Note : A slightly OOC'd Trucy, as well as suggestiveness.

Note 2 : I don't know why I did this, other than it was fun to do. Originally I meant to put in what Char wanted but uh...Well, I'm a master of not being able to keep my promises so...Yeah, it came out like this. Sorry x_x


Phoenix's office was deemed shortly afterward to be one hundred percent inhabitable – if you liked paint smells and paint stains and paint all over you, that is. So Trucy and Phoenix became homeless, and they needed a new place to live.

"Don't look at me." Was Miles' reaction. There was no way on Earth he was letting that messy excuse for a defense attorney into his house. And...he added slyly, if he wanted to move in, it would have to wait until they had went beyond having a date under a tree in the local park, sharing burgers on a picnic cloth.

So Miles and his stupid, burgundy, stuck-up house was out of the equation, and he turned to his second choice.

"Material things are the roots of all free will – they weigh the man down." Diego had answered. In other, more coherent words, it means that he was broke and homeless too.

So they, all three of them had turned to the only person without a backbone strong enough to resist their request : Detective Gumshoe.

"W-wait, a second, pal! Hey, don't touch that, that's a gift from Maggey!' he had shouted at them, when they had moved in. Trucy looked at him with a sweet, beguiling smile.

"Yes, Mr. Detective?"


"Is there a problem?" She fluttered her eyelashes a little, and Phoenix could barely suppress his laughter. That girl wasn't just a pro at magic tricks, she was a pro at twisting people around her finger when she wanted to be too.

"U-uh..Nothing, nothing at all, pal." came the good detective's weak answer.

And so they moved in, and all was well...At least, for the adults.

Trucy woke up after a nap she took after school and looked out of the window. The sky was already rapidly turning the colour of cobalt, with streaks of remaining orange rapidly fading away on it's upper crust.

She cursed in a way not befitting her tender ages (and would surely earn her a spanking from daddy if he heard) and ran out of the tiny room, feet going pat pat pat on the rough wooden panelling.

"Uncle Diego! Why didn't you wake me up!?" She yelled. Silence answered her. Where was he? He was supposed to be bringing her to the Wonder Bar for her show! At the rate he's forgetting her, she'd be fired before the end of the month.

She grabbed the phone and jabbed Diego's cell number.


"Uncle Diego! Where are you!? The show's going to start in – she glanced at the clock – in an hour!"

"Yes, yes, that's the thing kitten, I went out to buy some groceries since the larder's all eaten up and I bumped into --"

'I hope for your sake, Uncle Diego, that you did not abandon me and my magic to hit on a girl..." She warned, working herself up into a huff to tell him what she thought of his behaviour.

"-- No no, you don't understand kitten, that's the thing, the girl just dragged me off the streets for –HEY HEY HEY, WATCH IT, HANDS OFF THE MASK, LADY – for what she says is SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION!!" he shouted. The background sounded like he was in the middle of a battle zone. "L-Look, I'll get back to you later okay?"


He hung up. Trucy growled in frustration. One of these days, she'll turn him into a frog, she swore. As soon as she finds out how to do that, that is.

But turning Diego into a frog would not solve her present dilemma, so she dialed Gumshoe's number instead.

"Detective Gumshoe on duty, sir!"

"Are you, Mr. Detective? On duty, I mean."

"Oh, is that you, Trucy?" his loud voice was cheerful, as usual.

"Yeap, it's me."

"Oh well, uh, I'm not exactly on duty right now, but it sounds like I'm working when I say that – in case the chief calls in – ya know, pal?"

"Oh um. Okay. So it'll be fine if you come home and take me to the bar right?"

"Huh? Sorry, pal, but you know I can't do that. I'm still technically working right now." He paused, and she could practically see his eyebrows going up and down. "Why can't you go alone anyway?"

"Daddy says I'm not allowed to go alone."

"Oh, but I really can't do it, I need to get back to work, or Mr. Edgeworth will cut my salary again. See ya later, Trucy!"


That's going to be two frogs for the Wright Talent Agency. No choice then, she'll call her daddy.

"H-Hello...?" came his voice. It sounded raspy.


"Y-yeah, what is it Trucy?"

"Uncle Diego and Mr. Gumshoe can't take me to the bar, and it's going to start in an hour. Can you come home and take me to the bar?"

She heard someone – was that uncle Miles? -- chuckling.

"Well can you, Phoenix?"

"Cut that out, Miles!" he hissed. She could hear a lot of shuffling.

"U-um. Look, I'm busy right now okay, Trucy. Listen why don't you skip work today? It's just one performance."

"B-but I already skipped two days this week! First it was because it was your turn and you disappeared off with uncle Miles, then Mr. Detective got lost and I was late!" She said, exasperated.

"It's just –- ANOTHER DAY!" his voice turned into a shout halfway through the sentence.

"Daddy? What's going on?"

A moan, then the phone went back to beeping.

Trucy huffed and slammed the phone back onto the table, in a bad mood, and went to switch on the television.

Living in peace was all very nice, but sometimes the adults really need to shape up, she thought, and put on a recording of the Gramarye Troupe performing.

Oh well.

Yes, this really is the end. I'm not going to come up with another chapter and tell you that's The End, Part Two. I think. Finally done with this story, which took me like, uh 9 days I think. So now that I'm done, I think I'll write something christmassy. Before that though : Christmas shopping!