Hey everyone!

New Fiction! Sorry


Update: This fiction was edited in order to fit an M rating. I usually say when a chapter is edited. The unedited chapters are found on livejournal (user name: bittercandy248) . The link is on my profile if you would like to read it. I can also send you notifications when posting a new chapter if you would like.

The rape scene was cut out of this chapter.


"Hey, Mizuki-san, are you sure this guy will lend me the money?"

"Yes, Naruto. We are almost there," Mizuki motioned to the blond.

"But why would he lend me, is he a loan shark?"

"He is just a good person. Naruto, you have to believe in the goodness of the people," Naruto squinted his eyes; Sasuke repeatedly told him that no one helps people out of the goodness of his heart, he must want something. Yet, Naruto trusted Mizuki more or less… He was his high school teacher after all.

"I see," I guess the blond was naïve enough to be satisfied with this answer.

They reached a relatively decent apartment building. It wasn't old, it wasn't new. It wasn't fabulous, it wasn't shitty. In fact, it was plain which made it blend it and go unnoticed.

They walked up the stairs, Naruto rambling while Mizuki listened in silence. Finally they reached their floor. The silver headed man slowly knocked on the door, and then made a sign with his hand when he was asked who he was. The door opened and a suspicious looking man stood there eyeing Naruto.

The man was middle aged, wearing a Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned until his belly button was showing. His chest was so bushy; you would confuse him for a gorilla.

"What have you brought us, Mizuki?"

"John, meet Naruto. He was wondering if you can help him; you see he is in a bit of a bind and wanted fast money," the man introduced pushing Naruto forcefully into the apartment and shutting the door quickly.

"But be gentle with him, it's his first time… borrowing money that is," the sneaky bastard smirked.

As soon as the door was shut, and Naruto was in. About five muscular men came out of one of the rooms. One of them headed towards the door, and locked it carefully, while the others checked Naruto out thoroughly from top to bottom.

"Come here Naruto, sit next to me," John asked nicely. However, one of the men shoved Naruto next to the middle-aged man when he noticed Naruto wasn't moving.

"Careful, we don't want to bruise him," the man turn to Naruto and continued, "So Mizuki tells me you need my help".

"…I need…cash," Naruto was always loud, and wasn't really the one to hesitate before blurting out words. However, it seems that everything was just creeping out the blond. Something didn't add up.

"Well, I have the cash Naruto. I can give it to you"

"Really?" The sky blue eyes lit up in excitement, may be his problem was going to be solved after all. He didn't need Sasuke to help him pay his college tuition… He can handle it without Teme.

"Yes, Naruto. I can never say 'no' to sexy boys like you. It is my weakness, I guess. Anyway, the money is here… the rest depends; are you willing to do what it takes?" "What do you mean?"

"I mean nothing is free Naruto… what are you willing to give me in exchange for the money?" The man's grin was a dark one; full of evil and wickedness.

Naruto suddenly jumped up, "I will pay you back every single penny, believe it".

The man chuckled, "I believe you Naruto. But you see, that is not the kind of payment I expect".

"What do you mean?" Yes, Naruto wasn't very bright.

"Mick, why don't you escorthim to the other room? I will be right there after you."

Mick, a very terrifying man, suddenly heaved Naruto from his upper arm and started dragging him towards the other room. The man's grip was so tight, later Naruto notice the palm imprint tainting his arm with red… then black and blue.

"Hey, don't drag me like that! Hey man, watch it!" Naruto threw a fist, but the man was too strong to over come. Even if he was to take down the man, six other man plus Mizuki would definitely win over him.

"Mizuki-san, what going on?" "ahh, Naruto, such a naïve, raw little boy. It makes breaking you so much more… pleasurable and entertaining," Mizuki smirked.

Soon Naruto was thrown onto a room with cameras and recoding equipment positioned around a queen sized bed. Two of the men started stripping while the other two pinned him down. John soon entered and started turning on one of the cameras, "Don't tie him down yet, we want to tape him struggling first".


"Sakura, do you know where Naruto is?" Sasuke asked the pink haired girl. Although she wasn't his favorite person alive, she was the one who always knew where Naruto was for some reason.

"He left with Mizuki sensei… he said something about showing you how he can be perfectly fine without your help… You know, the usual track Naruto repeats," Sakura boiled inside. Naruto was her friend, but why did Sasuke always have to ask about him. Can't he just talk to her once, for her sake?

"He is probably doing something stupid and reckless as usual"

"Sasuke, why don't you forget about Naruto and…mmm… go with me to the movies?" The raven all at once started glaring at her. He hated when someone asked him out although she was sure to be turned down. Do I look interested, ugly?

"I will going now. If you find him, tell him to call me," Sasuke had already come up with the money. His relationship with his brother had been effy… now, that he knows his brother has non-brother-like feelings for him. He loved his brother, but not in this sort of way so the confession really affected their relationship. Even worse, their relationship had never really been an intimate one, it was more of rivalry. Anyway, he managed to suck up his ego for Naruto's sake and asked his brother for the money.


"Let me go you f**king Bastards! I will rip your dicks off, if you try to touch me… Get your hands off of me, dick heads." Naruto's hand fluttered and swung everywhere hitting one of the men straight on the nose.

"You Bitch, you think you can get away with this," the man slapped Naruto hard and strong. Naruto almost blacked out, but surly the slap made him lose his balance. He fell on the pillows beneath him, head spinning. The man's hand felt more like a metal shovel than a human hand. Now, the boy's dazed condition made the men's job so much effortless.

The cameras were rolling. Three of the four men pinned him down, as the most brutal one tore crying blonde's clothes off revealing a honey colored tanned skin. Soon he was completely nude, legs spread wide open by the men's hands. The director, John, zoomed one of the cameras to capture every inch of Naruto's unused skin.

XXXXXX Scene edited out XXXXXXX

HE DIDN'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE! It was all gone anyway… he has already been taken anyway… they didn't leave anything for him… for his future lover… his was empty, used, damaged.

He drained into his thoughts until it all ended. His clothes were thrown at his face, and were some one hundred dollar bills.

"You can go now, boy. And remember this, if you ever even consider calling the police, this exclusive video will become very very public. I am sure your Sasuke would love to have his own copy."


Naruto dragged his legs down the stairs, and into the street. He walked towards Sasuke's home but collapsed and fainted half way through.

"Naruto, what happened?" Sasuke and Sakura quickly invaded Naruto's hospital room. They found someone who looked like Naruto… but it wasn't him. This boy was drained and not shinny and energetic. Dull blue eyes, instead of bright sea ones.

"Nothing guys, just a fight"

"Doctor what happened?" Sakura shouted out as soon as the entering doctor was put to her attention.

"His condition stabilized now, some bruises and scratches but nothing too serious. Can you please let me have a moment with the patient"

"I am not leaving until I know who did that to him," Sasuke insisted.

"I will have a talk with him, and then you can ask him whatever you want. Would you leave now please? I need to finish the check up, its for your friend's best interest," they couldn't argue with that.

"Naruto, right?"

"Yeah," he whispered almost inaudible.

"The physical examination showed tearing in your-"

"I know," Naruto interrupted. He didn't need to hear anything about what happened ever again.

"The hospital was obligated by law to run a rape kit test because of the condition you were admitted in"

"and it's positive"

"Under the law, I have to report it to the police"

"Please don't, I don't need to go throw this again… I just want to forget," Naruto buried his face into his hand to cover the streaming tears.

"I understand. I am sorry but-"

"I will say it was consentual… I will say I just like it tough… so you wont gain anything for reporting it, so don't… please!" Naruto snapped, he didn't want his shame to be publicized.

"Naruto, the level of force used and the angle of penetration all show without doubt that it was rape… the test is decisive"

"I don't want to press charges"

"This is criminal so…"

"Do you just enjoy the suffering of others!" he knew it wasn't the doctors fault, the man was just doing his job, but he wanted to just let out some of what was bottling up inside of him, "Geez, man, cant you go easy on me! I just had the most horrible day in my life-"

"Tell you what, how about I let you talk with your friends-"

"Don't tell them"

"I can't tell them under the doctor/patient confidentiality agreement, so don't worry… but I would recommend if you have someone with you during the next hours. I will send a case working as soon as possible"

"Are you still going to report it?"

"I have too"

"They said if I report it, they are going to publish the tape. My parents are dead and I live with my grand pa. The man is old, it would kill him… he is the only one I have. Please let me have some dignity, please! I will go to a shrink I swear I will so don't worry! please"

The doctor understood what Naruto is saying but…

"Naruto, If you don't report it, you will be throwing you right away. Not only that, but what if they do it to someone else?" the doctor was busy, but he knew patients which such trauma shouldn't be pushed to their limits.

"Well for me, I would like to forget about it. And I think I have the right to be selfish after what I have passed through".

"Tell you what; I have a friend who is a cop. I will call him over and he can explain to you what is going to happen exactly in the investigation. If you don't feel comfortable reporting afterwards I won't do it, okay?"

"Thanks Dr… Umino Iruka" Naruto read the doctor tag.

As soon as the doctor left, the friends stormed in.

"Naruto are you okay? You don't look okay?" Sakura was almost in tears.

"Naruto, tell us what happened?" that was Sasuke.

Naruto looked at the man he spent the horrible experience thinking about. It took his all will and strength to fake a smile, "Don't worry about me guys! I am perfectly fine. Some thugs through that can get the best of me, but Uzumaki kick their asses!"

"Naruto, you idiot, why didn't you just give them the money instead of fight!"

"You see Sakura! The man is gotta fight for his - pride," he almost choked on the word.

"The bastards! Do you remember their faces? Did you file a report yet?" serious words that only Sasuke could think of in such a situation.

"Their will be a policeman coming soon," no reason to hide, they will notice the cop when he comes anyway.

"Don't worry, Naruto, I will hold your hand as you tell him what happened." Sakura showed her support. Sakura was a good friend, wasn't she?

"Sasuke, can you go call grand pa. Tell him I will be sleeping over at you house for a few days for some reason… He is probably worried sick, and he doesn't need to know about every fight I get into."

"Fine, I will be back in a second. Sakura, stay with him".

Sasuke quickly made it to the nurses' desk. He asked to make a call, and didn't receive an answer from the busy nurses. He figured they wouldn't mind, so he slipped in through the open door to make the call.

He picked up the phone and started dialing the number when some patients' charts lying out absurdly caught his eye. What a shitty hospital, shouldn't they keep the documents safe? Right then it hit him, he though that may be if he read Naruto's chart he could feel less concerned.

He shuffled through the pile until he noticed Naruto's name. He started skimming the chart. Everything was normal; the chart said a bit about the meds Naruto was on, and some stuff like no internal bleeding, temperature… Up until he read one sentence that shook his world, "rape test +ve".

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