Title: An American Schoolgirl at Hogwarts
Author: Dala
Rating: PG for this part, nothing naughty--yet ;)
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, eventually
Chapter: 1/?
Archive: Ask and ye shall receive
Spoilers: All four books
Feedback: Is the nectar on which I live
Disclaimer: The characters and situations of this fanfic belong to J.K. Rowling and Co, except for Eva, Amy, and the assorted cast of characters I've created
Author's Note: It'll all be in the form of Eva's letters to her best pal Amy. Enjoy!


April 12th

Dear Amy,

I miss you! I miss the weather back home! I even miss Calculus!

That being said, I have to admit that England isn't SO bad. Our good old Cali has it beat any day, but I think I could get used to living here--at least until my parents aren't legally allowed to drag me halfway around the world with them.

Daddy's new job for their Ministry seems to going well. Mom is still adjusting, but she's absolutely enchanted by the town of Hogsmeade,which is where they live now (it's right near my school). I swear, if I hear the word "quaint" or "precious" ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to turn her into a mouse and sic Chessie on her. Chessie, by the way, is settling down better than I thought she would. She got into a fight with a big tabby yesterday, but my scrappy little calico can hold her own, as your poor Dobermans can attest (give Chief a kiss for me!)

Alright, now that this boring crap is all taken care of, I'll get to what you really want to hear about: the school. It's called Hogwarts and it's pretty prestigious. I'm writing this at the end of my first day, so I haven't actually had any classes yet. But I met all the teachers earlier. The principal--headmaster, I mean. Headmaster. Gotta keep all these weird British words straight. The headmaster is none other than Albus Dumbledore. I know that means diddly to you, sad little Muggle that you are (haha), but take my word for it, the man is famous. And powerful. And he looks like my grandpa. Still, meeting him was pretty damn cool. I'm to be put in the sixth year here, which I guess is like junior year in the States. Oh god, listen to me, I'm already referring to my home like the people around here do! The other professors are pretty weird--one of them, I swear I'm not joking, is a ghost. That should be interesting.

And what about the student body, you ask? In particular the MALE student body? Ame-babe, I've said it before and I'll say it again: foreign guys are HOT. And there are a lot of them here. At our high school there were a few beautiful boys, mostly the jocks, but here good looks seem to be the norm instead of the exception. Just from walking in the hallways, I noticed a very cute one, about our age, with an Irish accent. You know what a sucker I am for Irishmen. But before I go in for the kill on that one, I've got to mention other prospects. I haven't caught any names except one: Harry Potter. You remember Harry Potter? I'm sure I've told you about him before. He's probably the most famous boy in the whole wizarding world, and definitely the most famous at this school. Sadly, though, I didn't see him today. The other one who especially caught my eye was a tall, slim blonde. Cheekbones of a model, disaffected air of a rich intellectual. Something about him just drew me in, Amy. I'm going to find out who he is or die trying.

As far as my living situation goes, the professors have given me my own room, which I am SO grateful for. I'd really hate living in a dorm. But officially I'm in this sort of team/group thing--there are four of them. Each group lives together and has classes together. I'm in the one called Gryffindor, even though I'm not in their quarters. You wouldn't believe how they decided that, either--it has to do with a smelly old hat.

Unfortunately, it's getting late here. I don't know how late it would be in California right now; I never bothered to learn those time differences. First class tomorrow is Defense against the Dark Arts. Woo-hoo. Maybe we'll learn the stuff my magic tutor hid from me.

Love from your foreva-eva-Eva
