Skipper felt something against his forehead and frowned. His eyes were still tightly shut and he was lying where he'd fallen. There was a muttering nearby but he couldn't make it out. Then a voice spoke right by him.

"Skipper?" He spun and struck out.

"Owch!" Skipper blinked his eyes open and found himself looking up at Private. A young, innocent Private.

"So you're feeling better then?" The boy rubbed his cheek as Skipper looked about the HQ. He couldn't explain what had happened but he was lying in his own bunk once more.

"Private?" The boy looked slightly unnerved by the questioning tone.

"Erm… yes?"

"Private!" Skipper leapt out of bed and hugged the young penguin. "Promise me you'll never stop being the sappy knucklehead you are now."

"Er… OK?" Over the boy's shoulder Skipper could see Kowalski and Rico watching in shock. Releasing Private he faced the others.

"I owe you all a debt of thanks… that I intend to start repaying today…" he stopped suddenly. "Kowalski! What's today?"

"Well… er… Christmas Day?" Kowalski hazarded.

"Really? I haven't missed it?"

"Um… no. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Never better. And I owe that all to you three. Sort of." He headed towards the exit but stopped to face Rico. "And Rico?"


"You did what had to be done… I understand that… but don't ever do that again!" Rico glanced at Kowalski who merely shrugged.

"O-kay," he agreed.

"Good. Now let's spread some Christmas cheer!"


Julien was being pampered royally by his two henchmen. But unusually his mind was not entirely on his own pleasure. Though he intended to make Maurice think it was.

"Maurice!" the king suddenly declared. "I am feeling thirsty. Fetch your king some liquid refreshment." He grinned as Maurice turned his back to head to the bar. Mort giggled childishly as Julien snuck over to his throne and retrieved a superbly wrapped gift. Creeping up behind his chunky aide he waited for Maurice to turn before exclaiming.

"Ta-da!" Maurice looked suitably surprised.

"For me?" he enquired.

"Of course it is being for you, silly," Julien emphasised his point by a rap on the head and waited for Maurice to open his present. A voice interrupted their celebration though.

"Heads up lemurs!" Julien ducked as something flew past his head.

"Argh! The Sky Spirits are dropping rocks from the sky!"

"Actually," Maurice stooped to pick up the mysterious object. "It looks like a Christmas present." Julien snatched it eagerly.

"You see Maurice? The Sky Spirits love me!"

"Hey Ringtail!" Skipper jumped into their habitat. "Merry Christmas!"

"Penguins? I was thinking you were being all grumpy about the Christmas season."

"Maybe I was," Skipper agreed as the other three handed more gifts to the lemurs. "But not anymore. Kowalski! Give the king his present." The strategist hauled a large parcel over to the king who bounced in excitement.

"A present for me!" He rushed forward and ripped the paper off.

"Oh!" he gasped in awe. "It is the most fabulous thing I have ever been seeing!"

"Pretty impressive," Maurice agreed as he opened another gift of fruit to go with the blender he'd already opened. Julien stared in wonder at the full size reflection of himself.

"Well," Skipper commented. "It seemed unfair we should see so much of you when you couldn't." He grinned. Julien sniffed.

"It's the most wonderfullest thing anyone's ever given me. ME!" He hugged the mirror.

"Come on boys. Our work here is done." As suddenly as they appeared the penguins vanished.

"Where to now, Skipper?" Private asked happily.

"Now… we get supplies and go where we should have gone every year."


Marlene looked out across the zoo to the penguins' habitat. Why did she go through this every year? They never came. She could go to the lemurs… have fun… but she couldn't quite give up the hope that maybe, just maybe, this year would be different. With a sigh she turned back… and screamed in terror as the manhole cover flew off in the middle of her room. Four penguins leapt out and landed in familiar fighting poses.

"What the..?" Marlene was interrupted by Skipper rushing forward.

"There's no time to waste Marlene." He grabbed her arm and began pulling her forward.

"What's going on? Where are we going?" He stopped and turned to her.

"We're going right here." He took a deep breath. "And what's going on is this." Before she knew what was happening he leant forward and kissed her. She was too shocked to do anything. As he pulled back she tried to pull herself together.

"Wha…?" she managed. He gave her a charming smile and gestured up.

"Mistletoe," he replied. She looked up. Then she looked back at him.

"So… you're celebrating Christmas?" He led her back into her apartment where the others were grinning from ear to ear as they spread out more presents and food.

"Yes… but I'm also celebrating you." He pulled her close and looked her in the eyes. She watched him carefully to try and work him out and grinned as she saw the message written on his face.

"So… this is a present I can keep?" she asked coyly.

"Definitely. You know, I don't deserve you Marlene," he whispered.

"But you have me," she whispered back. "Now and forever." And she kissed his cheek.

"So…" he hesitated in what she thought was an adorable way. "We've done the presents and the mistletoe… what happens now?" She was just pulling him close to her again when Rico's manic face appeared before them.
