A/N: I haven't got much to say in this chapter. I'd just like to thank all of the readers who have persevered through all the late chapter updates and well for just reading it in general. I'd also like to thank Allyvic1994 and Unnz4 for helping me through the story. They were like mentors to me as well as my best friends. Check out their work!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!!!

Chapter Twenty-Four – Force of Elements

Zoey's PV

I needed to find where we were.

I could sense Lissa and Rose near me.

Goddess, please save us. I prayed.

A light breeze blew in my face, caressing it lightly.

Be calm child. I won't let anyone hurt you. You have the power of the elements. The voice of the Goddess whispered through my mind.

The Elements

Nyx was right.

I was gagged so I couldn't talk. Well that sucks.


Wind I call you to me. I thought strongly.

I felt the feel of a soft breeze against me.

I could still harness the elements.

Please bring my friends to where we are. Tell them we are alive. Please. I felt the calming presence of the wind disappear and hopefully the message would reach the others.


Stevie Rae's PV

We all got together. Guardian Belikov has told us we only had an hour to find them. We were as dead as a turkey during thanksgiving.

"Nerd Herd and others. We need to work out where the others are. Do you have any idea where they could be." Aphrodite was looking on edge.

I think she was hiding something from us. Maybe something about her vision.

Suddenly Damien jumped sky high, clutching his heart.

"What is it? Erik asked.

He was looking worried. I think he wanted to find Zoey.

"I know where they are. Wind told me." he said in a scared voice.

Erin giggled.

"I wondered what I could smell." She joked fanning the air around her face.

Damien glared at her.

"I meant my element." He rolled his eyes.

Then I felt it. It was a faint tingle within my body.

Crap! I was dying. I thought sadly.

Child that is merely you're element whispering inside you. Use it to find the Chosen One. A voice whispered to me.

Nyx? I thought.

I only got a feeling of love within me but it only lasted a second. Nyx had spoken to me.

That feeling inside of me was my relationship to the Earth element. It was helping me to find Zoey!

"Ya'll Damien is right. I felt it too and Nyx told me it will help us to find Zoey if we look into our elements." I called out to the group.

"We should cast a circle." Aphrodite agreed.

"Uh not to sound pessimistic or something but we don't have Zoey with us to call on the elements or to welcome spirit." Shaunee pointed out.

"We just need to have hope that Zoey will be able to get free and call the circle." Grandma said.

"Or…" Mason started.

We all looked at him.

"What's the set up of your circle? Couldn't you just make it around Zoey, with her in the middle? You could hide behind trees and stuff to keep away from the Strigoi." He said sheepishly.

"You are a genius." I exclaimed happily.

"Alright, well let's find them first. We're running out of time." Guardian Belikov said unfolding a map and leading us into the forest.


Damien's PV

I felt a slight gust of wind behind me, guiding me to where the others were being held captive. I hoped they were all right. Guardian Belikov was beside me, marking our progress on the map.

"How much longer?" Aphrodite complained.

I swear she if she was going to be a pain in the ass, I was going to mix-match all her clothes with Stevie Rae's.

That would teach her.

"We're nearly there." I answered.

I'm not sure how I knew this but my insides told me Nyx would guide our path.

Suddenly the wind stopped and we were left to the edge of a grove of trees, hidden within the shadows. I placed my finger over my lips at the others and we all crouched together to devise a plan. Belikov was looking around for secluded places where we could wait until Zoey cast the circle.

"We all need to hide in our places. I'll go east, Erin west, Shaunee south and Stevie Rae north." I said quickly.

"How do we know where each spot is?" Erin asked.

"Trust your element. They know where to go." Stevie Rae answered moving towards what I guessed was the north.

I centered myself and let the wind guide me to my place in the east behind a bolder. Stevie Rae was behind a massive oak tree and Erin and Shaunee were behind bushes, or in them, I couldn't tell.


Adrian's PV

As those weird Marked kids walked away like they were in a trance it left us more of less sane people behind in a small group.

"What are we doing?" The red headed Ashford Dhampir asked.

Belikov answered.

"I want us to all keep together, right here. Mason, Eddie, I want you two to protect the Moroi. I'm going to scout the area to see if I can find anything that will get us an advantage." He said before walking off.

I smirked at his disappearing back.

"So what are we going to do?" Christian asked.

"You can't use fire can't you?" I asked him.

He gave me a look that clearly stated "duh!"

Perfect, then my plan would work.

I pulled out a few bottles of strong alcohol. Mrs. Redbird looked at me with a hint of disapproval but when I didn't drink them, her look went to curiosity.

I hope they appreciated the price I paid for them. I thought.

The others looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Haven't you guys ever made a cocktail bomb?" I asked.

It finally dawned on them.

God these guys were daft.

"You want me to light them on fire and throw them at the Strigoi if we have to make a diversion." Christian said.

Yes definitely daft.

I didn't even bother to answer so they took it as a yes.

Time to cast the circle. Whatever that meant.


Neferet's PV

It was time. Everything had gone according to plan.

I had Rose, Lissa and Zoey all sitting against a large boulder, not far from one another. They were all tied up.

I went over and undid all of the blindfolds and gags.

"What the hell!" Zoey gasped as she saw my face.

"Don't worry, you're just the audience." I smirked at her.

"You fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you once you let me out of these fucking bonds." Rose was much more vocal about her feelings towards being tied up.

Vasilisa just keep quiet. Until I approached her.

She bit me. The bitch bit me. I went to undo her blindfold and she sunk her fucking fangs into me. I yelped and jumped away with the blindfold in hand.

"Yeah take that bitch!" I heard Rose cheer.

Fury welled within me and I slapped the Princess across the cheek.

She didn't even flinch, and it didn't help with Rose being quiet either. She was screaming obscenities at me.

Oh well time to prepare.


Zoey's PV


She was behind this all.

I hope…well I knew Nyx wouldn't hurt her, I mean she is a kind goddess.

It is good my child, that you have faith in me that has left Neferet. A beautiful voice floated through my mind.

I will always have faith in your plans Nyx. I answered.

I needed to work out what I was going to do.

I felt a gust of wind rush over to me from behind a boulder. Then I felt the warmth of a flame flickering against my skin. The smell of salt water and crashing waves echoed in my eyes but was whisked away with the smell of fresh hay and cherry blossom.

They're here! I thought happily.

I realized that they must be circled around me.

Oh my Goddess!

We were going to cast a circle.

Trust yourself Chosen One. You will know the time. Nyx whispered to me.

I sure hope I did.

Neferet pulled out a small, sharp looking curved dagger. It gleamed in the moonlight. The hilt was made from gold; it looked like where, as the blade was the shiniest silver I had seen.

Uh oh!

She walked over to Rose and grabbed her by she shoulders to make her stand.

"You sssaid we would get our prize." A cruel voice hissed.

"Grab her but do not awaken her until I say so." Neferet snapped, clearly annoyed.

A tall bulky man stepped into the clearing. He was pale white and had scary red eyes.

Oh my! He was Strigoi.

He lifted Lissa to her feet kicking and thrashing funnily enough and held her against his body with her hair swept back over one shoulder so he would be able to finish her quickly.

"Let her go you motherfucker! I'm going to come over there and stab you through the heart you-" and Rose had started up with the swearing again.

"Do not worry Hathaway, you shan't be left out. I'll awaken you in due time." The Strigoi hissed at her.

Now my child. Nyx whispered to me.

"You help us with blowing away our troubles and keeping this a fresh! I call you, Air to the circle!" I called out feeling the rush of air billow in my face.

Neferet's face went to shock.

"Stop this now!" she screamed at me.

"From the south I call Fire, you help cleanse the earth and bring new life within your flames. Come to the circle Fire!" I yelled, feeling the warmth of a lit fire near me.

I could make out some glowing in some bushes in the south. Shaunee must be hidden there.

"You will stop this now!" Neferet raised the dagger dangerously.

Have faith Chosen One. Nyx urged.

"Water! From the west I call you to wash away all this darkness. Come to the circle!"

The sound of ocean waves rang in my ears.

Neferet didn't say anything.

She was chanting softly under her breath.

"Earth, beginning of us all, creator of life! I call you to this circle to bring anew this place."

The soft feeling of grass beneath my feet and the smell of hay reached my nose.

One more left.

"Joining us all as one! Help us work together to destroy evil. I call to the circle, Spirit!"

Bright lines joined us all, the deep sapphire blue of our Marks, making the circle complete and whole.

The others jumped up from their hiding places but stayed in their spots grinning happily at me.

"You will leave now or I shall kill the Princess." The Strigoi threatened.

Neferet was still chanting and looked as if she were in a trance.

"You will leave her!" A deep Russian voice demanded.

This made the Strigoi jump and he leaned lower to Lissa's neck.

Lissa tried to pull away. She was fighting against her bonds and her captor.

Guardian Belikov came into view holding a silver stake.

There was some yelling behind a large tree and a group of boys with Grandma came rushing in. Christian had flames covering him up to his arms and Adrian had a bottle of alcohol ready to throw in his hand.

I felt relief at seeing Grandma, but a little scared of how fierce she looked.

Then I noticed they were all on the outsides of the circle.

They couldn't get in.

"I allow these people to enter the circle." I said, and as if a veil was raised they were allowed to approach us closer.

"Let her go you bastard!" Christian roared at the Strigoi.

"Ah Ozera. Good to see you again. You shall make a promising Strigoi." It growled back.

"Bite me you bastard." He yelled back taunting.

"I shall look forward to it."

These guys were pure evil. Suddenly there was a whooshing sound and the Strigoi cried out in pain, throwing Lissa to the ground, not far from me. The Strigoi fell to the ground, lifeless.

I looked up behind Dimitri where the silhouette of a person could be made out.

It went dead quiet.

Nobody moved.

There wasn't even the sound of breathing.

"I release you from your earthy prison to walk the world of Mortals once again with the blood of the living dead!" Neferet screamed suddenly and all hell broke loose.

Dimitri lunged for her, cocktail bombs were being thrown to the ground as more Strigoi flew into the scenery but luckily they couldn't get inside the circle.

Suddenly an ear-piercing scream flew into the sky.


Neferet had plunged the knife down her arm and blood flowed freely from the wound.

As soon as her blood hit the ground, the earth shook like an earthquake.

The End.

A/N: There will be a sequel so stick around.

Please review! The green buttons is craving company.

Thanks for reading!
