.

"Oh goody, Hojo is here!" Inu No Taisho stood, walking passed a wide eyed Kagome who remembered all too well the last time Akitoji had come to their Museum.

'I'll be pasting everything moveable down by the end of the day, from the vases, to the tapestries and down to the rugs on the floor.' She sighed, following after her boss.


Arms enveloped her as she paid no heed to the man hugging her, instead, her eyes took in any damage that may have taken place outside Inu No Taisho's office. "What did you break?" She asked curiously.

"Hm?" He looked confused before his eyes widened, "Oh no! Blonde man!" He took off around the corner.

Kagome looked on for a moment when he reappeared, taking slow steps backwards until he behind her. Deidara appeared next, holding a cracked camera in his hands; his eye, the one not covered, met Kagome's before he looked away. Kagome paid no attention to that, instead, her eyes stayed glued to the camera he held almost preciously in his hands. "Deidara...I'm so sorry. Look, Hojo is under our Insurance Policy, so we will have a new camera sent in immediately, or...if you would rather...we could send that one in for repairs." She added as a sad look passed over his eyes.

"Yes, if possible!" Deidara brightened, his camera held devotedly within his hands.

Kagome looked at her assistant when something snapped in her mind, "I forgot, today I was supposed to take you to get your ID and show you to your office!" She took his hand in hers and left Inu No Taisho and Hojo alone.

"..." Hojo glanced to a frowning Inu No Taisho, watching the older man's frown turn into a scheming grin in an eerily slow manner.


Sesshoumaru looked over the frames of the paintings that had come from Rome, England and others places equally far from them, as well as their neighbor China. He was making sure no nicks marred the masterpieces or vases held within the boxes.


He turned, his father grinned as he made his way towards him. Taking the board he'd only moments ago held while checking over inventory of the pieces sent from over seas. " there a reason you're grinning like you just got away with murder?" He asked in all seriousness, taking the clipboard back and continuing down the check list and verifying their safe arrival and perfect condition.

"Yes, now that you mentioned it! You are to take Kagome and her assistant to lunch; I want all three of you to put together a most grand Exhibit Pamphlet and plan for the upcoming event!"

"...doesn't Kagome usually take care of that stuff?"

"Yes, yes, yes...but I want group effort. She does so much..."

Sesshoumaru nodded, "I will help where I can..." He glanced down at the paper, 'Where she'll let me help.'

"Wonderful!" He gave a hearty laugh, "Also, while you are with her, why not invite her out to din─"

"Get out, you foolish old man!"

" won't even let Papa finish..."

"This conversations reached a critical crossroad the second you started talking, and every direction possible to take is inappropriate! Leave..." Sesshoumaru said, calming himself down.

"Well...then, why not help me get her and that young assistant of hers together?"

"Again...inappropriate, she's in a relationship...with your youngest son, no less...and around every corner, you are trying to pass her off to another man...even trying to play matchmaker between her and myself, your oldest son." He sighed, "I'll be the first to admit that I don't care for how Inuyasha acts when she's not around, or how he talks to her occasionally. Yes, his temper worries me too...and as much as I don't care about hurting Inuyasha's feelings by stealing such a beautiful piece of work from right beneath his nose..." He turned to Inu No Taisho with a cold seriousness in his eyes. "That would also mean hurting Kagome in an emotional way. I won't do something so dishonorable..." He turned back to a sculpture and began scrutinizing the Terra-Cotta masterpiece. "If she fall's in love with her assistant...that's one thing, but I'm not going to break a relationship up just so you can utilize your matchmaking skill." He wrote something down on the paper, "Besides, he's been here for little less than a day and a half...he could be a serial killer for all you know."

"Hahaha! No," Inu No Taisho said adamantly, "He's no serial killer. You haven't met him yet, have you...well, that will be changed. Go, she's showing him to his new office; it's next to her's. I'll take over down here." Inu No Taisho ushered his son out of the subterranean vault, snatching the clipboard from him before closing the door after him.


Kagome watched Deidara as he walked about his new office, taking in the size, the window that was half the size of the wall behind him, centered perfectly on the wall, his desk right before it, and a comfy chair behind it. One both sides of the office, on opposing walls, were two pictures, one of one half of the earth, the other of the other half of the earth.


Kagome smiled, she had found his way of speaking to be absolutely adorable, and enjoyed hearing him talk.


The two turned to see a man with long silvery white hair and golden molten orbs; he wore a black pair of business pants, a button up white dress shirt and a black tie. He was holding his business suit coat under his left arm, a pair of Armani black leather shoes on his feet, and a bored look in his eyes was boring into Deidara's blue green eyes, or...eye.


'Sesshoumaru...? Sasori and Sango mentioned him yesterday.' Deidara looked at the man as he walked into his new office.

"I was told to help you and your assistant with the pamphlet and everything else you plan to execute on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the end of next month."

"...oh?" Kagome stared in confusion, "I thought I was doing it alone..." She smiled, "Oh well, if your father decided to turn this into a group project, than I guess it's a group project! Is that okay with you, Deidara?"

"...huh?" He frowned, "You're my boss, Miss. Kagome, so whatever you say."

She pouted, nibbling on her bottom lip; she sighed and turned to Sesshoumaru. "This is Deidara, are newest photographer, and my newest assistant. He has an amazing eye for beauty." She indirectly commended his talent, causing a red flush to color his cheeks as he turned his whirly chair around to face the window, making sure his cheeks were concealed by his hair.

"I'm only average...I've been doing it for so long...but I've still got a long way to go, yeah."

Sesshoumaru raised a brow at that. Kagome was said to have been the brightest art consultant of her time; this showed, as she was now the assistant director of Japan's largest Art Museum. He highly doubted Kagome would start making pour judgment in the talent of others. If she said he had an eye for beauty...who was he to argue. She herself had an unearthly eye for the splendor and brilliance that the world offered. No...the boy was just modest, in that he had no doubt. However, he also believed the boy could learn much more through the years ahead if he continued in the passionate stride of an artist or photographer.

"Shall we go ahead and continue on to my office. We can start planning Friday, Saturday and Sunday's main events, the singular ones that will be held during all three of those days...then the smaller events which we be held on different days, depending on which age group is more likely to come. I think, we also have a tour on that Friday, so...we'll need someone to be their guide."

"We'll figure that out later," Sesshoumaru moved to the side and allowed Kagome room to pass him, Deidara following close behind. Sesshoumaru was quick to switch the light off and shut the door before he too followed to her office.


He knew...this was going to be one of those Christmas's...he was probably going to remember till he was gray and old. He only hoped, it was in a good way. Deidara watched as Kagome explained the showcase event that would take place on Saturday. High school students, business men, people from all over Japan, some from all over the world, would be coming to showcase their artwork on Saturday, at the end of next month. She was moving her arms in wide motions; her eyes were bright with the thoughts if the things they would be planning. Deidara had to admit, it sounded fun...for a Museum.

"So how about it, do you two want to enter?" She looked expectantly.

Deidara stared for a moment, "...what?"

"Yeah, photography, painting, drawing. Whatever, I know Sesshoumaru will probably showcase one of his fine point sketches. Are you going to showcase one of your black and white prints...or, maybe one of the colored prints?"

"Um, I'd have to think about it...yeah."

Sesshoumaru raised a brow at the response slash inadvertent answer. "Well, I'll place something up; because I know you'll find something of mine yourself if I don't do it."

"What?" Deidara stared wide eyed at a grinning cat, ah...Kagome...

"Yes, if she's resolute about who's to showcase, she'll make sure they showcase. I'll assume that one gentleman will be her main attraction...if she can get him to answer his door..."


"Sai!" Her eyes had stars in them now.

Deidara smiled, "Sai Takunai, black hair, pale complexion...socially retarded...lives in a three room apartment with a large underground studio?"

"...y-yeah..." Kagome frowned, "You know him?"

"More than I'd like to admit."


Sesshoumaru and Deidara both turned to Kagome who had her fist pumped into the air above her.

"You'll go to his house tomorrow, while Sesshy and I set up the schedule for Friday!"

"Wh-what? Me? Sai and I went to art classes from elementary and all the way through high school, and even then...we didn't get along. I implore that you send someone else, yeah. Someone...who's not me..."

Kagome grinned, "Of course not." She glanced at the clock and frowned, "I'm going to be late for a meeting, I'll need to go now. Deidara, you are free to go home for today; I myself will be leaving within the hour, Sesshoumaru..." She bowed her head to them both, "I'll see you both tomorrow." She said, grabbing her purse and making her way to the door, pausing for a moment, she turned and faced her new assistant, "And Deidara..."

"Uh...yes Ma'am?"

" will...go to Sai Takunai's apartment tomorrow." She smiled, bowed once more, then left the two alone in her office to lock up.

Deidara sighed, "I'll lock up, yeah. You may leave." He pulled out the spare set of keys that had his office key as well as Kagome's neatly stored on a metal ring with countless other keys unknown to him. The shut behind him, meaning Sesshoumaru had chose to take him up on that order and leave. ' going to be a' He scrunched his nose up in irritation, "And I still need to take Tobi to get Ice-Cream!" He cried out pathetically.

Tomorrow, a new day awaited him...and he knew...the second he woke up...he would have hell's angels knocking at his door. He was not looking forward to tomorrow.


Me: Hope everyone enjoyed! As a request from Kage, I will be updating a few of my Slayer's fics! Please R^R, Sankyu~! ^_^''