Sorry if the last one was a bummer, so chapter 2 will hopefully be better! Hope you like it and thanks to by best friend for helping me on chapter 1. Thanks to Lydialovele the advice was grate thanks!

Disclaimer: I'm not the amazing SM and I didn't write the book which I worship, TWILIGHT!!!

"Dad I'm sorry that I'm late I..."

"Was too busy snogging that lousy guy!" he looked like he could explode.

"Dad please don't, please..." That's when he hit me. His fist crashed into my face, I saw my life through my dad's eyes. I was the worthless little piece of junk he was stuck with. Just touching his hand felt like a punch. "I'm sorry." I was on the floor, with my hands above my head, like they were going to protect me.

"You should be." The kick hit my torso with a dull thud. I bent over in pain and curled up so he might feel like he had done enough for one night. He walked into the kitchen, laughing like I said the funniest joke ever. I got up holding my stomach, hoping that I wouldn't scream out loud. I tripped up the stairs and into my room. I collapsed onto my bed. I could already feel the bruise on my head. I didn't want to go to the kitchen to get pain killers, because Charlie was down there. Tonight I got off lightly, I was lucky Charlie wasn't drunk, because he would beat me to an inch of my life! I just lay there for about one 1 hour, thinking of nothing really, just dreaming. I got started with my homework or I thought it would never be done, and I thought about Jake. How he liked it when I held him tight on his bike, how he left his hands on my hips and how close we were when Charlie saw us. Jake was so warm like there was an oven inside him on full blast, so he was literally hot. His hands weren't sweaty like most boys, they were soft and gentle. I had to stop myself dreaming and do my homework. But Jacob was still in my mind until I fell to sleep.

The next day I woke up at six, so I could put make up on my new bruises and get out the house before Charlie got up. I had a shower and put make up on and got ready for school. I heard Charlie cough from his room; I stopped brushing my hair and ran out the house. I was going to be early for school so I walked slowly and thought about life and how fragile it is. I took my iPod out and turned the music up as loud as it could go to push my sorrows out of my mind. The school gates were open but no one was in, so I sat on the pavement singing along to Paramore. That day was a normal day class after class. Doing the same thing that we did last week. I couldn't wait till the end of the day when me and Jake were alone together. Visions came into my mind all day about what was going to happen. With me and Jake. He was so dreamy even though we only really met yesterday and we weren't together or anything we just nearly kissed. We weren't going to be anything. So I should stop dreaming about his perfect blue eyes and his deep husky voice. I was standing by my locker trying, and failing, to stop thinking about Jacob. When he came up behind me, "hi Bella" I turned round slowly hoping that he wouldn't see the smile spreading across my face.

"hey, you know last night..." I had no idea what I was saying.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For kissing you" I laughed

"You didn't kiss me we just... nearly kissed" I tried not to smile.

"Was your Dad pissed?"

"You could say that" Don't give anything away!

"There is something about you. It's like I can't stay away." He ended with a whisper like he was afraid to say it. Afraid that I wouldn't like him or something weird like that. My hart skipped a beat; he wanted to be with me. He moved closer, I wanted to put my hand on his face. His face was so close, but he was moving slowly like he expected me to move away from him. He smiled when I let him come distance of my lips. "Thanks"

"For what?"

"Letting me do this..." he kissed me softly. It was like his lips were on fire, and I didn't want to pull away, but to didn't want to look desperate. He pulled away and put his forehead on mine. He just breathed loudly like he was resizing something. "What do you want to do? We could catch a movie of just get a pizza and head back to my place or..."

"Pizza would be cool" his voice was deep and husky and so sexy. I wanted to kiss him again. "First I think we should get out of the school." He laughed

"Come on then!" His hand slid into mine as soon as we started to walk away from my locker. Ok. Now maybe I could think of bigger things for me and Jacob. "I feel like I've known you forever."

Jacob pov

Bella got into my old red truck. I thought that she would pull a face and say that she wouldn't be seen in that thing in her life. Luckily she loved it. She was about the only girl that would have liked my truck. All the way back to my house she was laughing at all my terrible jokes. She was perfect. She wanted to do things with her life, go to university and then get a job as an engineer. Bella was deep and nothing like the other girls at school. When I pulled into my drive way we were laughing so hard I could have cried. Bella was so easy to talk to. It was raining so I got out and was about to go round to Bella's door. She had stepped out the truck but into a massive puddle. She was trying to tiptoe to the other side. I was going to come and save her from the muddy water.

"I think that I can manage" she said putting her hand out to stop me coming to help. Her arms were out like she was on a type rope. But she slipped on a rock and landed on her bum. I walked into the puddle and picked her up. Princes' stile. I chuckling to myself

"You ok?"

"yher I think so" she put her arms round my neck so she wouldn't fall. "That was so embarrassing!" We got inside and I took her to my room and layer her on my bed "... but I'll get it dirty"

"Your fine, I'll get some of my sisters cloths that you can were for the rest of the night"

"Thanks Jake but you don't have to..." I all ready headed out the room and into Rosilys room she would kill me for this but I liked Bella. I like liked Bella if that made any sense. I got some jeans but I couldn't find any tops. Crud!! If I went in with just jeans it would give the wrong impression to Bella. Arrrrrrrr! Ok I could give her one of my tops? Would that be wird? O well ill tell her to borrow one of mine.

"Hi I couldn't find a t-shirt so you can have one of mine. Would that be ok?"

"That's fine Jake, seriously!" I gave her the jeans and I fished a clean top out of one of my draws.

"There you go." Silence. Awkward! "I'll go you get changed"

"Yep thanks again" She smiled and that made me smile. I realized I was still in the room and promptly walked out.

Hi guys thanks for reading I'm running out of ideas and its chapter2. So can you review and give me some ideas please. Edward is coming into it so don't worry!!! Thanks to all the people who have reviewed xxx.