So when I saw the section for CCS on FF I just immediately decided the story I had been playing around with in my head would be a story instead of a comic since my comics suck XD

Couples are Casper x Mantha, Ra x Harpie, and slight Mantha x Thatch and Slither x Dummy Girl.

Oc's will also appear

Some other might appear as this goes on :P

So this is just a prologue of basically how things have changed at scare school over the years.

That and I hope all those Thatch fans won't kill me for this.

Broken Stiletto

By: StarUchiha


Casper POV

If you were to walk through the doors of Scare School at this very moment, you wouldn't notice many differences. The halls were still draped with the same moulding curtains, the floors garnished in the same scarlet carpet with the millions of stains, the classrooms still furnished to the brim with rotting desks.

But things have changed; the people have changed in good and bad ways. I like to think I haven't changed that much, scaring people still isn't appealing. But I have mastered materializing. When ghosts are younger they don't have much control over when they materialize (become a solid to open doors and such), which is why in ghost populated towns it's not uncommon to see baby ghosts randomly floating by. Though since I hit puberty like all ghosts its like snap, we get complete control over out materializing powers.

Actually it being our grade 10 year, every one of us has hit puberty the way each species is meant too.

Relationships have also changed over years. I'm still best friends with Mantha and Ra, not to mention Jimmy.

Every since that day at the Winter Chill, I noticed Ra's eyes constantly glazing over when ever Harpie sat beside him. It only worsened when they both hit puberty and Ra's hormones went crazy while Harpie started talking.

Ra started "saying" things in his sleep, and it became pretty distracting for me and Mantha. Luckily he finally gained the guts to ask her out and they've been going at it ever since.

The same really for Slither and Dummy Girl, which all ended up with ultimately Mantha sleeping in my room along with Ra at least three times a week.

I guess I don't mention the maximum capacity of the rooms now then? When Scare School students hit grade 9 they all move into the high school dorms at the other side of the campus. In other words we all got split up into dorms with rooms that can only hold two people each. I was lucky enough to bunk with Ra, but Mantha got stuck with Dummy Girl.

Like I said before it seemed like the farther and farther Slither and Dummy Girl went with each other the more and more she would show up at my room with pyjamas slung over her shoulder, and an extra pillow in her hand.

"Dummy Girl and Slither and fucking the hell out of each other again."

And once again puberty hit everyone in many other ways as well.

Ra and Mantha both let their hair grow out, Ra's reached down to his shoulders while Mantha's came closer to her lower back. Ra still followed the latest fashion trends coming out of Egypt which at the moment included a high waist tunic, with a gold neck brace, and a pair of silk laced boots. Though he never gave up on his knit hat.

Mantha on the other hand never kicked her habit of large shirts and baggy ripped up jeans. The only thing she changed was her sneakers to a pair of pair of 3 inch heels just to keep up with everyone else's height gain. Not that she was short, oh not, it was more the opposite, but with every girl (but Harpie) feeling shorter around her, they all started wearing the tallest heels they could find. Mantha just followed suit so she wouldn't feel like the short one on the other end of the rope.

In other news after spending so many years hanging around creatures instead of regular fleshies, Jimmy somewhere along the way decided to set himself apart. He dyed the tips of his hair neon blue, got his eye brow and tounge pierced. Eyeliner circled his eyes and black nail polish grabbed his finger and toe nails. Tight leather became his wardrobes over whelming feature.

He was still the same old Jimmy, just dressed very differently. Unless you've seen it, you'll never under stand how different a person can look with thick eye liner.

Other than the fact were all growing up things are still really the same.

Thatch is still a Jerk.

Moss head will still follow him to the edge of the world with empty promises.

Wolfy still gets fleas every so often.

Mickey and Monoko still lose their make-up everywhere in the school.

Ra still speaks before he thinks.

Guess it just shows that some things will never change.


Okay so that's my prologue sorry if it sucked, I just wanted for you guys (if any one is reading this XD) to get a feel for how everything has changed for hasn't changed in Scare School.

R and R please!

And no mean comments either