Fantastic Five

Disclaimer: I do not own Fantastic Four or any of the music that I use throughout this story. This story is merely a what-if. I do own the new character that I've decided to place into the story Helena Greene. She's there to kind of shake things up a bit.

Author's Note: This is a redux of a story I've already written. I'm going to keep the old story up, in case this one doesn't work. But I was less than satisfied with my first story after re-reading it, and decided to go into a little bit more detail. Also if you haven't read my stories first, please note that the music I have placed in these chapters is meant to played while reading, if possible. Thanks for giving my story a try! I hope you like it!

Chapter One: The Name That Launched A Thousand Ships

Ben Grimm and Reed Richards looked like ants compared to the massive statue that stood before them of their former college classmate, Victor Von Doom. "Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a thirty foot statue of himself," Ben stated very sarcastically. He never trusted Victor, but Reed needed him now, "Well, it's obviously aimed at first-time visitors to create feelings of smallness… inadequacy." Ben looked at his friend Reed, thinking he wished Helena were here; she'd back him up. "Good thing it ain't working… Reed what are we doing here this guy's fast food, strip mall science!"

He thought of Helena again after he said that, she was like a little sister to him, and she would have talked Reed out of this demeaning and idiotic idea. Reed rebutted, "This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot. Besides Victor's not that bad, he's just a little larger than life." Ben rolled his eyes at this comment looking at the enormous Von Doom skyscraper, and thinking, 'I could really use some help here.' But his little sis' was in Paris right now, probably at a photo shoot taking pictures of an anorexic model. He knew she was happy there, or at least that's what she told him in an email last month.

Helena Elizabeth Greene had known Ben, Sue, Reed and Johnny for a very, very long time. After moving to upstate New York to live with her aunt and uncle when she was eight, her neighbor's were Sue and Johnny Storm. When Helena was nine, Sue quickly her baby-sitter. Claiming it would forever be her job given the maturity level of her younger brother Johnny. Helena grew up before Sue's eyes, as the two girls became closer and closer. Helena was also introduced to Reed Richards (Sue's boyfriend) and Ben Grimm and developed a deep closeness with both of them, calling them the brothers she never had.

She recognized in them, different parts of her own personality. Reed was very analytical, going over every single detail before even thinking about making a decision. She recognized that in herself whenever she took a photograph. Helena was a fashion photographer for French Vogue, and found her passion for photography at an early age. When she was eleven, Reed bought Helena her first camera, and from that moment on she was never without it. It wasn't a particularly professional camera, but it got her hooked. In fact, fourteen years later, Helena still had that crappy little camera on her desk in Paris, to remind her.

Ben on the other hand, was very confident and determined in his choices. If Ben knew what he wanted, he got it, end of story. He also had a discipline that made Helena think of her other love, her secret love, ballet. Helena was talented and graceful. She had secretly loved being in the spotlight when she danced. Though she had a clear talent and love for ballet, she knew that if she pursued it as a career, she wouldn't love it the same way ever again, and she wasn't about to give that up.

Though she kept it a secret from everyone, she wanted at least one person to know about it. She chose Ben to reveal this secret to because she knew that he would be the one who appreciated it the most. Instead of just telling him about it, she decided to show him, dancing to Nessun Dorma by Pavorotti. What she still doesn't know, was that Ben knew of her secret before she had decided to let him in. The day he really found out about Helena's secret love was the day he met Debbie. He'd been looking for Helena and asked some of her friends. They directed him to the studio. He looked in, and couldn't believe it, she was so graceful and poised he couldn't walk away as she danced to Smile sung by Nat King Cole. After watching her, he walked away and kept that image to himself and was reminded how proud he is of her.

Though her two brothers, Ben and Reed, gave her ample help with her math and science homework; as she was not gifted in those areas by any means. Sue and Helena bonded over their love for literature. Though Sue was also a "nerd" as Reed affectionately referred to it, she was the one that loved a good story. Sue and Helena's literature bonding really began when Helena was very little. Helena would start having nightmares and Sue would come racing up to find her screaming. When she finally got her calm, Sue would read to her. This got Helena to sleep soundly. Soon when Helena was much older, and went to NYU, she would drag Sue with her to book club after book club. Though her favorite book of all was Pride and Prejudice, she would often ask Sue if she thought she would ever find her Mr. Darcy. At this question, Sue would immediately think of her brother Johnny, and how perfect it would be if he were Helena's "Mr. Darcy."

Though she would always consider New York her home, the rest of the world beckoned, especially Paris. At the airport, there were hugs and tears between Helena, Susan, Reed and Ben, but no goodbyes, because they all knew that no matter where each of their lives took them they would always come back to each other.

Helena's looks were always intriguing, but she hadn't really grown into them until Paris; Helena was tall, 5' 11" to be exact, she had big light green eyes, strawberry blonde curly hair around shoulder length, a slender build, and a shy but content smile. Paris was where she found her serenity, her confidence, and her overwhelming sense of self. Though Helena had left an eager yet, very talented photographer, she came back with a self-assured confidence that was striking, even to her closest friends and Helena was now twenty-five years old.